New allies

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No, repress your emotions. Do it as much as you can. You can't let your hate constantly flow, only when it becomes too great. Why did I show my fear of myself to Nick? I've got to appear strong and resilient like always. No, I should let him know. He deserves to as he is my boyfriend right? He would bettered for me and he did comfort me. No he did it out of fear. Did he? I don't know what to do anymore. What even are my emotions anymore? Don't, do, yes, no, maybe, I don't know, yes I know! What am I....what? Who? Huh? I'm am so confused and conflicted about my emotions. What should I feel? What shouldn't I feel? How am I supposed to deal with external conflict if I can't even handle internal conflict? Maybe I'll just move on and stop thinking, afraid of where it'll go if I continue. Getting out of bed and getting dressed was your next priority but something made you stay. The fact Nick was on top of you and smiling was this something.

"What're you doing?"

"Trying to have fun."

"Sorry but not now, just not feeling that."

"What? That's crazy talk."

"I'm sorry but I have a lot to think about and I'm actually scared for once."

"You? Scared? Do those words belong in the same sentence? We talking about the same person here?"

"Nick, I'm scared of myself. I feel I might be going insane. I just argued with myself about whether or not to open up to you, whether or not to repress my real emotions, I don't know what to do or what is happening anymore. I'm scared I am truly insane and might hurt you or my friends."

"You don't seem insane to me! And everyone has doubt and self doubt like that's it's normal."

"I don't know. I mean look what happens when I'm really angry, I kill everything. I'm not completely normal either."

"Of course you aren't normal and that is why I love you, for being Y/N."

"I don't mean that way, I mean my body isn't normal. I have strength exceeding that of elephants and rhinos, agility beating monkeys and (whatever else is really agile.), speed leaving cheetahs in the dust, I think I'm super animal (can't say human so go with it please). That is why I beat those super villains. I may not have powers but my actual body is many times stronger than they are. They may be able to conjure stuff, use lighting and other elements but can they run 90mph? Can they lift 4 tons? Can they disarm people with only their fingers? Can they jump like a flea? Can they see like an eagle? They have powers but that can't stop literal force,I actually beat them because of that. When I punched that wolf I went through pure stone and still smashed his face and sent him flying at a high velocity. His lightning just lets him teleport and shoot electricity, that is useless compared to being able to liquefy organs using punches and kicks. It do sent matter what they do I'll beat them, kind of sad to think about. My body is also more resilient to damage as remember how when Fluffy arrived it created an explosion? Well I still managed to stand up and walk it off. Who can say that? Yeah, no one. Who can claim as many scars as I can? No one as they would've died from most of them. Nick, your in love with a super animal, how does that feel?"

"Feels really awesome knowing that can literally claim I have the best boyfriend in the world. He has a great personality and body! Smooth moves with speech and knows what's going on in the bed~."

"Okay, but I am mentally unstable, psycho and going mad."

"You won't go mad, as long as you've got me! And mental instability is something we can get through together. You aren't psycho either, just can get that way when people hurt your friends and family."

"Nick I'm going to be honest here, I've done it too much. I've killed too many times. I have lost the true feeling of life and the respect for it. I take it away as easily as a jerk steaks from a baby. People are like wheat while I'm the harvester, they the field and I the scythe. Oh shit!" The bolt of lightening that flew at the window had surprised you. You scrambled out of the room head first and everyone looked at you, sadly your shorts had fallen down during the tangling of the pile you and Nick now were. You took note of how there were still two Fluffy's so that you hadn't hallucinated that. You didn't care about how everyone stared at your dick either but rather worried about the piece of stone hurtling at the wall.

What a Charmer. Nick Wilde x Male wolf reader! (Discontinued!)Where stories live. Discover now