The Best Plan

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Why did I agree to this again? Thought Nick as he was sitting at the table waiting for you. Why do I always get into these things? These stupid ideas happen a lot more frequently since I met Judy. Now I'm on a date with a fucking criminal! I think I'm losing my mind now. I need some wine or something. Then you show up and his thoughts melt, his body turning to jelly and his reactions slur just at the sight of you. Just think of when he hears your voice. That's if you don't bolt once you realize it's him. Oh shit he probably has a big gun on him. This makes Nick a little less woozy as he realizes it shit may hit the fan, and when it does the fan turns into a flying decapitater.

Your POV
A friend of yours who had once been a getaway driver, even though he was a sloth and had an ironic name, had set up a date for you. At first you laughed, thinking it was one of his jokes. His jokes always came with a smile but you had noticed this one hadn't. He was serious, and now you might owe him yet another favor if this went well. You always went with something. This time a full auto Glock because you felt some formality was required. Huh that new suit was a good thing to get. You really didn't have a preference to gender. (I'm saying this because you know... it's a male reader x male character story.) You arrived at a fancy restaurant that you had told flash to tell the other person to meet you at. You wondered who they could be. You arrived and saw the person who was your date. The first thing you noticed was the orange fur,the second was it was a he,the third was that it was a fox. The last thing you noticed is that it was that cop that was following you. Aw fuck you flash, is this because that joke I played on you with Camron? You sat down while looking around nervously. You notice him staring at you....almost dreamily. The hell? Is this guy tripping? Wait he's a cop so that's a no. Hmmm let's mess with him to see what happens. "So,how was your day?"you ask casually since you want to start slow and need to be in the middle of the conversation for it to start. "Uhhhm pretty good, a little weird but otherwise yeah." You could tell he knew something but what? "So what do ya do,ya know, for a job?" I uhh, am a detective ya know? You remember that night howler thing? Ya I helped with that." You shuddered when he said night howler. You remember the looks,the muzzles,the hate. It was got you to being a criminal in the first place. "Really no Way!" you try to sound like you want to hear about it but it will bring memories back that you would rather keep down. He starts to recite his adventure like a proud war veteran. Sadly you have met too many of those war veterans, heard things that should remain untold, taught things only to use in dire circumstances,how to make makeshift explosives and weapons. It's what happens when your dad is one and takes you ,as a young lad, to his veteran meets. You eventually get angrier and angrier to where it shows a little. The fox, Nick wasn't it?, sees this and asks you about it. You play it off and tell him someone had said something earlier that still had you a little mad. He appears to accept it and continues his story but you still get angrier, even pissing yourself off just which just gets you frustrated with yourself. The fork,factory stainless steel painted silver, behinds to bend, he notices this and stops. "You okay?" "Yeah it's nothing,just can't let go of it you know?" "Yeah I understand." You decide to focus on something else. It doesn't work. "Hey want to come with me somewhere?" He looks at you dead in the eyes, you realize he is afraid and tell him "don't worry it's to help me blow off steam and keep me fit." He hesitates then agrees. You tell him your name on the way there, your mind forgetting he is a cop. You arrive at a small sized building, it's where your father took you to train you some and to build your sculpted body. It's a gym,almost. If a gym had all its equipment plus weapons, a firing range, targets, and combat dummies then yeah, it was a gym. He looks around and seems surprised at it. You tell him you can use whatever he wanted to. You start on the punching bag. The bag looks a little ruff, mostly from all the stitches where you had punched so hard it had broke open or gotten cut from being knocked off its hook. You start a little slow and work your way up in speed. Your punches begin flying by faster than ever before. It's the anger fueling you. You stop it and practice your hand to hand combat on a dummie. You don't use some of the secret moves you've been taught but still use some advanced techniques. The dummy begins to bleed it's ooze on the inside, it's mellow bones breaking. You move on to the next one, switching out melee weapons and dummies from how much anger you have. You move on to the firing range, take a CZ 805 Bren and fire it full auto. The spent shell casings tinkling on the ground, the smoke filling your nose, your ears slightly raining from the echo. These sights,sounds and smells calm you down and you walk next to the officer who hasn't done anything at all but stare at you, in awe or terror you didn't know. What a interesting date for him and me. You say "it's your turn now," and walk away taking a seat to see what he does. He looks at you for a minute then takes a knife and tries to repeat some of what you did. He fails miserably, he doesn't have the strength,skills or training you do so you give him credit for what he did. You walk over to him and help guide him in the movements as he doesn't know the flow required for it. He may actually learn a thing or two during this. He blushes a bit but you don't take mind to it.

Nick Wilde POV
When he told me it was my turn I didn't know exactly what to do. I just tried to repeat what he had done. It didn't work so well. He walked over to me and held my wrist, guiding my arm and hand through the motions. I blushed a bit as his muscular body was close as was his face, his h/c fur only having a little sweat. This is the most interesting day of my life, just like this wolf is. F/N is so weird and has his quirks but they are deeper than I think. He does these things for a reason and I want to know why, not only for the ZPD but for my own curiousness as well. At least I will have a huge story for Judy and Bogo. I ask him to let me on to his range. He lets go of me and pushes me in the direction of it. It was li,e a dad and his son. Or a boyfriend and a girlfriend, one trying to get the other to try something. Aw shit, now I made it look all weird. Why did I do that? God I hate myself sometimes. I pick up a SCAR L as the H looks too big for me. When I fire it wobbles everywhere due to me not expecting the recoil it still had,F/N helps me with it though. Wow,he really wants to help me succeed. Maybe he's not so bad? Now wait, is that my brain or my heart speaking? Whatever I'll let myself be live it. I ask,"could we go out for a bit,it's a little stuffy in here." "Sure, I'll run for a bit though" "Ok" "If you want to talk then I'll stop,but only for you~" He said that last part seductively and his smooth voice plays my heart like a harp. I follow him out and watch him run for a while, nonstop in fact. He offers me to join him and I do for a while but his stamina exceeds mine. He stops and walks over to me. He falls down all of a sudden and lands atop of em in a rather.... sexy position. His hands are just above my shoulders , his face close to mine, his heaving chest a mere inch from me. I tentatively reach under his shirt and explore his torso, my fingers feeling every scar,muscle and every drop of sweat. He takes a hand and feels around my chest, I have never blushed so bad or so much in my life as I did just then. He picks me up and I yelp in surprise. I can see his smirk from my perch in his muscled arms. He carries me bridal sale to his car and drives back to the restaurant and puts me in my car. He asks for my number and I give it to him, he also give me his. I drive back to Judy's apartment as we are roommates. When I come inside she immediately runs to me looking for someone. I look at her confused. "Where's tour boyfriennnddd~?" "At his apartment." "Did it go well in both departments?" Uhh yes it did. I actually had a nice time and got his name, number and a certain other place he uses for fitness." "Tell me everything." I recite to her my story and her eyes widen at the facility part. She looks shocked when I told her about his skills and of how he helped me learn them a bit. I even told her about our little encounter. She squealed when I did, saying how I was becoming close to him and about how he might like me as well. I blow it off and tell her he probably doesn't. I also say to her how it would be hard for a criminal and officer to be dating. After a while longer we both go to sleep and I ready myself for the report Bogo wants. When I enter his office he has me sit down and assess him. I tell him he is VERY dangerous and has anger issues. I also tell him about how strong and fit he is. He looks sunrises when I tell him about his techniques and skill. "We have a big problem here Wilde, think you and Judy can take him? "Sir, I don't know if half our military could take him. He looks very worried now and looks me dead in the eye. "If anyone can do it, it's you and Judy. Get it done without losing your lives. No matter how long just get him behind bars for his crimes." I walk out of the office deathly pale and scared. Animals who had eavesdropped looked white as a ghost and wished me luck. I go to me and Judy's shared apartment and tell her our new assignment. She doesn't look good once I tell her it. Before I left I asked for a special swat team to be on call if I needed it. He agreed and made it so. I really did not want to arrest him as he seemed like a nice guy. A little psychotic but still nice, I call him and ask to hang at his place, I hear silence the he breathes out a yeah. I tell Judy about a hotel across the street she can use to watch his room, one that I had used at the beginning of all this. I go through my day and go to sleep thinking about my big day.

I won't be able to post for two to three days so sorry. Hope you enjoyed and follow,upvote and tell your friends and fellow community members about this story but until then bye bye fellas!

What a Charmer. Nick Wilde x Male wolf reader! (Discontinued!)Where stories live. Discover now