Just a Partol

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You wake up from the nightmare about Nick getting shot again, as well as the torture and the ocean of faces. They never stopped and you didn't move, for fear of waking the others. You notice that someone else is awake though, Fluffy. You blow it off and just try to get back to sleep, wanting to ask in the morning.

You wake up and stretch out but it hurts your burned back so you stop and instead move about. It helps out with some of the pain and you feel a bit better afterwards. The everyone else was still asleep so you thought to get dressed and be ready for policing today. Hopefully I get patrol, wouldn't that be fun. Maybe I'll stop some criminal from stealing an old lady's handbag or something. Why do I always assume that something bad will happen? Maybe I need to change my perspective now. The uniform is on in seconds and you are ready for your day, how ever good or bad it might be. You go out of the bathroom from where you changed to see that Judy has gotten up. You head out the door to smell the aromatic scent of home cooking. You turn toward the stove seeing that Fluffy is cooking today. The others are congregating and having a nice time among themselves and with Fluffy.

"Sleep well Y/N? I know you probably didn't with the floor being cold but maybe you did?"

"Woke up from, ya know but other than that I slept good."

"Nightmare again? Which one?"

"Both of them and I've developed a new one, seeing you get shot. I do need to ask someone something though. Fluffy, why were you up?" He looks over at you for just a second, then faces his cooking again.

"Had a nightmare too so I can understand you,"

"What was yours about?"

"I don't even know you guys, sorry, but that's why I'd rather not say."

"Don't trust us? Who provided you with shelter and understanding despite not knowing you and you appearing in a big, furious explosion that severely injured one of us? Well, severely injured medical wise at least."

"Fine! Guess you are my friends now? Got to have some right? And plus, you can't be that far off from my dimensions Nick, Judy, Finnick and other people."

"Well you say they but it might be the opposite. Is chief Bogo still alive in your demension?"

"Yes, why?"

"He is dead in this one. Also I don't think you know me, I didn't see me in the random dream I had of how you got here."

"Bogo is dead? How?"

"He was killed by someone. I don't really trust you with the information of why and how as it reveals something that shouldn't be shared and I know you have a secret too, if I ever find out yours then I'll tell you mine just to be fair."

"How did you know?"

"I can tell, anyways I've got to go down to the station with Nick and Judy for my job so you'll be here with grumpy Finnick ok?"

"Actually, in my demension me and Finnick are," he blushes a bit in that cute way of his,"really really like eachother."

"That's funny! Hear that Finnick? Someone does love you!"

"You batsard! Fuck you!"

"Bet you would too! Too bad Nick beat ya to it though!"

"Really Y/N? Really?"

"What? Just messing with them," you say as you close the door and fly down the stairs. You hop in the car with them and can't stop being excited about today. It rushes by and you are already at the station, the doors to the meeting room being thrown open by you. You take a seat by, wait. Who was this guy? Instead of your normal partner it was a husky. He had a white underside with everything else being a dark grey. One of his eyes are green and the other blue, both being a deep shade of their respective color. He seemed pretty happy and cheery about something.

What a Charmer. Nick Wilde x Male wolf reader! (Discontinued!)Where stories live. Discover now