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I have been writing the last few chapters and maybe the next while I wasn't home so I hope you like them,I also had a little writers block and got really nervous all,of a sudden. I did change the classification from Romance to fan fiction so maybe it will work better as I didn't know they had that one. Oh and Polish snacks are pretty good my dudes. Especially their paprika peanuts and Caramel Pretzel sticks. If you do enjoy this don't be afraid to message me as I will always love to hear from any fans that I may have and if you have any suggestions for a chapter or criticism about them please tell me as I want to know all of your thoughts and opinions as an author should listen to their fans right? The chapters are getting longer and if they get too long tell me and btw this one is WAY longer than anything I have written. Even school papers so hope y'all enjoy my good(bad?) story.

Your POV
You had invited a cop to chill out at YOUR APARTMENT. What have I done? Last night and now this? Maybe I like him as much as he seems to like me.Shit, well I'm screwed. I'm in love with a cop and I'm a wanted criminal! Then I, in all my wisdom, invited him over! Well I will just have to go with the flow eh? Well will it just be me and him or will we be with some of mi amigos? Friends are always good to hang around so it won't be me and him, and who nows what would happen if I were all alone with him. You realize you forgot to tell Joey where you were and called him. He picked up the phone and you explained yourself to him. He listened and said it was ok and to just tell him next time as he had been worried you had been killed or something. You did invite him over and told him that he could hang around with some of your friends. He gently replied no as he was trying to lay low after the whole "incident" you had caused.You called Mark and asked if he could come but he couldn't as he was currently doing some gun running and would be for a while. You try brig and he was busy with Mark in fact. Shit, any one else? What about....Collin? The antelope was a little loopy but he still was a good friend and helper. You ring him up and he answers "who is this?"

"It's F/N Collin."
"Prove it!" This is why we call him loopy.

"Remember skag and how he was so ugly after that guy threw acid on him?"

" is you.....ok so what's up dude?"

"Just wanting to chill with a couple friends and thought of you."

"Sure I've been so bored lately. So what are we gonna do? Oh and most importantly who are we brining along? Mark? Brig? Joey? Sherlock?"
You laughed at him calling Bill sherlock. He always wore Victorian style clothing so we called him that just to mess with him. The stupid Gecko always had a knack for figuring out who done what as well which just added to the reason the call him Sherlock.

"Oh could it be the ogre Skag himself?"

"Nah, it's a guy Named Nick I've been hanging out with recently."

"Ok well I'll be over,see ya soon!"

"Yep, see ya soon." You hung up and walked over to the couch and turned some Basket Ball on and watched as your team started losing to another. What the hell? They aren't that good we should be winning! That guy didn't even breath on him and you call a foul? You get up and angrily get some stuff out. A couple liters of soda,chips n dip, a little whiskey for yourself,some beer for Collin and a little wine for Nick. You set some stuffed jalapeños in the oven and some potato logs in with them. While making some salsa someone knocks on the door. You set down the knife and leave the diced tomatoes and answer the door. Nick stands there waiting and as you open the door greets you. You step aside and tell him to sit down and relax. He does so and looks at the spread you have made and sniffs the air, obviously smelling the scent from the oven. You smile a bit and get back to the salsa. Once it's done you set it on the table and start making some home made pizza. Nick offers to help you.
"I can do it, and you are a guest so you should be relaxing while the host does whatever it is to male the guest happy."

What a Charmer. Nick Wilde x Male wolf reader! (Discontinued!)Where stories live. Discover now