Fun with Friends @ Ahmedabad!

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Jazz's Pov

We had our lunch and went to our respective rooms. She is just a perfect girl. Though she is a bit different from other girls. She doesn't want to exaggerate her looks by putting hell loads and loads of make up. She makes it simple but highly cute and also hot. Sometimes she behaves like us boys but she is a full package. My Anisha is the best. Oops! Did I just mention My Anisha no no I'm getting mad day by day. I should confess my feelings to her. I was lost in her thoughts, I did not realize when Amit came to my room and said, "Ghanty mei bajau kya?" (Can I ring the bell?)

I laughed and said, "You are insane!" He said, "What a coincidence, this morning Anisha also remarked us the same! You guys are so similar

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I laughed and said, "You are insane!" He said, "What a coincidence, this morning Anisha also remarked us the same! You guys are so similar." I said, "You and your old jokes! Haah!" Amit said, "Hey Jazz why don't you and Anisha go somewhere alone and confess her about your feelings!" I said, "Why will she agree to go out alone with me?" Amit said, "Oh that's the problem? Anish and I will convince her to go with you or we will just make up a story." I said, "She will get angry she hates lies man. But when she comes to know about me she will hate me!" He said, "Oh come on Jazz that's the reason why you need to confess her as soon as possible if she really reciprocates your love then she will understand your stand point as well. She will also love you in the way you are." I agreed to Amit and he went towards Harry's room.

Anish's Pov

We literally came here to make Jazz confess his feelings to Anisha, but this man is a way too shy. Although I don't know what Anisha feels about him, but still there is no harm to confess his feelings to Anisha. We can manage Anisha afterwards if she doesn't feel the same way about Jazz. Jazz is a good boy and I believe that he can keep my sister very very happy. Juhika Di already likes Anisha a lot. Aunty Ji still did not see her but I hope she will also like Anisha. On the other hand I'm feeling that we are just too young to take huge decisions right? Am I taking the right decision to make them two fall in love with each other? Will Jazz really keep my sister happy? Suddenly Harry and Amit entered to our room and said, "Bro! What are you thinking? Can you convince Anisha to go out alone with Jazz?" I said, "Has he decided to confess today finally?" Amit said, "We can hope, I guess!" I said, "Okay I have got an idea!  We can just go for outing altogether and then after a certain time Bhuvi bhaiya, Harry, you and me can escape ourselves and come back here and they will get a quality time together right?" Harry said, "Oh Anish! Brilliant Idea!" Harry patted my head and Amit said, "That's why I love you so much mere lal, peele neele hare!" (a way of showing love in Hindi in a funny manner.) I said, "Uffh Amit tu thak nhi jata kabhi?" (don't you get tired at times?) Harry and I laughed at him. We went to Bhuvi Bhaiya's room and discussed about our plan. After that we let Jazz know about our suddenly created a plan. Jazz's face lit up and he went towards his room.

Anisha's Pov

I was feeling very much weird, I was feeling that something is being cooked up among the boys. All of them have suddenly started behaving weird except Jazz. Jazz is just being himself I guess or he is a better actor compared to other boys, I was confused so I went to Juhika Di's room and told her about my weird feeling but I didn't get a satisfying answer and she said, "Anisha we will go to shopping tomorrow okay?" You people just reached here today, right. We talked about various matters and suddenly I heard about Aunty and wanted to meet her. Juhika Di and I came rushing and went towards her room, she introduced me to her as their mother. Daljit Aunty was really sweet, she called all the boys downstairs and said, "Jassi Puttar I met your friend Anisha!" Amit rushed towards Aunty and said, "Pairi pena Aunty ji!"(A way to greet elders in Punjabi) Aunty ji said, "Jionda reh puttar!" ( a kind of blessing uttered in Punjabis when they are greeted by youngers.) Anish and I greeted her "Sasiriakal!" She blessed us too. Jazz said, "We are taking Anish and Anisha for sight seeing, Mumma, May I?" I liked this thing about Jazz. He is taking Aunty's permission, he is so sweet. I really like guys who respect their Mom. I had a sudden positive feeling about Jazz. Aunty gave us the permission we asked Juhika Di to come with us but she had important work to do, so she stayed back at home and we went out by 5 P.M. We had lots of fun we went to Sabarmati Ashram. It was 6.15 P.M. we needed to get out as it was the time for them to close. We started to move out but we didn't find Anish and others, Jazz was with me. I got scared as I knew Anish didn't know anything about Ahmedabad. I called him up and said, "Anish where are you?" He said, "Don't panic Anisha I'm with Harry, Bhuvi Bhai and Amit!" I was relieved to hear that and told Jazz everything. Jazz said, "Harry is of here only they will manage and I'm there with you, come on don't panic let's leave." I nodded and followed him. We got out and went to a park. He said, "Anisha I want to say you something!" I said, "Yes Jazz say what is it?"

Will Jazz be able to confess his feelings for Anisha today? Well stay connected for further updates. Please keep supporting, commenting and voting... 

Anisha and The Mystery Cricketer| A Jasprit Bumrah Fanfic [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now