The Wrong Girl

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  • Dedicated to To my lovely sister

It's around two o'clock in the morning but Elena is still wide awake in her lone apartment. The TV's murmuring different advertisement but Elena doesn't see it. She's staring off into the space. On the out she looks serene but her mind is far from being at peace.

Suddenly the wedding bell starts roaring throughout her apartment bringing Elena back to the present. Elena's eyes starts welling up with fresh set of tears as she watches a shy girl in all white dress walking slowly down the aisle, getting admired by all her friends and family. The tears don't stop, they keep on coming because that happy moment playing on the TV could've been hers, it could've been her happy moment but instead it ended up being the biggest tragedy of her life.

Elena was 19. Exactly three weeks ago at the same time, at the same place, she was restless and sleepless but for completely different reasons. Three weeks ago it had been the excitement and the impatience that kept her up but today she was too tired to sleep, too scared of re-living that dreaded day when she was supposed to get married, even in her dreams.

Yes, she was too scared.

"I do" "I do"

Both the bride and the groom announced their content in the married life they were about to begin. Elena went into hysterics after that. Elena's breath tangled in her throat as she clutched the blanket to her face.

She turned the TV off and threw the remote away. She couldn't torture herself anymore. She slowly pulled herself up from the messy bed with the not-so-clean blankets to the kitchen, wincing in pain.

The huge luxurious two-bedroom apartment was all messed up. Everywhere she stepped a wrapper of some junk food yelled in pain. Elena couldn't care less for it because she herself was a bigger mess than the junkyard her apartment had turned into.

She took out the too cold water from the refrigerator and gulped it down trying to set the fire of pain in her off. It didn't work; it just goaded her teeth, slowly excruciating her throat. As she waited for her teeth to adjust to the freezing intake, her eyes traveled to dozens of "THREE MUSKETEERS" chocolate bars in the left side of the fridge.

"Evan's favorite" she whispered to no one but herself.

Suddenly some kind of frenzy took over her. She cleared out each shelf of the fridge, throwing everything out on the floor in one fierce blow. When the fridge was almost empty, her eyes traveled to the wall that she and Evan had filled with photographs of their happy memories they shared. Each one of them, reminded her of just how perfect they were, just how much she belonged to him and he belonged to her.

The rage passed out and she felt herself getting drained of energy. She could barely stand; her knees were wobbling like the jelly that lied uncared for in the fridge since the last three weeks. Finally, she rested her weak body beside the refrigerator and allowed herself to cry and feel every bit of pain she felt looking at those pictures and let it take her over.

She finally allowed herself to cry... she felt each stab of pain - like a needle getting punched through to the body slow and steadily, that she was hoping to avoid past this month.

She didn't take the pictures off, didn't throw it away, didn't tear it apart, didn't burn them away. She just kept it where they were, she let them be because she thought it was where they belonged. It was where they were meant to be just like she was meant to be with Evan, even though it felt impossible now.

She didn't have the strength to deny the truth anymore. She needed Evan and he knew that, then why did he leave her?

"Why did you leave Evan? Why did you go? I trusted you and you... you betrayed me and my love. You betrayed us." she sobbed and she sobbed until she couldn't cry anymore, until she was just shaking out of the enormous pain still heaving inside her more livid then ever.

Her tired eyes and body gave away to the battle. She had no strength to fight anymore. She drifted into unconsciousness in that chaotic tiled kitchen floor of her apartment, the same apartment that used to be her home just past that dreadful day.

Her supposed-to-be wedding day.


Author's Note:

I know nothing's too clear at the moment but I'm gonna make this a pure romance thingy, hopefully I'll succeed!

Do comment!! pretty please!

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