Chapter 41: Colorless

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"The operation was a success. Evan's been shifted into the private room that Dr. Rebecca here arranged for. Right now, we don't see any complication. The internal injuries are all stitched but still raw. Of course, in such cases there's always a chance of relapse. But for now he needs all the rest he can get. I can really only allow one of you to come and see him. Even though he is under heavy medications and next to unconscious, any intense reaction could bring him immense damage." The surgeon said in a calm almost numb voice.

It was clear in her voice, in her expression, in her gestures that she had the conversation with other patient's family about thousands times before. But she had no idea even the numb expression and the practiced gestures were bringing incredible joy into everyone's soul. She just declared Evan had survived; for now that was more than enough.

"So who's going in?" The doctor with pure green irises in her tired eyes inspected the crowd as if she could guess the lucky one.

"Let me remind you, his brain is in a critical state. He is out of danger but he doesn't need the overflow of emotions right now. I suggest someone who can keep it calm and keep him calm as well come."

As the words fled from the doctor's lip, Nina and Rebecca took an involuntary step backward. They knew if they went in there would be an emotional drama that no one desired.

"I'll give you guys a second to discuss."

But there was no need of discussion. As soon as the doctor left their group, all eyes zeroed in on Elena. No matter they weren't together anymore, everyone knew Elena would be the face Evan would want to see first. And there were no questions asked either because it was clear in her drought eyes and her faint expression that she needed to see Evan.

"I'm going in..." Elena announced and moved away from her friends without another word.

Her steps were long and stride but above all they were sure and calm. Her moving feet were taking her towards Evan. The gloomy walls of hospital and dimly lit hallway were of no concern, Evan was alive. He was breathing and there was life all around.

The earlier surgeon was standing in front of her with her same weariness but Elena felt something had changed in that surgeon's face. Her eyes seemed alit and she could've sworn the doc's lips were quivering around a smile.

"Remember stay calm," she reminded her but there was no smile in her face.

The door opened but Elena couldn't remember if it was her or the surgeon who opened it. Elena stood right by the door debating if she needed the support or not. The room was almost an empty space except for the stranded looking withered and frail example of the bed. There were of course sad looking closets and sofa sets in the room but they blended with the room so much that it didn't look like furniture. They seemed to be the part of four walls of the gloomy space. For the sake of fresh air, right beside the bed was a window that allowed Elena's eyes a scene of the other wing of the hospital.

There amidst the colorlessness of the area was Evan laying with his eyes closed. His face was swollen; bruises from left to right hid his beautiful features. But she guessed the deepest cuts were the ones that she couldn't see. His head was covered with white bandages. His pale face seemed to have been trying to consume in the fadedness of the whole room. Elena wasn't even sure if any blood circulation was even going on under his skin. But he was breathing, noisily. He was in pain but it was all good.

"Evan?" Elena paced once again and was by his side in a flash.

At the sound of her voice, Evan's eyes fluttered open. His black irises seemed spectacular accompanied with the redness around it. He was obviously drowsy, he could barely lift his eyelids up but he answered her. Evan answered her.


Elena nodded even if he had already closed his eyes.

"You look awful..." Evan whispered.

Elena laughed as she felt hot tears finally flowing from her eyes.

"You should really see yourself in the mirror..."

"Yeah... car... hit... does that to you.." he smiled and uttered the words in silence but Elena understood them nonetheless.

"Actually they said it was two cars... I always knew you could survive anything, but you didn't have to test that theory so hard..." Elena teased as she bobbed her head just enough so that it was resting in his palm lightly.

"Don't worry... I'll."

"Of course you will be... I'm not worried at all."

"Tell... Nina."


"Becky..." Evan stretched the word and breathed hard. Evan was falling asleep.

"Don't worry I'll tell my sister it wasn't her fault. And for the rest of them all, you tell them yourself when you get better alright? Now get some sleep..."

"Don't go..."

"Don't worry. I won't. I won't leave you again." Elena said the words and meant it as Evan drifted into unconsciousness.

Evan hadn't heard her, she was sure of it. But she had heard it and that was enough. Elena bent a little and her lips touched his bruised one and Elena after what seemed like forever felt belonged.

Moving out of the room, Elena ran to her friends to deliver the message Evan had sent. But she wasn't met with the questioning eyes as she thought she would have. Instead every familiar face was filled with a little hint of annoyance, shock and nervousness. Elena hadn't even started her reassuring words, a worried question stopped her.

"How is he? Is he alright?" Elena felt hands grasping her from behind and pulling her backward.

The hands were strong, the voice familiar but she was a second too late to recognize it. It took her eyes to actually put a face to the voice she hadn't heard for so long.

"Phoebe..." Elena breathed out as the answer for the weeping girl begging in front of her.


Author's Note

In the middle of all the chaos I bet you guys forgot Phoebe huh? Well the story is still coming to an end... I'll try my best to finish it in max. 3 more chapters but little spoiler, it's gonna be full of more turmoil! So do wait! And don't give up on me and Elena! Thanks! .

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