Chapter 23: Walk in the Dark

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  • Dedicated to To my lovely sister

"You're the wrong girl..." the words felt like a tight slap in the face. Elena's anger was fueling up but she could do nothing about it. It was as if the words were one of the truest words ever uttered and yet it made her so furious, so hot with rage that she punched the person whose face she couldn't see and woke up falling from her bed.

The dreams were back with a bang.

Ever since she'd seen the ghost of the man Evan was, the dreams kept coming back to her. Sometimes it were the day of their wedding again, sometimes it were their 2nd anniversary, sometimes it was the day when Evan had proposed. Those dreams were scratching to her now healing wounds but the most painful dream of them all was when she dreamt of being pregnant.

She dreamt of an Elena alone in her dark room back in their apartment. She was beautiful with glowing face, her stomach so full, so ripe. She could almost feel the baby's heartbeat when she'd put her hand on the grown belly. She could feel the baby's kick and she'd start looking for Evan. Evan would be there too. She could hear the clumsy noises coming from the kitchen; he'd be cooking for her. And the moment she called out to him, their apartment would be blazing from fire. Her vision would start to blur as fire turned everything they owned to ashes. She'd feel the heat that was to be the death of her and her unborn child. Suddenly, she will be able to see Evan standing in the door, an invisible glass between them - separating them from each other. She'd see Evan's eyes full of tears, he's saying something that's impossible to hear - then everything under her line of sight turns to become flame and more of the flame, the yellow burning with rage, flames.

Elena would wake up out of breath and with fever. She'd be burning with high temperature. She'd find either Nina or Aaron sleeping by her side, looking uncomfortable as hell. The dreams were back just like Evan was.

Elena had caught high fever, and it was taking time to recover. It had been almost eight days and all Elena did was lie down in her bed for the last week. She looked to her side and saw Aaron sleeping in the chair that was brought about four days ago to her room. Elena felt so guilty looking at his innocent face, visible under the full moon's light making him look even more beautiful if it were possible.

They had kissed and Elena hadn't felt a thing and now here he was looking after her when she was sick. The things were definitely awkward between the two of them, she knew she had to talk it out but at two o' clock in the morning it wasn't gonna happen. The vaporizer left on in the room, made the environment stuffy. Her hair felt damp to her hands, the contact of her cold hand to her forehead reminded her of touching a hot cup of coffee. Her body felt heavy to her, like the bones inside her were so hollow that it couldn't possibly hold the heavy bulky weight of her skin. Her knees were wobbly and scrawny; she had to drag her feet until it landed to the ground and drag it again, taking her body, which at that point seemed like a huge heavy mass above her feet, so that she could go out.

As she opened the door to her room carefully not to disturb the soundly sleeping figure of Aaron, a fresh and cool air entered the room briskly touching her body. She felt enlightened as the fresh batch of air entered her lungs, she felt healthier already.

She grabbed a sweater, put on her uggs, grabbed her messy hair to an equally messy pony tail and went on a walk outside. Maybe she didn't recover because she was stuffed inside her room all the time, maybe the fresh air was all she needed. The streets were still dark, the only sources of lights were the brightly lit light poles situated at roughly twenty steps distance each. Below every light pole was a bench, as if it were lit to provide a spot light to the bench or whoever was about to sit there.

Elena took her steps slowly and steadily, with no sign of hurry to get to anywhere at all. Elena took in the dark figures outlined by the moons and the pole's light. Elena watched the sleepy birds slowly rising and flying in the same speed as she was walking. Elena watched the stillness of the street and cherished it. Within a few hours, this street will be filled with strangers and no one would get to see this sight, this tranquility of the dark that filled the air.

Elena had walked somewhat hundred steps when she felt her body tiring out. Thankfully, a bench was within her sight and she coughed as she made her way to it. She dug her hand deeper inside her pocket as she felt the energy that brought her outside drain itself out through her breath.

She was about to sit herself to the bench when she heard a slight cough behind her. Her air of breath formed a ball inside her throat, creating a lump as she realized the figure in the dark to be of Evan's.

Who said the talk wasn't gonna happen at two o' clock in the morning?


Hope you guys love it! And you hope you guys are eagerly waiting for Evan to finally talk with Elena! =)

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