Chapter 11: Plans

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  • Dedicated to To my lovely sister

"Elena, will you go out with me?"

Elena's face brightened up as if a switch had been clicked on. She was smiling, she was beautiful.

"Of course Aaron, I thought you'd never ask".

Aaron let out a long breath as if he'd been inside the water where sharks slept. He was afraid, this was the first time he'd asked Elena out and she agreed. Now he was relieved.

Picking up the glass of water from the table, Elena, still smiling.... She ... she threw it at his face.

Aaron woke up instantly, well more like fell off the bed instantly, and standing in front of him was Nina in her cute jogging suit.

Huh... jogging suit?

"Nina... what the hell??" Aaron complained weakly as he tried to get on the bed, even weaker plea in his mind to continue his happy dreams.

"Aaron... you pain in the ass... we were gonna jog today!!" Nina yelled.

Over the months, Nina had grown used to Aaron. He reminded her of Evan a little bit, but not in the brotherly way, somehow he was a friend different from Elena, he was just special in his own idiotic ways. Nina even considered him her only best friend apart from Ely.

But right now, he was just being ridiculous, holding the pillow to his face trying to hide from her.

From the muffled voice he said, "When did we plan that? I never said anything about jogging!"

"Yes, you did Aaron. You said it yourself; otherwise I wouldn't be here at 5 in the morning. So just get up, asshole!" Nina pulled the blankets off and made Aaron to wake up.

Nina woke Ely up too, except she was a little easier to wake then Aaron. Nina, nowadays, could breathe a sigh of relief, for finally Aaron's never ending whine about going out with Ely came to halt. Finally, through some miracle they were friends now. She could now hang out with both of them without the care of the world, comfortably.

"So what are your plans for the weekend?" Aaron asked.

"Nothing" Ely said and with puppy dog eyes looked at Nina.

Ely and Aaron had stopped running; their eyes were fixed on Nina. The college park was a little small, so they'd already made about 5 rounds of the whole park, and very few people jogged around here. Almost no one seemed interested in the daily exercise except for the trio there.

"What? Am I your plan maker or something?"

"No, but you're the most fun person among the three of us..." Aaron said.

"Hey!" Ely protested.

"No offense Ely, but you're idea of fun contains words and 400 pages, not tequila or dancing or karaoke..." Aaron smiled.

Nina laughed out loud at that. It was like a huge bundle of laughter grew loose from Nina's throat, waking up the empty street from its emptiness. She could barely breathe, she was laughing that loud.

Suddenly, they weren't jogging any more; they were running like hell, chasing each other and being chased.

Ely gave up first, Aaron and Nina continued. Nina was being chased by Aaron for something she said hinting of Aaron's not so secret crush on Elena.

Sitting on the bottom of the tree, Ely watched Aaron happily chase Nina. If it were anyone else, Nina was never to be caught she was the best athlete of their high school, but Aaron was a jock too. Smiling Ely gulped the water, thinking just how compatible they both were for each other.

Why in the world, Aaron likes me when Nina is just so right for him? Elena thought.

Yeah... Ely knew about Aaron's crush. It was hard to miss; he smiled every time Elena's name came up. He always took her side, he helped her, he saved her seats wherever they'd go, he'd do so many things for her.

Then why the hell don't I like this guy? Elena asked herself.

He was cute, no doubt about that. He was funny; he made her laugh all the time. He was a gentleman... and above all he was popular and awed by all the girls in the college and out the college(Did I mention we get free cakes every time Aaron come the little cafe out on the corner street names "perk cafe"?) Why would he like her? and why in the world didn't she like him back?

It was absurd Aaron was not just compatible with Nina he was a good man for every girl. He was that guy. He was just perfect, but Elena couldn't find it in her to love him. He could never be more than a friend to her and she hated herself for that. Why couldn't she move on? She had practically forgotten about the most unfortunate thing in her life, she was acing in her classes again, she was once again being social, she was getting better, but moving on? She couldn't imagine how to start, how to put herself in that ship when she didn't have anyone to tell her where to sail or even how to sail.

The only thing she knew was to have Evan behind her, holding her hands while he let the steering wheel to their destiny that didn't exist now. What more could she do now?

Nina and Aaron, after their long chase came by her side and both said at the same time "Lets throw a party this weekend!"


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