Chapter 2: Nina

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  • Dedicated to To my lovely sister

Picture of Nina......


Hello, you've reached Evan and Elena's place! We can't get to the phone right now so leave a message after the beep and we'll get back to you asap!

"Ely! You've seriously got to change that voice mail thingy! I mean you bothered to change the security lock number but you can't change that?" Nina's voice rang through the apartment but didn't reach Elena's mind.

"Okay! I know that sounded like a bitchy stuff but come on, I'm right outside this stupid door and I can't even get in! Come on Ely... come open the door! I know you haven't gone anywhere since last week so... OPEN THE DOOR!" Nina didn't even try to quite down.

At the last word, Ely's shook out of her thoughts to present.

"Nina?" her own voice sounded so hoarse to herself.

She cleared her throat and began to get out of her bed as Nina continued to ramble on and on.

"Okay! You don't have to come all the way to the door... just pick up the phone and whisper the magic numbers honey!" she pleaded.

Ely opened the door to her best friend. She didn't need to invite her in; she was already inside the apartment, hugging her into a tight and much-needed embrace.

No words were necessary to be spoken; Elena got all the comfort in the world just by that silent gesture. They stayed in that position for a while and at the beginning, Ely tried to fight it but gradually she gave in. She let her head fall into Nina's shoulder and wept like she had never wept before, like a grieved child, like a love-lost teenager that she actually was.

"Shh-shh... shh..." Nina rocked her sad friend and gently tapped her back trying to get her friend to relax a bit.

"He hasn't called yet Nina! He hasn't... he ... he "Ely stammered through her choked up voice.

"It's okay Ely... it's okay"

"No it's not Nina... it's all, my fault! Everything is my fault. And now I'm alone and he doesn't call... his phone is switched off... he doesn't return any of my voice mail, he's not like that. You know him. He could never go on a day without calling me, and it has been 3 weeks Nina. 3 damn weeks. What.... What should I do? What am I gonna do now Nina? What..." Ely wept bitterly once again.

Nina pulled her best-friend to the sofa and made her sit there.

"Okay... first up, you are not alone , I'm always here for you! And second... it's not your fault Ely. I can't say if it's Evan's fault or not, but it definitely isn't your fault."

Elena denied answering to that. She couldn't find it in her to utter the correct words for anything at the moment anymore.

During that time, Nina went outside and brought four fully loaded bags, all the stuff that Ely needed at the moment and all the stuff that she had ogled up in those days she spent isolated from the society, it was all there in those bags.

Ely watched her best friend as she filled up her fridge and started cleaning up. Ely smiled remembering what Evan used to call her.


That name suited her best. Nina could get really bossy if she thought she wanted things her way, but it was all the more reason she loved her.

Ely slowly stood up and walked to the kitchen to help her 'Bossy' best friend.

"No!" Nina ordered.

"You go clean yourself up! I need that silky hair back in 15 minutes" she exclaimed.

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