Chapter 25: The Wrong Guy

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It seemed like forever had passed, failing to make Evan speak. He didn't say a word.

"Evan... what are you thinking of? It seems like you're a completely different person now.. and."

Finally Evan had Elena's full attention, he was listening to her every word.

"And?" Evan asked with his glimmering eyes and shaking voice.

"And I don't even know what to do about it Evan. You know, I convinced everyone to believe that I had moved on, I didn't need you by my side on every step of my life, I could take care of myself, but I just couldn't convince myself."

Evan lowered his head, and Elena took a breath in with no thoughts of stopping. She was about to do something, she could do only with Evan around, pour her heart out and tell him exactly what she felt, tell him everything.

"Everyone thought that when I fell and rose up immediately, I got stronger but nobody saw the bruises it left Evan, the bruises you left. No one saw the tears of pain I cried all alone in OUR home. No one could heal it; no one could make me feel better, except you Evan. But you weren't there, and you know what the worst part was?"

Elena wasn't looking at Evan, she wasn't trying to blame Evan, she was just confessing to all the pain she denied feeling that year, she didn't want to bore her sight on his face, to make him feel guilty. She just wanted him to listen to her deepest darkest secret, so without knowing that, Evan shook his head slightly, she continued.

"The worst part was not being able to know, to understand it at all. One second I thought I was about to die of happiness and the very next, I was choking myself because I cried so hard that my lungs could not keep up with my weeping. One second I was living to see my dream coming true and the very next I was on this nightmare which stretched out so long that I wished I was dead. And I couldn't even blame you, I didn't know what happened, all I could ever do was put the blame on myself, because Sarah was right that day... I really am the wrong girl for you."

Elena still wasn't looking at him; her eyes were fixed on the end of the scarf twisting around her trembling fingers which sometimes caught the tears on it. Evan moved from her side to in front of her, resting his body on his knees and trying to catch her gaze and he did what he did the best, soothed Elena.

"Ely... no... No! It was never your fault. How could it be? Don't even think about it. I was the one who left, I walked away."

Elena finally allowed herself to look at the man on his knees in front of her with eyes full of tears and a little out of breath and she finally dared herself to ask the question she couldn't possibly answer herself.

"Why did you Evan? Why did you walk away?"

Evan took a long ragged breath in and finally bowed his head because the eyes he hadn't seen in so long were gazing down on him and he could feel his ,at increase under those gleaming stare.

"Because when Sarah said all those things, I realized what I had done. I had stolen all your choice away from you Ely, and then even though I had just ruined your perfect day, I had a chance of giving you your life back."

"What.." Elena's meekly confused voice couldn't say the words; Evan stopped her in the middle of it.

"Yes, I really had stolen all your choices away Ely. You couldn't possibly see it just like I couldn't, then because we were so in love, but in that fraction of moment I saw all my mistakes, I saw it all."

Evan was now in the speaking mode and Elena knew he wanted her only to listen to him, so she did just that.

"I was in love with you the very first time we met. Even though I was drunk out of my mind, I remember thinking to myself 'all my pain would just go away, if only she were by my side', and so I was there, by your side until you finally agreed to be there with me. I realized standing in that church, that I had made you fall in love with me, you were only 16 then, what other option did you have Ely? You're so innocent.

Everyone in your life, those people whom you adored hated me, I knew they did, but until then I thought it was purely because you chose me over them but it wasn't so, they hated me because I was stealing you away, I was giving you no bloody damn option.

You could've gone to any college you liked, but since this was the only college I chose, you settled for this place to graduate from. I knew you weren't ready for marriage but I forced you to it, and because of me it had got all ruined. And I couldn't even say sorry about it, because that meant amendment, and more sacrifices from you. I... I'm done being selfish Ely... you can't do this to yourself, you have your own choice, your own life and I no longer want to be a part of it, affecting anything, ruining anything."

With saying all of that, Evan stood up without meeting her eyes, and started walking away as slowly as he possibly could. He silently hoped she didn't follow him or even stop him, because he knew it all too well that he couldn't stop himself anymore.

"So you're just gonna walk away?"

Evan heard her voice, as silky as it was a year ago. He was pushing himself to walk away, and slowly giving in to the battle inside of him, to stop and turn back to her to just kiss her, take her into his arms and hide her away from the world, to shower her with his love but he didn't because he knew it would be wrong. Evan couldn't do that to her, Ely needed to grow up, she needed to see the world by herself and be able to choose the life she wanted to live.

"Evan... Evan!" Ely yelled with a little force on her voice, but he wouldn't have turned back, would've just kept on walking only if he hadn't heard that dulled "Thump," sound like a huge mass had been thrown to the ground.

When he turned back, Ely was on the ground. With all the confession going on, he had actually forgotten that she was sick. He should've known she couldn't have handled it all, he should've known coming back here was the bigger mistake.

He delayed a second to take a ragged breath in, before everything became blurring to him. He wasn't conscious of what he was doing himself. It was like all his bodily actions were merely a reflex action, everything came naturally to him.

He got to Ely, in a matter of few long strides and felt himself carrying what seemed like a bag of cotton. Elena had gotten so thin, over the months; he could barely feel her weight in his arms. He had swiped her in his arms and started pacing towards where he was living for the last few weeks, his assigned college apartment, without another thought in his head.


So what do you think? I put in a little bit of Evan's P.O.V there as well, and next chapter's gonna be all about him... hope you like it! =)

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