Chapter 31: New Beginnings?

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  • Dedicated to To my lovely sister

Picture of Kyle


"So you guys really think he's that cute?" Aaron asked wanting to hear the answer only from Nina.

"He's so cute yet so hot!" Nina hissed as if it were a torture not being by his side.

"If he's cute then my teddy bear is ugly!" Phoebe claimed.

Elena had shied away as always and even though she had found Kyle impossibly gorgeous she didn't dare voice her thoughts like Nina and Phoebe.

"So what do you think Elena?" Phoebe had asked slyly.

Phoebe was intrigued by Elena. She was so confusing. Sometimes she was as lively as she, sometimes as bossy as Nina, and sometimes she even beat Aaron at playing his charm but more than usual she was this conservative shy girl who Phoebe denied that she actually was. Phoebe had never seen Elena swaying her eyes at any good-looking guy who was more than ready to ogle Elena up. Elena was beautiful with her huge brown eyes, perfect long hair and her petite yet womanly body that moved with a grace that reminded everyone of a lioness in its ruling forest. Elena was strong, Phoebe had no doubt about it in her mind. She gave support and strength to anyone who needed it.

She's so pure, it shows in her face Steve had said and Phoebe couldn't agree more.

But it was her endless research and lectures on the human psychology that always kept Phoebe's mind curious about anyone new, anyone odd or in this case anyone as pure or as strong or as silent as Elena. Phoebe was desperate to read Elena.

"C'mon... don't you at least think he's attractive?"

Elena felt her cheeks growing warm as the blood circulation in her body stopped in her face. If she had allowed herself to be completely honest, Kyle would probably be the first guy she had ever dared to find attractive. She thought Aaron was good-looking but now she could never see him like anything but a friend. But Kyle, he was... he was... he was gazing at her! Elena immediately looked away as it wasn't only Kyle's gaze that had caught her attention.

Evan sitting two booths apart, could hear the chit-chat occurring on the other side. As obviously it was seen that the sun had risen up, it could be felt in the air that the girls had found Kyle attractive. Evan's ruthless training days had been a lot easier mostly coz there were fellow brothers like Kyle with him. He was in awe with the way he had found a family there, but right at the moment seeing Elena blush while catching Kyle's gaze, an unexpected feeling of jealousy rose from his stomach.

The feeling was so intense. It rose from his stomach, gripped at his chest and clogged his throat. So when Kyle asked motioning towards the other booth, "Are they your friends mate?"

In response Evan could do nothing but nod and let out a penetrating breath.

Noticing that Evan had stiffened up, his posture tensed, Kyle understood that it wasn't the right time for introduction. Kyle decided he could wait a few days to get officially introduced to the girl he liked.

"Yes... of course he's cute..." Elena replied with an aura that made all their eyes double its sizes.

Nina felt like she had heard it wrong. Elena had actually admitted her feelings, no matter how petty it was, out loud. In years of their friendship, it had taken hours of compulsion, emotional blackmail and even dramas to let out anything out of Elena's locked up mind. She had never heard Elena compliment a guy other than Evan.

Out of instinct she turned her head to get a better view of Evan. They seemed to be chatting merrily, missing out on the drama that had been occurring on the booth just two steps away.

"Seriously?!" Phoebe shrieked grabbing the two guys' attention for a second.

"That's the first time I've heard you talk about a guy!" Phoebe said a little more quietly.

"No kidding..." Aaron added.

"You can have him... I won't dare come in between you and the first guy that has gained your interest like in forever!" Phoebe declared dramatically.

"Yeah... I surrender as well." Nina said and missed out on the sigh of relief that Aaron breathed.

Elena shot a look at Nina, but Nina shrugged as if she was doing the most righteous thing she could think of.

Now as Evan and Kyle stood up from the booth, everyone expected Evan to make that hand swaying gesture indicating the first official introduction. Though all the girls had backed down for Elena, each one of them was dying to get that preamble.

Every moment seemed stretched out, slow and elongated but the gentle gesture occurred eventually. Evan had offered to introduce Kyle to his friends, who were desperately waiting to befriend Kyle. But quickly after the gesture followed the gentle shake of Kyle's head signaling the refusal.

"Not today mate... but I'm shifting near your area in two days, maybe then okay?" Kyle was saying as he paid for his coffee and made his way out.

Amazingly enough Elena found herself being disheartened as the blue-eyed guy walk away from the small cafe. Evan soon joined them and announced the need for a sleep, breaking the assignment parade as everyone suddenly felt their shoulder tensing up and tiring.

Everyone left but Nina and Evan were the last one to rise from the seat they had found comfort in.

"Let's walk together." Nina proposed.

Evan nodded as he arranged his laptops and papers in his left arm. As they walked out of the restaurant, Nina caught his right arm and embraced herself to do what she hated the most- meddle between two lovers relationship.

"C'mon go ahead and ask me already Nini! I know you want to..." Evan teased.

Nina didn't understand his innuendo and asked "What?"

"I know you liked Kyle and you wanted to talk to me about him!" He said pushing her a bit.

"You're both right and wrong. Yes, I thought Kyle was cute but no, it isn't what I wanna talk about." Nina said seriously.

"I just want to let you know that Elena is interested in Kyle. I know if it were any other girl, I wouldn't have to worry about it. Coz most girls like me are interested in anyone good-looking, with a life span of five minutes." Nina stopped, wondering if Evan understood what she was trying to tell.

But his expression gave her no hint. She wished she had Elena's eyes which always seemed to read Evan like an open book, but she couldn't so she continued.

"But we're talking about Elena. And the last time she ever thought a guy was cute she was with him for four years and ended up almost marrying him."

Evan seemed impassive once again. Nina stopped short on her tracks in the middle of road and continued with desperation that she herself didn't understand.

"Evan, please tell me what's going on between you two! I mean... you can't tell me that it's over. That you two are going to start seeing other people? That now..." Nina felt a warm drop of tear loosen from her eyes in the cold winter morning.

"Now... Evena is Evan and Elena, Nina. If she likes him, I can do nothing about it." Evan spoke with such a voice that Nina could swear that he was choking on them.

Nina couldn't read him like Elena could, but she had seen him love Elena, seen him in all the phases of their compassion to know that though he wanted those words to be true, they weren't. He was lying, but even she knew there was nothing to be done. Elena had told her all about their ordeal, and she was convinced that a two years break was long enough to make them realize that they were made for each other.

But what if someone swayed them apart? What if that someone was Kyle- the hot guy that Elena thinks is cute? What if Phoebe decides to steal Evan away from Elena?


So what do you guys think of Kyle? I dunno about you but I drooled a little when I saw him! Hope you guys love it! And yeah please comment!

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