Chapter 14: The Story Missed (part 2)

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  • Dedicated to To my Sister


"Yeah... that's the truth Aaron"

Aaron's face almost fell... he sat down on the chair like the house was spinning. Maybe it was, he did drink too much; Nina was actually surprised to see the chocolate boy gulp down almost half of the beer bucket in the one-shot bet. It was amazing... it didn't even get him drunk while the other guy fell right on the couch.

"Wait... what do you mean supposed to?"

Her sweet Aaron was gone instead he was right on staring at her. Aaron's glare was killing her; she was walking on the edge of a very high cliff, if she took a wrong step she'd fall and never see that beautiful faced friend ever again and somehow now having only Elena by her side wasn't going to be enough. She'd never been so close to anyone else like that before and she wasn't complaining. But right now, she didn't know what to do. What could she do?

The tiny inner voice in her head was rambling non-stop.

Should I spill? What will Ely say? I could lie.... But what if I get caught? What if Aaron never speaks to me again? What if... No... No lying. Aaron is one of us now... he would find it out later anyhow better from me, if not Ely, than anyone else.

"Evan..." Nina took a deep breath in and felt her heartbeat step a notch "left her at the altar..."

Aaron's eyes grew wide and his ears red. In that silence of the house, it seemed like only Aaron's breathing could be heard and if Nina concentrated, like really concentrated she would hear his heart racing.

"Left her at the altar? What? Just like that? Did he... did this Evan guy even gave a reason for that? What the hell!!" Aaron yelled.

Nina was getting an expert at this, calming people down. One stroke of her hand at his back was all it took to Aaron to sit down as he silently grabbed the nearest beer bottle. Wait what?

"Oh no! No more drinking... you've had enough for one day and if you want to keep up with the story you've gotta be awake"

"I'm hating the hero of this story already..."Aaron murmured as he put the bottle down.

"Maybe... maybe Evan's not the hero of Ely's story... maybe it's just a chapter of the whole story... I don't know... maybe he had his reasons..." Nina sighed remembering her innocent friend who was being thrashed by Aaron at the moment.

How long had it been? Too long... Evan hadn't teased Nina for so long, she hadn't heard that irritating nag for more than 365 days, they hadn't planned weird events for more than 12 months.... Where was he?

A single teardrop fell to her cheek... she hated this. Evan wasn't the bad guy, he could never be. Nina knew him and she knew how good he was and she hated having to protect her friend from accusing eyes of her other friend. if only he knew Evan... I'm pretty sure they'd be good friends... or great enemies fighting for El

"Reasons?" Aaron obviously saw Nina get disheartened because his voice was so much gentler in a second and he seemed more understanding.

"Okay... Nina..." obviously this is difficult for you too. Though I clearly don't get it... adding in his mind sweetly "just to make it a little simpler... I'm gonna ask you one question at a time and you answer me... I promise while you speak I won't interfere..."

Nina went over to the encounter and started making coffees, also trying to hide the tears that didn't stop flowing, no matter how hard she tried.

"Okay shoot..."

"Why are you the one crying?"

That caught her off guard. Wasn't he gonna ask about Evan or Elena? She almost let the coffee mugs slip through her hands...

"Well... Evan was... I mean Evan is like a... brother to me, he... he took care of me when I was alone, he is the closest thing to a father in my life and he is... family to me."

Nina couldn't hold the tears anymore... she cried freely now. Aaron finally saw the wounded Nina that the brave Nina always tried to hide. She looked so vulnerable and so fragile that it took him a second to register that it was the same Nina who beat him at races. Aaron was by her side in a flashlight, he held her close to him and tried to work the same magic she could in calming people, it wasn't the same effect but it worked somehow. At least that's what he thought...

Nina's break down was instant; she recovered quickly when Aaron came to her side. She couldn't let her guards down... for once she wanted to but she didn't know how to let it down. It wasn't like her to be weak and crying in front of people, she took care of people not the other way round.

Wiping the tears away and simultaneously pushing Aaron to a comfortable distance she asked "next question..."

"ummm... are you okay?" Aaron asked weakly clearly worried.

Nina laughed sweetly and kissed Aaron's cheek slightly. "Yes Aaron... I'm fine."

Nina prepared the coffee in silence and as they sipped the coffee they made no attempt to any small talks. From what could be told, they were both neck-deep in their own thoughts. Suddenly out of nowhere Nina asked... "How do you know Sarah?"

"oh... umm... she's the waitress at the perk cafe who sends us cheese cakes..."

"so you know her? You're friends with her?"

"umm I wouldn't call it friendship... we just chatted once or twice..."

"So you invited a girl you talked to once or twice in our close friends only, party? I thought you were the one who said no strangers allowed?"

"Well I didn't invite her!!!"

"What? Then who did?"

"I don't think anyone did. I mentioned the party once this week... I think she invited herself."

"That's not like her..." Nina said and started tuning Aaron out. But before she could succeed completely Aaron interrupted her chain of thoughts.

"Wait ... where does Sarah fit into all of this?"

"oh...she's practically villain of this story...."


hope you guys like it!! Hey I haven't posted in a few days but I've been writing I have a few more chapters done and I'm just going to post them all together

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