Chapter 29: Double Meanings

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  • Dedicated to to my lovely sister

Elena sat down in front of him with a look that Evan couldn't possibly begin to understand. Elena was speaking but it seemed to Evan that everything that Elena said, it had double meaning to it. He was hearing what she was telling but he could hear somewhere from the back of his head, a voice that was Elena's slimy mean voice, one that didn't bother to hide the accusation in her words.

"Hey sorry about Aaron, he sort of looks out for us." Elena said with a small smile.

He had to look out for me, because you weren't there the other voice accused.

Evan just nodded.

"You look much better now." Elena said trying to make him feel better.

How do I look Evan? Do I look better? Your absence has made me this, you're the reason I'm sick! the other voice yelled at him.

Evan nodded again.

Elena didn't want to start the conversation, she was hoping for a miracle that could save her from what lies ahead of them.

"So, we need to talk." Elena said reluctantly.

See was it that hard? Couldn't you have uttered those five words before you left? You could have saved me from a lot of misery Evan. Why didn't you? You just left... you left me all alone the other voice cried.

Evan could do nothing but nod.

Elena's heart was breaking, she felt that pang of deja vu hit her and it was almost physical the pain she felt. So this is what psycho-somatic pain feels like she thought. Elena didn't want to say another word. Why isn't Evan speaking?

"You know what I'm going to say, don't you?" Elena said in epiphany.

You don't deserve me Evan. You walked out on me and now the doors are closed, you'll never be a part of my life. The other voice spoke with such hatred that there was nothing left to dissemble.

Evan simply nodded with a feeling that was simply ineffable. He felt as though all these days he had been in a war, somehow knowing in the back of his head that he would survive it all, knowing that everything was going to be okay, but now that he saw his home right in front of him, he got shot and he was about to die finally realizing that he was wrong all along.

Evan's fight was over. Now Evan let the tears fall freely as he finally understood that he was both right and wrong for making the greatest mistake of his life, letting Elena go.

"Evan... Evan..." The voice of the sweet, the real Elena sitting in front of him broke him from his trance.

Evan saw his Elena, her head lowering and shaking at the same time. She was sobbing, and all he wanted was to make her feel better. He would've done just that, had he known how to stop his own tears first and somewhere inside him find enough courage to force a smile. He caught her hands and realized his hands were trembling more than hers. But somehow holding her hands made it all better, and he suddenly found what he needed, the same courage the same force that had moved his feet to run away from the church eleven months ago. The realization that Elena had to live her life without him, made him stronger.

"Hey, hey... Ely, don't cry honey. It's okay... I understand... I do... I really do!" Evan kept repeating those syllables all the while tasting the tears in his mouth.

"Evan..." Elena begged and she didn't know how to complete the sentence anymore.

"It's okay Elena... you're right for... for what you've decided. I left that day for a reason Elena... we can't be together." Evan said weakly.

"Why can't we?"

"I don't know..."

"I don't, either." Elena whispered and smiled which only made her tears fall more furiously.

They remained in their seats holding each other's hands for a long time; none had the strength to speak further.

Evan was the first to speak; he seemed more confident and in a better state than Elena found herself to be.

"I left you at the altar on the sheer basis of an abrupt apprehension, an epiphany of sort that I was holding you back. I didn't leave you there because I had feelings for Sarah or that I didn't love you. But now things have changed... believe it or not they have." Evan said wiping the tears away from his wounded face.

Now it was Elena's turn to simply nod in agreement.

"You've become stronger and I love you more for that..."

"Evan I change my mind. We don't need to break up..." Elena begged helplessly knowing her pleas were in vain.

"Yes, we do. Because, this relationship was a cliffhanger in your life for almost a year so now you'll have to know what being single is like. Give someone... else a chance." Evan forced a smile at the end.

Elena turned her head away from his stare. Just considering the idea of letting someone new in her life to take his place seemed so unreal, seemed so impossible. Why did she have to search for a new guy, when she had found her moiety, her soulmate?

"I don't want to! This thing that I'm feeling is stupid! I don't want to let you go!" Elena whined.

Evan gave what seemed to Elena the poorest example of laugh and wiped his eyes with his free hands. Elena was glad he didn't let go of her hand.

"Since I'm the adult between the both..."

"I'm an adult too now... you don't get to use that line anymore Evan!" Elena warned him.

Now Evan laughed and shook his head in despair.

"Okay, let me put this in a new way. Since between both of us, I'm the more mature and experienced one..."

Elena scoffed cutting Evan's speech and said, "Oh so that's your new line? Mature and experienced? You weren't so mature when you fought with Rebecca over the last Three Musketeers bar, were you? Where was your experience when we needed to fix that sink in our kitchen?"

Evan laughed again and this time he laughed wholeheartedly but continued anyway.

"Anyway I was saying, since I'm more mature and experienced." Elena pulled her tongue out and scrunched up her face like a six years old child, "I'm making you let me go..."

"But..." Elena protested.

"I'm not finished yet... we're officially breaking up and we are free to date or do anything we want to do from here on now." Elena was about to speak again but Evan cut her to it.

"But... yes... there's a but! But at the end of your senior year, that is at the day of your graduation, if we, you and I both, still want to work things between us we'll continue our journey together once again."

"Do we have a deal, Ms. Elena Parker?" Evan asked with his boyishly charming smile.

Elena thought for a moment, graduation day - her freshmen year was already over, now sophomore year and the senior year, two years, they'd pass like freely flowing water in the river, quick and uneventful, she decided.

"Yes, we do have a deal, Mr. Evan Hamilton." Elena smiled as their holding hands turned into a firm hand shake.

I'm not gonna date or meet anyone! Elena shrieked in her mind with joy until the redhead waitress came along.

"I'm sorry sweet pea the machine needed a quick fix. I brought some chocolate cake for you, it's from my side for the delay!" She said throwing a carefree wink at him, without even noticing Elena there.

"Thank you Phoebe. I owe you one." Evan said politely.

"I'll make sure to collect..." She replied flirtatiously.

Evan smiled back with Elena's favorite smile and suddenly Elena realized just how charming and handsome Evan was!

I'm not gonna meet anyone but he is! Elena screamed in horror in her mind while outside she blankly stared at the napkin alongside the cake which had a series of numbers written on it.


So there's a twist right? Finally it seems things between Evan and Elena are settled! Did you like the deal they made? Hate it? Love it? I'd love to know!!

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