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*******************CHAPTER SIX*************


The day finally came where the mission outside the wall Rose will be held,I took a deep breath as we headed to the Trost District.

"Buntaichou,Are you alright?" Moblit,my assistant ask out of the blue

"Ofcourse,why cant I be?" I said as my voice cracked midway

"Nothing,buntaichou...its just that you're quite spacing out recently"

Then the atmosphere fell silent once again as we parted,everyones faces became dead serious..

The Line of men moves towards the gate as we see the former land of wall Maria that has been taken down by Titans four years ago...

Not for long the colossal Titan show up standing 68 meter...

My men's eyes widen in shock its our first time seeing this colossal titan face to face.

"Get your feet ready!" I commanded as we charges,I heared one of my men shouted in agony as the steam gasses of the Titan began to ooze.

"Be careful,avoid inhaling the gas its dangerous" the battle last for minutes when we stop hanging on the wall as our gas tanks are beginning to ran out...but it doesnt stop us from fighting,its fight or die.Once again we fought with all our might,we cant afford to lose all of our men,Moblit always trailing behind me as a back support in case of back attack...but an unexpected moment happened...All my mean are coughing from gas and some are even choking which made look their way but then...a tragedy happened.....

My vision became blurry when my goggles fell off and finally became pitch black,all I know is I was being carried by someone then my eyes shut and my brain fell unconcious...


The soldiers headed back but I dont see the familiar brunnette who use to piss me off...Could she be?No,she cant..she cant die just yet.My gaze fell on the wagon with corpses as my eyes widen when I saw a glimpse of brown hair but I cant see the face because it is covered with the survey corps' cape..No,that cant be..she cant be a corpse there is so many pathetic guys and women out there who deserves to be dead but not her...Humanity still needs her... I still need her...

I walk trying to search further for the sight of Hanji but me and Erwin cross paths

"Oi,old man where is shitty glasses?" I ask because its been a few minutes but still I cant find her.

"she's on the infirmary Levi,she's on the worst condition" my breathing became normal again but too normal,its just that I'm relieve that she is not a corpse yet...still she has the posibility to be one..

I walk silently passing everyone's stares,heading to where Hanji was.After a few more series of steps,I arrive on the front door of the Survey Corps infirmary...almost no one use this place because Survey Corps is not used in wounded soldier because most of our soldier die during an expedition where only few asses are lucky enough to come back only wounded.I reach my hand on the dusty door knob..tch,filthy. And open up the door and was surprise when I saw another figures beside from Hanji's body laying peacefully on the bed...


After I've heard that the squad came back from the recent mission and was informed that the squad leader was badly hurt...half of me was happy and half of me was sad.Happy because finally I can get rid out of her,out of my life and out of our life...Sad because she can no longer take Levi's freetime which eventually will cause Heichou to be alone on his own and will be my time to take the tables to turn.I welcone myself to the room for the wounded and Hanji-san was laying there unconcious...perfect time for my plan.I took a sit beside her and decided to talk to her a little even if she is still unconcious.

"Hello,Hanji do you know what you have done to me?to us?" I said as my eyes became blank

"do you know you are better off dead?DO YOU FUCKING KNOW THAT YOU RUIN MY LIFE?DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE THE REASON WHY HEICHOU BROKE UP WITH ME?DO YOU FUCKING KNOW ANYTHING?ofcourse you dont!All you know is to blabber something shitty about titans and stuffs..." I yell as I get a pillow

"Dont worry,we dont have to experience things that includes your shittiness as the world forget about you're existance just like any other.." I said as I began to press the pillow to her face,stopping the air..stopping her breathing..I was choking her to death because I want her to be dead...

I was on the middle of success when the door fly open...


My heart was pounding when I heard my mother was badly beaten so I rush to her room and something surprise me...

"Petra-san!what are you doing?!" I yell in shock as I push her

"Get out of my way Eren!" she shouted and begins to charge at me but I defended myself and pin her to the wall when a figure came into the door

"Jaeger,WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" he yell as he rush grabbing my arm and forcing me to release Petra-san.

"But Heichou,she wants to kill mom"

"Your mother is dead Eren,and Hanji is not your mother!" he said

"Dont believe him Levi,he was trying to rape Hanji then I stop him so he pinned me" Petra's eyes begins to water,why does she want to kill mom?

"Dont lie Petra-san,If I didnt barge in mom would be probably dead by now"

"See Heichou?he was out of his mind,he's just saying an alibi" Petra-san stated

"I want to see you in the court Jaeger" Heichou said with deadly stare...Fuck

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