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************* CHAPTER 18


After proposing to Hanji,Erwin gave us half a year for our own but actually I like to call it as that. It's probably because we lost so much men that the Legion can no longer to an expedition,maybe by the time we come back to the HQ there are enough personel to carry a whole expedition to retake the Wall Maria especially the whole Shiganshina district.

"Levi,in what cathedral should we get married?" Hanji ask

" I don't know,I'm from underground you know and down there we doesn't have church" I said stating-the-fact

"Maybe we could get married at where Pastor Nick is serving!" she almost yelled

"That's not a bad idea" I replied as we continue walking to Wall Sina trying to find a good house in which we could get settled.

"Soldiers what are you doing here in the capital?" Commander Pixis greeted as past accross each other

"We're looking for a house" I replied

"What for?" he ask

"Commander as you see, me and Levi are going to get married next month and we want a house where we can stay during our off" Hanji explained

"I wasn't informed until now that finally Humanity's Strongest Soldier wants to have a wife" Commander teased

"Actually,I kept on thinking when did I start thinking that I want to start a family with this four-eyes here" I stated as I pulled Hanji closer

"For by chance you want to look for a home,as far as I know there is an available house in the far east" he informed as we bid our goodbye to him. Not letting a single second be wasted, Hanji and I went on the far east and search for an available house that the bald commander is talking about. We ask direction from everyone,more likely it's just Hanji I don't like talking to strangers.

"Excuse me Ma'am do you know where we could find an available house?We actually want to buy one" Hanji ask one elder woman who,by chance passed by

"You want to buy a house? I have a for-sale house but it's not really big" she replied

"That will do,can you show us the location?" I ask

Not so far from where we stand earlier,only a few blocks there's a-not-so-big-but-clean-enough place.

"This house was built five years ago when my daughter and her fiancé were just like you,they planned to get married and start a family" she told

"what happened to them?" Hanji ask wanting the old woman to continue the story,even I,want to know the story behind the newly built house but never used and now is for sale

"When the Titans breached the Wall Maria,my daughter and her fiancé was there and they didn't came home after" she added

"Until now I am waiting for them to return but I already lost my hope that's why I decided to sell their house" she continue as the tears pour down to her face.

"That's sad" Hanji remarks

"How much is this house?" I ask and paid her for the house as we sent her to her home

We went inside and it is clean enough to pass my standards,that old woman sure knows how to keep all the things clean.

"I like it here" Hanji said laying to the bed

"It's not bad" I said admiring the plain white wall

"But it's a little bit plain,maybe we could hang some pictures on the wall and buy furnitures" she suggested,I look around the room it only have a king size bed and a sofa and the kitchen only have stove,sink and empty cup boards and the balcony have sofa nothing more. This place is a bit dull.

"Let's just rest for a while,I'm so tired" Hanji said as she closed her eyes and I laid beside her forcing myself to sleep.


I woke up and look at the window,the sun is already setting. I noticed that Levi is hugging me in his sleep murmuring like a little child. I ran my fingers to his soft hair but his eyes fly open.

"What time is it?" he ask

"It doesn't matter,we can sleep as much as we want" I replied

"If we continue sleeping we're gonna be starving.We better get our ass moving" he commanded ,standing up getting ready to head out.

"Oi what are you doing four-eyes?Slacking off while going to the market?" he ask

"Do I really have to come with you?" I said

"Yes." told Levi

We head to the market to buy some goods and go home afterwards.

"What do you want to eat?" Levi ask

"I dunno,I'll eat whatever you'll serve" I replied slacking off again

"No.You're helping me" he commanded

"What? I just helped you pick up some groceries" I scrowl

"No,you did not you just follow me like a dog" he stated-the-fact

I had no other choice but to follow him,I dont want to make him angry (but most of the time he looks cute when he's mad). He made me slice an onion making my eyes tear and teach me how to wash the dishes properly.I want this kind of life,away from the titans and alone with Levi.I wish it could be like this all the time but deep down I know that what I'm wishing is imposible,not when we are on the Survey Corps,not until we wipe every piece of the titans.

AUTHOR's Note:

I'm just here to announce that I created a LeviHan fanfic on ,you can just search my name there ( I_am_Yukiko_Hamano ) please read my fanfics there.Thank you for the 500 reads

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