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*************** CHAPTER 14


I cant stand that four eyes saying "Eren" "Eren" does that Eren syndrome of Mikasa became an invasionary disease.Like what the fuck she's ignoring me the whole day looking for a shitty German boy and always ask where he is do I look like a map?(AN:I want to say google map but they still dont have internet)

"Levi!" she yell which snap me out of my little train of thoughts

"what?" I said keeping my blank face as if nothing is bothering me

"Have you seen Eren?I've lost him again" she asked

"Can you stop saying that shit?It's getting into my shit" I replied

"Calm your pants shorty" she said

"I'm not even that hard" I said as I rolled my eyes

"Stop bitching around Levi" she stated

"Bitching around is an important virtue" I replied

"Why dont you just say in a direct point?sometimes I dont really understand your attitude,why are you always angry at Eren?" she ask almost shouting

"Because you dont have time with me anymore" I said looking at her



"Levi is that a confession?" she said calming down

"No sherlock" I said walking away

I slip that word...



Did he just confessed?Is he really jealous?Is this for real?I mean I love him all along and I almost forgot that feeling but after this incident it's all coming back again.

"LEVI!!wait!!" I shouted following him into his room

"Levi I want to clear things,it's really bothering me" I said leaning to his door frame

"What do you want?I said it earlier" he respond looking at me by his shoulder

"I want to clarify things" I said

He starts walking towards me trapping me on his arms

"Levi what are you.." I couldn't continue my sentence because he already slam his lips to me

"Does that clarify what I said earlier?" he said between breaths I just stay silent and savour the kiss until...

"Wow I didnt know that I will see something like this" Connie said to Jean which made me pull out and blush really hard,Levi is also blushing

"Shut up Connie,Corporal looks hurt" Sasha said

"Oi brats what are you doing here?" Levi said as if nothing is happening

"Nothing heichou" Sasha replied and they walk out

I kept on blushing because Levi is still too close

"What are you blushing for?" he ask

"You're too close" I replied looking somewhere but not him

"That's it?Do you want me closer?" he said teasingly pressing his body to me until I was completely trapped and can no longer move

"L-Levi" I stuttered

"It's not like we haven't seen each other's..." he started

"Dont say it" but I cut him off


I was walking the hallway when...

"Hey Connie is it really true that Captain and Squad Leader Hanji are kissing?" Jean asked Connie

"Yes Me and Sasha saw them earlier" he confirmed

"Hey Connie!" I called

"What is it Eren?" he said

"Tell me everything you know " I said

After sometime of gathering information my mouth drop open

Ohh god,holy mother of Theresa the nightmares I am having is coming true I must protect them at all cost.I have to save them,I have to break them apart to stop the apocalypse.If I cant talk to them I have to do it by force...

"Eren" Armin said,I dont even remember him walking to my side.

"Huh?what is it Armin?" I ask

"Me and Mikasa were looking for you but you are no where to be found" he responded

"Why?" I questioned

"It's like something is off with you,is something going on that we need to know?" he ask

"It's nothing" I replied but he kept on asking

"Tell us Eren,we promise not to keep secrets from each other" he said

"Where is Mikasa?" I ask trying to change the subject

"Commander Erwin summoned her,after her summon you have to tell us what is bothering you right now" Armin stated which leave me with no other choice but to tell them the truth.

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry if I kept on updating short chapters well its better than never.Tell me your reviews of this story so far

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