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*******CHAPTER 12


Hanji joined the drinking party not to mention she's the only girl in our table,yet she drink like it's just water while Moblit is drowning himself in alcohol blabbering nonsense things like "I have such an unfortunate position" or something shitty.

"Ne,Levi,I miss Sawney and Bean" she said pinching my cheeks.

"Those fucking big ass titans are dead four eyes" I replied but she's asleep already.Damn shitty glasses,now I have to carry her to her room.

"Levi where are you going?" Erwin ask

"Hanji's asleep,I got to take her to her bedroom" I bid my goodbye and headed to her bedroom carrying her bridal style.I twisted the door knob and I was shock because her room is a total mess,fucking disgusting.

I don't want her to sleep in this messy room,I will let her stay in my bed for tonight because I dont really use my bed,I sleep on my chair.Hanji might be tall but surprisingly light,I carry ber all the way to my room and lay her on my bed.

"Levi?" she hold my hand before I can leave the bedside,so she's awake now.

"Go back to sleep four eyes" I said.

"Levi,I want to tell you something"

"Hanji you're drunk,go back to sleep"

"but shorty,I want to speak don't shut me up" she said with sleepy tone and sleepy eyes

"Speak to me in the morning but you have to sleep first,goodnight"

"Good night short stack,I love you" she said before laying down

"You what?" I ask because probably I didnt heard it right or maybe I heard it wrong because the alcohol is affecting me,my vision blurred and things gotten black.


"Squad leader?" I knock again but still there is no answer,my head hurts again.Where is squad leader,I look for her everywhere but she is nowhere to be found.I havent checked on Corporal's quarter,maybe she's pissing Heichou again.I run through the corridors and bump to Armin.

"Moblit-san,have you seen Hanji-san?" he ask

"Actually I am looking for her and I'm going to Heichou's room" I replied

"Can I tag along?" he said which I let him because the more the merrier.

We arrived at Heichou's door,knocking countless times.

"Heichou?" I said but no one's answering,We twisted the knob and surprisingly it's not locked.

Armin shouted silently,and I am also shock because HEICHOU AND BUNTAICHOU are hugging and sleeping on the same fucking BED!.

"what the fuck?!" Armin said

"wait,Armin are you swearing?" I ask eventhough its really obvious.

"If you really value your life,let's get out of here" I said as we closes the door silently.


I woke up with a heavy thing on my chest,I opened my eyes and "LEVI?!!"

"shut up shitty glasses,I want to sleep" he said without opening his eyes.I tried to recall the yesterday's events but I cant.What the hell is happening to the world?

I exited Levi's room to change my clothes but Moblit and Armin is eyeing me suspiciously.I ask them but still they dont answer,my head hurts and nobody care to explain what is really happening.I was walking in the hallway when my favorite titan boy with the girl Ackerman passed by

"Hey Eren!" I call

"What is it squad leader?" he replied

"Do you know what happened yesterday?"

"I'm not really sure but all I can recall is thet heichou carry you out because you pass out" he said and I thank him for the information.But what happened next?

Author's note:

Sorry for short chapter and long wait but I have to update slowly because the school is starting soon,my stories will have monthly updates.Gomen.

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