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*********CHAPTER 16


Old man leaned to my ear to whisper something and I can see Hanji's curiousity peeking.

"Oi Levi,marry that girl already no one knows what will happen in the future" he whispers

My face heat up as he said those words.

"I think its too early for that" I whispered back which cause Hanji to lean trying to hear what we are talking about.

"Early for what?" she says

"Its a man to man talk" I said making her frown

"How old are you?" the old man whispers again as Hanji calm her tits down to her chair.

"34" I whispered back

"How old is she?" he ask again

"31" I answered

"Then its not early and its not late neither,you guys are on the right age to settle" he whispered and pat my back and goes to the kitchen to cook us food.

"What did he say?" she ask

"It's a secret" I replied leaning on my chair looking at somewhere other than her

"When did you learn to keep secret from me?" she questioned raising her brow

"Ever since I was born" he answered.

"Ohh come on Levi tell me" she continue asking punching me playfully

"You cant make me talk" I assured

"Ohh really?" she smirk and lean close to me as close as our nose touches each other.

"Guys what are you doing?" I heard a voice from behind making Hanji jump back to her sit because of embarrassment.

"Just a typical act" I said trying to cover up

"By the way,here's your food and Levi dont forget what I said" he stated as he bid his goodbye taking another order from another table.

We eat in silence because it's getting late and we have to head back to HQ.

We ride our horses for god knows how long until we arrived at HQ and as we walk accross the hallway Ackerman,Arlert and Jaeger are talking about something...


"Mikasa why did you tell us this late?!" I yelled

"Keep you voice down Eren" Armin trying to stop me

"Actually its not that late,what I told you earlier are just the partial information" she answered with a low voice.We went silent as soon as Levi heichou and Mom..I mean Hanji buntaichou walk accross us,my blood boiled because I can already feel that the nightmare od mine is really happening.

"Eren,I know you are up to something...something like making them split apart" Armin said with sadness hinting on his voice

"Is that really necessary?I dont like Heichou at all but Hanji-san both of them deserve happiness afterall that they've been through" Mikasa said

"It's better to see Hanji-san cry than seeing her die" I said

"What if we dont let Hanji-san participate in the coming mission,is that would help calming your soul?" Armin ask

"but how?" I ask

"We should make an excuse or.." Armin suggests

"or injured her so she cant leav the quarter,if she's injured there are two scenarios.First,she will force herself to participate but Heichou wont allow that and make Moblit-san take care and make sure she wont leave the HQ until we're back,Second,because Hanji-san is injured Levi heichou wont participate in the mission and stay here to take care of her" Mikasa deducted

"Actually there is one more scenario" Armin said hand on his head

"What scenario?" I ask

"Erwin-danchou will pospone the mission until Hanji-san is back to her feet again.According to Mikasa's report earlier,Erwin-danchou wants to summon the strongest and largest brigade we can get or we can achieve because it's a do or die mission and the 3rd scenario is the most likely to happen" he stated with a worried look on his face.

"Then the answer is final,I'm gonna break them together" I said

"Actually Eren,if you do that you are just adding fuel to the fire.Come to think of it,if you break them apart Hanji-san or both of them would be mentally depressed and they cant focus on the mission anymore,and I'm pretty sure Erwin-danchou wont allow to lost them in the front line and will force them to join the mission even if they are not mentally ready and the worse case is...they or she will die absentmindedly" Armin explained

"Then what should we do?" I ask eventhough I know that even Armin doesnt know the answer to my question.

Author Yukiko's Note:

I'm so sorry for this short chapter,I'll make longer next time.

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