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*************** CHAPTER 20


"ADVANCE!!!" yelled by Commander Erwin

I kept on gazing at Squad Leader Zoe Ackerman because she keep on holding her tummy,is she constipated? I really want to help but I don't know what to do. Should I approach her?

" Squad Leader seems like you are having a hard time,what can I do for you?" I ask as I reach out for her leaving the formation.

" I feel like I wanna puke" she said holding her mouth

"Maybe we should get you back to the wall " I suggested

" no,I will be fine after being in 3 month vacation,I dont think Erwin will be pleased if I dont join this expedition" she stated

" If you need assistance you can call me anytime Squad Leader " I said and headed back to my formation. As of now after 10 minutes of running and checking the whole area we still haven't seen a titan which is kinda odd. Are they all gone? Are we all going to be free? Suddenly a black smoke signal came from the North Flank and a wounded soldier came running.

"AN ABBERANT!! RETREAT NOW IF YOU STILL WANT TO LIVE!!!" he shouted but a huge boulder killed the life of him. There's a titan who knows how to use rock? It must be a Titan shifter like Eren!

"ADVANCE!!! I SAID ADVANCE!!" Commander Erwin commanded but no one can even move after seeing an Ape like Titan just a little smaller than Bertholdt's titan form. All of us are too afraid to attack except for Levi Heichou.


As far as I know this is the Titan which was seen climbing up the wall. It must be the responsible for turning Connie's villagers into Titans which causes the whole wall Rose to panick thinking that the wall has been breach again. I wont let this escape! I have to defeat this mother fucking titan and turn it to shitty ashes in order to save the humanity.

"COME TO ME BITCH!!" I yell as the beast titan turned around to see me and stopped the 'throwing' of rocks. Well it's not really a throw,what I mean,it is using rocks to attack.

" I'm not dumb to fight you Levi Ackerman" it says. The fuck! What an actual fuck! This titan can talk!! It started running and continue to throw rocks at random soldier until the whole flank is almost wipe out,as much in my relief my wife isn't there but there is no time to relax. I keep on chasing the damn titan,even my horse cant catch up in his big steps. I tried to catch it's attention but this titan is so intelligent that he didn't even bother to look at me.

"LEVI HEICHOU!!!" called by the blonde boy,Armin

"WHAT IS IS ARLERT?" I yell because we cant hear each other by usual conversation


"AND IT IS NOW HEADING TO THE FLANK WHERE EREN,MIKASA AND COMMADER ERWIN IS!!!" he shouted. I'm relieve that it isn't going to Zoe just yet.... Wait for me Zoe,you can't die until I got there!!


"TITANS!!" I yelled as a horde of titans attacked us all at once. That's why they are all gone because they are planning something this big! But titans don't think,how can they plan something if they doesn't have brain. Someone must be behind this.

"Eren keep your eyes wide open" Mikasa said as she killed the titan who happened to be right in front of me but I couldn't give it much attention because I'm so occupied thinking who could be behind this. It might be Reiner and Bertholdt! Rage came throught me,I must destroy all titans every single piece of them!! I bite my hand and ready to transform into titan.

"EREN DONT!!" Mikasa yelled but it wont stop me,the titans are right before my eyes. All I know is the I kill all the titans within my reach.

"Eren can you still hear me?" Mikasa ask but I have no time nodding my head,I cant let a single second lapse because I know that a second can cause someone's life.

"Eren you're the only family I have left. If I'm gonna die here,I want to die with you" she said. What is she talking about! Mikasa we're not gonna die here!

"So I will fight along side with you until my lungs give out!" she said and started the killing of titans again but.... A loud footstep can be heard,it's running and it's coming then..... A huge bould hit Commander Erwin's horse and his side making him fall to the ground. Is he dead? I was so preoccupied with my though that I didnt even notice that my time is already up. Mikasa is now wounded and I can't even stand stand nor breath properly,are we just gonna sit here and wait for our time to come?

" Eren,I am now sure that we really are going to die right here but I just want you to know that I love you more than you ever know and I hope you didn't regret that you kissed me that day" she said tears are forming to her eyes. I have to words,I cant let a word came out of my mouth. I stared at the sky,it's gray the rain will be pouring down soon. Even the sky cried over our fallen comrades,I guess this is as far as I could go. I will never be able to see the ocean with Mikasa and Armin but I hope Armin will survive and tell the people what the ocean looks like. Suddenly I heard footstep one after another and a huge face came to view grabbing both me and Mikasa as togethet we close our eyes and waited to die.


Please do read BLOOD for AGI my first non-fanfiction book and if you want to read more of my LeviHan fanfics please read on

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