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***********************CHAPTER SEVEN********************


They left me behind as I stay with my mom on the infirmary room waiting for her to gain her conciousness.I cant lose a mother again,not again... I took a sit beside her and held her severely wounded wounds.

"Mom,please wake up,I need you" I said as tears began to form in my eyes,I no longer care how Heichou's gonna beat me tomorrow all I care is my mother's condition.My eyes began to shut as the hours passes just sitting on the laying woman,I drifted into a deep slumber.

"Eren" I heard a woman said as she shook my shoulders

"Ehh?" I said looking up to the figure as I rub my eyes trying to feel off the remaining sleepiness,I was greeted by Mikasa's stone-cold gray eyes.

"Eren,its time" she said

"Ehh?its morning already?" I doesnt even know that I slept that long,I should prepare my ass be beaten today even though its not my fault,whatever that motive..I gotta to know.

"Let's go Eren,I wont let that midget hurt you" she said

"Mikasa,you're not my sister nor my mother so you dont have to act like one" I have enough of her overpretectiveness,she was like saying that I cant handle things on my own.

We walk in silence as everyone stop whatever they doing gazing their eyes on us just like scanning our soul.

"Oi,Angry German Kid,what trouble did you do this time?" Jean said

"Shut up Horse Face,you look like shit as always"

"I heard you always rape squad leader" he said trying to hold his laugh

"I didnt know you have things for old ladies" he said gaining a laugh from everyone

I was about to get rid of him when Mikasa grab my arm and said

"Eren lets go,we dont want to anger more that midget corporal" then she drag me along the hallway

"Dont badmouth him Mikasa" I said as my blood boiled again

"EREN!!!" wait,I turn around and sees Armin running towards us shouting our names.

"Oi,Armin where are you going?" I ask

"I'm coming with you!" he respond

"You dont have to"

"but I insist!" I guess no one can stop him now so we let him tag along.Wait,who is guarding Hanji-san if we arent there?No one knows and believed when I told them that Petra-san tried to kill her,no one can stop her when tell anyone to left Hanji-san alone with her,the thoughts gives me chills as I fear that the death of my second mom is approaching.


Where the hell is that brat?What takes him so long,he really needs some beating.Nkt for long I saw him opening the door,tch.Together with the Ackerman and the coconut boy,Arlert,they took a sit opposite to mine as the hearing begins.

"You,Eren Jaeger needs to answer the questions,solemnly,truthfully and will say the say the truth,am I clear" I heard one men said whose name is I dont know and I fucking dont care.

"We want to hear it from you Lance Corporal Levi Ackerman" another man said

"I was coming to check Squad Leader Hanji and when I opened the door,that brat Jaeger was pinning Petra on the wall,that is all I know" I said.

"Jaeger,we want to hear your side story"

"I was worried about Hanji-san so I rush into her room and I saw Petra-san was pressing a pillow on Hanji-san's face not letting her to breath and I accidentally yell at her and forcefully grab her hand to drop the pillow when she began to yell at me" he said as the Ackerman held his arm

"What did she say?" one of the judges ask

"She began yelling that I should not stop her because she was almost finish with her motive" Eren said as the anger began to rise and is visible to his face expression

"Now,we have to listen to Ms.Petra Ral's story" they said as we gaze at where she was sitting but she were no longer there,shit How can I miss something like this?we look and search for her anywhere in the court but she was nowhere to be found.Where the hell is she?

"MAYBE SHE'S ON HANJI-SAN'S ROOM AND TRYING TO KILL HER AGAIN" Jaeger yell and begin to run towards the door exiting the building so I ran off after him because still we dont know what is it all about,incase he was right all this time.

After minutes of dashing around we arrived on the infirmary and Eren kick the door wide open,this brat was using my style,tch.Our mouth hang open when then the door fly revealing a










Petra wiping Hanji's forehead but she suddenly stopped when she saw us.Goddamnit I'm gonna get that Jaeger for the shame.

"umm..Heichou what are you guys doing here?and what's with the kicking of the door?" she ask with her eyebrows raising in curiousity.

"YOU WANT TO KILL MOM,THAT'S WHY YOU ARE HERE!" Eren yelled and begin to attack her but Mikasa manage to grab him as he began to shake in anger.

"Eren,she's not doing anything wrong,in fact she was taking care of Hanji-san while we are not here" Arlert said


"no more but Jaeger"I said

"I thought no one was taking care of squad leader so I came here but you are badmouthing of me " she said as tears began to form in her eyes...

I apologize to her in behalf of Eren because that brat dont listen to me today,and sent Eren to the dungeons for a week.

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