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******************************** CHAPTER TWO ***********************************


Its been two months since I and Petra were together,we didnt tell anyone not even Hanji or the rest of my squad.By the time Petra arrive at my door,I already know what she want and we use Erwin as an alibi because Hanji is around.We walk in the hallway hand in hand as we exited the building.

"Why do you even stay close to Hanji?I mean she's disgusting" Petra said with disgusted look,like she was about to puke.

"You have no right to say that to her Petra!" I yell unexpectedly,I look to her as her eyes water in tears.

"I didnt mean it like that its just...tch." I said with emotionless face

"Why are you defending her?Do you like her?!" she shouted

"Stop making things complicated Petra,you know you are wrong but you keep making me pick what side should I defend" I said

"Why do you bath her?Is it because you want stay to her longer?ANSWER ME! " Petra yell

"CAN YOU STOP THIS BULLSHIT ALREADY! I HAVE ENOUGH OF YOUR BITCHINESS TODAY" I shouted to her face as I untangle our hands.I left her behind as I walk,she became a bitch and extra territorial,what the hell is fucking wrong with her.Sometimes I wonder why did I even date her?I'm not the one who court her its the opposite.

I get back to the headquarters as the brat Jaeger approach me.

"Sir! I already finish cleaning the stalls!" he said saluting me as Mikasa come over probably following Jaeger again.

"Its not clean enough,redo it all" I said annoyed

"But Heichou.."

"dont 'but heichou' me,Jaeger" I said as I continue to head down to my office,its been a pissful day even though the day cant be call a day just yet.

I enter my quarter,surprisingly Hanji wasnt here anymore its been a few minutes since we left,she did also leave this place door wide open.Tch.

I continue to murmur to myself as I laid on my bed,its been a while since I lay on this bed because commonly sleep on my chair every single night.I decided to take a nap before I clean this already clean place.


Since I have nothing interesting to do,I decided to find the titan boy Eren.I wandered through the halls as I saw him sweeping the floor,midget probably make him clean again.

"Oi Eren" I call him waving my hand

"Yes,Hanji-san?" he ask not even looking to me instead I was facing his head

"Stop the cleaning all ready,I need you on my lab"

"What for?"-Eren

"We need to get you hard as in really hard"

After few hours of experimenting on Eren I decided to take him a break,he is probably exhausted.I went down to the kitchen and noticed that its already night time and every squad is already gathered to eat dinner.I get a dinner for Eren because commonly,I dont eat dinner,why?dinner here in the survey corps or ahould I say,food here in the survey corps during normal day taste like water,even though Nanaba and the rest cook it with love but love doesnt even have a taste.There's no difference in drinking water or eating a meal,both makes me wanna puke.

I went upstairs again to give Eren his food but I notice that he is sweating and panting during his sleep.He is making uncomfortable noises so I wake him up by shaking his shoulder but it was no use.

"Eren wake up" I said as he begins to shout something about killing titans and his mother.After few minute of shaking him,he finally wake up gasping for air.He doesnt said anything instead he hug me as he cry,I let him cry on my shoulders.Such a cruel world he is only 15 years old yet he is expose to such cruelty during his younger age.

"Hanji-san,please dont tell anyone specially Mikasa that I cry during my sleep again" he said

"Do you want to talk about it Eren?" I ask

"Its just that I have this very long dream that I cant even remember,it feels like I've seen it before but I'm not sure when or where or whom are involve" he said as he tried to recall the nightmare.

"Hanji-san,Can I ask you a favor"

"Anything Eren"

"Can I call you mom?" he ask shyly

"Sure,having a son wont hurt" I replied as I punch his arm jokingly.


How are you readers?Author Yukiko is back with another chapter and another story!Stay tune for more update and more LeviHan stories because I ship really hard that I am willing to torture anyone who said it sucks!😂👿

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