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************************ CHAPTER 22 **************************


" JEAN NO!!!" I yelled as he began charging at the titan cursing non stop.

" Squad Leader,you must stay here" Sasha said as she and Connie join Jean attacking the titan. Not for long the beast titan summoned the titans and grabbed Jean's wire slamming him hard to the ground. He spit some blood and tried to get back to his feet again but failed miserably. The titan stomped Jean's head as the blood splattered everywhere,I just stare at his corpse with his brain oozing out of his head.

"JEAN!!" Sasha shouted but her legs were grabbed by a four meter class titan,making her lost her balance and fall to the ground. I couldn't do anything,fearing that something may happen to my child if I join the battle field. The titan still didn't let go of Sasha's legs instead it holds her head and ripped her apart.

"YOU DAMNED FAGGOTS!!" cried Connie,kneeling to the ground. I must also fight! After all those kid sacrifices,I should not let it be wasted!

" FUCK YOU!! " cursed Connie attacking at the titan who killed Sasha. He killed the titan but a horde of titans attacked him biting his flesh. I attack the titans but it was too late,all that is left is only Connie's head. The titans turn their head to me as I step back wishing the Levi would come here. I close my eyes and waited to be killed

" Stop attacking,I want to talk to her" the beast titan said,THAT TITAN CAN SPEAK! It's even more intelligent than Eren. I reopen my eyes and saw the beast titan is kneeling down.

" If I'm not mistaken,you are Captain Levi Ackerman's wife right?" it ask but no words came out of my mouth so I just nod.

" Nice meeting you and I know this will be the last" he said as he picked me up.

"LET ME GO!!" I shouted as he throw me on the boulder. As the impact hit my back,the blood runs down to my legs,Oh no my baby!!

" So you were pregnant afterall,I feel bad for the baby" it says turning it's back to me as tears fell down from my eyes. It left together with the titans as the debris fall down to my back but I dont feel any pain,losing my child is more painful. They can hit me with anything and I will accept it but killing my child is another thing. The next thing I knew is that my vision became blurry and my eyes shutted down.


After of hours looking for any possible whereabouts of the soldiers,there is still no sign of life on them but something caught my eye.

" Armin there's something in there " I said as we approach the 'thing' . Armin almost puke when he saw Sasha was ripped in half,Connie just a head and Jean with his brain oozing out of his head making his face undistinguishable for a normal person who doesn't really know him. After seeing all of this death,I wish I could find Hanji...still alive and kicking. Not far from here there's a person junked with rocks only the head is visible,he/she have brown locks. No,it cant be Hanji! I run towards the person as Armin followed me,still shaking from fear.

" Hanji,listen to me,wake up please wake up! You're the only thing I have left" I whispered as I touch her face,her eyelids began to move which is a good sign,she's still alive. I wipe my tears as she opened her eyes

" Levi is that you?" she ask,no wonder she cant see me because she probably lost her glasses because of these rocks.

" Yes yes it's me" I answered as I tried to hold back my tears.

". Hang on baby,I'll get you out of these rocks" I assured as I lifted the rocks,while Armin tried to get her out.

" Levi,our baby it's gone" she cried. Armin's eyes widen in shock

" WE SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO EREN'S DREAMS BEFORE!!" he began screaming about dream,prophecy and etc.

" Don't worry baby I'll get you out" I said as I couldn't hold back my tears,it stream down to my face like an infinite waterfall. I don't care if Armin see me cry,all I care is about my wife.

" Levi,you know that I love you right? And I will always will... I'll forever be your shitty wife,it's just bad that you still haven't teach me how to cook properly and you still have lots of stuffs to show to me..." as she said those words,her eyes began to close

"No,no Hanji don't die!" I scream

"I'm gonna teach you how when we get home.......when we get home " I whispered as no sign of her being alive.

When we manage to get Hanji's body out of the rocks,I carried her back to the wall as the people look at us murmuring things that I have no time to spent to understand. I just look at my wife and recall all the time we spent together. We should have been a happy family.

If only I did listen to Eren,if only I did spent all my remaining time with her,if only I didn't left her side,if only....

This world is beautiful but for me it was cruel...from the very beginning. I always thought that the world hate just for being alive.

Author's NOTE:

Go hate me all you want! I just follow my guts,and acted like Isayama.

And if you guys are interested there's a Game in my page ICORS on facebook. Look for the latest post to join.

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