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****************CHAPTER EIGHT***************


I feel bad for Eren,I know he sounded like he is overprotective like Mikasa but he cant help it even me,if I was given a chance to have a second mother I would deffinitely grab the opportunity and wont get it slip this time.

"Armin" a whisper which snap me out of my thought,I glance at the owner of the voice

"What is it Mikasa?" I questioned her as I feel her uneasiness

"Something's odd the way Petra always form tears in her eyes easily like she is some sort of a drama queen ready to take everyone's sympathy"she said adverting her eyes in other direction.

"What do you mean?"

"Come to think Armin,if Eren is lying why does his ears didnt turn to red as his mother was always telling" at some part Mikasa has a point

"Mikasa lets talk about this on your room" I said as we walk heading to her bedroom

"Mikasa,what are you trying to say?" I ask Mikasa as soon as we arrive at her room closing the door,sitting on the small couch and making our voices so low so no one can hear it aside from us.

"Eren never lied to us once and I'm pretty sure he treats squadleader as a mother that's what he said to me these past few days" she answered.

"Come to think about it Mikasa" I started and look at her in the eye

"I'm starting to believe that Petra-san tried to kill Squad leader Hanji but why?" I ask in pure curiousness

"A few days ago I heard some rumor that Petra and Levi broke up and they are blaming Hanji for it and concluded as the third party and gave her a nickname as 'heichou's fuck buddy'" Mikasa said

"I didnt know that Corporal and Petra-san have that kind of romantic relationship"

"We still dont know what the motive is but I have a feeling that the events prior to the case are somehow interconnected" she said getting up

"Armin,let's ask Eren about it" she said heading to the door and letting me trail off behind her

She twisted the door knob and open the door as few of our comrades drop,probably eavesdropping.

"Jean what are you guys doing?" I ask even though the answer was obvious

"We are..."

"Get out of the way we still have some business to do" Mikasa said as Jean and Marco get up,wait Marco?how could he?

"You are also eavedropping Marco?" I questioned him

"Jean said you guys have secret and he wanted to find out but you guys came here and Jean wants to listen on whatever you are talking about so he eavesdrop,I tried to stop him but since I cant,I join him because I am just as curious as he" Marco explained

"By the way,where are you guys doing?" Jean ask

"We're gonna find out whether Petra-san is lying or not" I said

"Armin!" Mikasa said with caution on her voice...opppsss I slipped

"You're gonna what?" Jean repeated questionly

"Is it about Eren's case?" Marco ask,calm as usual

"There's no point on keeping this out of you guys so I will explain everything to you" I said and started our discussion.

"I've heard about the rumor too but I think rumor is still rumor" Marco said taking the good side

"but Marco if you think about it, Corporal Levi is a full grown man and Squad Leader Hanji is a full grown woman and what do you think happen when woman and man are on the same room together" Jean said in a as-a-matter-of-fact tone,he has a point

"even if I really hate Levi,I will disagree with you Jean because I know both of them wouldnt do anything so reckless" Mikasa said,this discussion were pretty long,we walk to visit Eren and I hope him and Jean wont fight this time because we dont want to worsen the situation.

We arrived at Eren's cell and his eyes widen as he sees us.

"What are you guys doing here?!" he exclaimed

"We are here to visit you angry german" Jean chimed

"Do you wanna go?!" Eren said angrily

"Guys we are not here to fight" I said

"Eren we want to ask you something" Marco said

"About what?" Eren ask

"About the incident" Mikasa continued Marco's statement


Great,no one is in the hallway,I wonder though..nah,its a good thing

"Sasha,are you sure about this?" Connie ask

"Yeah,I'm hungry Connie what else can we do than to sneak into the pantry" I answered

"It seems suspicious why anyone isnt around this time of noon,we might get caught by the corporal" Connie stated

"We're gonna be quick I promise" I said as I put my hand on my chest as a sign of seriousness in my words.

We walk normally so we wont get suspicious if anyone ever show up.We walk and we pass through Squad leader's room where she was currently put the door is open but not too wide,there's someone on her room

"Connie,did anyone was assigned to take care of Squad leader Hanji?" I ask because most of the time I am outdated

"As far as I know,no one" Connie said

"There's someone on her room" I whispered

"So what?" he replied

"Let's see who's there" I said and begin to sneak on the mildly open door

"Petra?" I said but Connie covered by mouth to avoid the loud sound

"shh,what is she doing there?"Connie said talking to himself,we watch Petra as she press the pillow to Hanji's face

"Die you bitch" she said cursing our squad leader but the opened and our face was greeted by the filthy floor,she stare at us in shock and smile taking off the pillow

"What are you guys doing here?"she ask nicely

"stop it witch!Now we know Eren is telling the truth,You really want to kill Hanji-san" Connie said,standing up

"Dont tell anyone about this and I will treat you for foods whatever you want" she offered but

"No.No matter how hungry we are we're not gonna let our stomach eat our conscience on what is right or what is wrong" I said,foods cant bring back life from death but you'll die if you dont have food but nevertheless we are still decent.

"Are you saying a no." she said her eyes are beginning to change expression from sweet and nice into devilish ones.

"Connie,lets get out of here" I said as my eyes began to water,knees are trembling.Taking a step backwards but she is faster than us and she closed the door behind us.

Now we are done for...


Hi,I'm back with another chapter,how is that?I'll be Isayama killing off the characters!Bye,see you next week.

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