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********************** CHAPTER 21 *************************



"YES CAPTAIN!!" he answered

I have this very bad feeling that I can't explained. I just gaze off the body of our fallen comrades that we manage to passed by until everything was set into slow motion. Seems like the time has stopped when I saw Erwin's horse lying on the ground,dead and not far from where the horse here comes Erwin,lifeless while lying on the ground almost ripped in half. I stopped for a second to look at him.

" Why does it has to be him?" I whispered as Armin send his condolences to me. I hope Zoe is still alright,if there's anything to happen to her I would go gone crazy. We continued finding our 'still alive' comrades,if there's any.

We arrived at the post where the right flank should be but all of them are wipe out. We search everywhere nearby,every step I feel like my heart's gonna stop pumping,what if I find Hanji's corpse here? My heart calmed down when I didn't saw Hanji's corpse as well as the younger recruits from 104th training squad named Connie Springer and Sasha Braus.

We started our little journey again but once again failed,there is no one found alive.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" A yell can be heard,I search for the origin of the voice. I found out it was Armin staring at the ground. I turn my vision to wherever he was looking at. He knelt down and cry and scream like a maniac.

"What is it Armin?" I ask but there's no reply can be heard from the blondie. I stare at the red scarf and the key lying next to each other. Then it hit me,that's why Armin is acting like this it is because the scarf belongs to no other than Mikasa and the key lying on the ground is the key on Eren's basement which is always brought by that shitty brat.

"Mikasa never left this scar no matter what" he said while holding the scarf bathed in blood.

" And why is Eren's key lying on blood like this?" he said sarcastically to himself while pocking up the bloody key even though the answer is pretty obvious. I just let the poor boy mourn on his own,afterall we both lost our trusted comrade, our friend.

"They must be somewhere" he said and started to walk to an unknown direction but before he could go any further, I stopped him.

"There's no use on finding them,you're just wasting your time" I said plainly even though deep inside I hope that this guy is right.

"But Eren's a titan he can't be dead" he stated looking like a maniac. In fact he was right but still wrong,Eren is not invinsible,he will be dead if he was killed.


" Squad leader,are you alright?" I ask as Squad Leader Zoe Hanji- Ackerman hold her tummy and mouth at the same time,actions says that she's about to puke.

" Maybe we should stop for a minute and Squad Leader must rest!" Connie suggested

" No there's no need for that, if we stop,the titans might catch up " Squad Leader said

" I recall something like this happened like the puking,tummy ache and any form of ache when my mom is pregnant with my little sister Sunny " Connie told,all this time I thought he was just an idiot but I didn't know that sometimes he got good memory.

"So.... Squad Leader,are you pregnant?" I ask a little hesitant.

" What?! I- I don't know " she stuttered

" Did you and Captain made some lovey-dovey?" I ask trying to bring the topic because I'm not as disoriented as Connie who is curiously looking at me like he has no idea whatever I am talking about.

" Well,we did a few times,OHHH WE DIDN'T USE PROTECTION!!" she opened up,shouting because of shock in the last part

" there's no room for doubting,it has to be the reason" I said

" What are you guys talking about?" ask Connie

" Don't mind Connie, it's girl's business" I replied as we continue riding our horses.

" GUYS!!! THERE YOU ARE I THOUGHT SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU!" Jean yelled and we stopped and reunite with him.

" Where are the other soldiers in your flank?" Squad Leader asks

" They are all killed " he answered

" Are we the only one alive?" Connie ask

" I'm sure Levi heichou is still alive as well as Mikasa and Eren " I said feeling confident as I said those words.

" We must stick together and head back to the wall if we find the remaining soldiers" Squad Leader Commanded.

The ground started shaking vigorously

" there's an earthquake! Everybody down!" Jean yelled

" I think it is not an earthquake! It must be a very huge titan!" Squad Leader concluded as we heard a loud footstep

" hurry guys! We must escape! Back to the wall!" she commanded as we started riding our horses again,faster than before seems like escaping is the only way to live. Before we get far a monkey like titan stop us grabbing our horses making us fall on the muddy ground as the rain fall making our eyesight blurry.

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