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******************* CHAPTER 17


After being on a relationship for almost 3 months and being comrades for almost a decade,now I decided to propose today and cherish Hanji from this day forward.I know it's fucking cheesy but I cant help it,I'm so nervous that I feel like I am going to shit. Moblit,Erwin and some kids help me for the preparation except for those Shiganshina Trio,Eren not calling Hanji mom is no longer odd maybe he finally manage his shit and already accepted that his real mother is dead.

"Corporal,where should I put the balloons?" ask Jean

"Put it to the wall,I'll leave to you and Sasha" I commanded

Suddenly a strong hand was landed on my shoulder (AN: Lol,I almost forgot Erwin lost his arm)

"Are you sure about this?" Erwin ask

"Of course,Now is the only time that I can pull all my shits together" I replied

All recruits are busy cleaning the Headquarter because I told them to.

Almost half an hour had passed and we are almost ready when a soldier barge in.

"Corporal!! Squad Leader Hanji is approaching! Only 60 meters away!" he announced like Hanji is some sort of a titan approaching for the wagon.

"Stop whatever shit you are doing four-eyes is here" I said as they stop at their tracks as a knock disturbed the atmosphere.

"Name and business?" Erwin ask to whoever is in the door but I'm pretty sure it's Hanji,eyebrows is trying so hard to sound serious but deep inside I know he's squeling like a whinny little bitch.

"It's Hanji may I come in?" Hanji replied outside the door as the knob twisted open

Her eyes went wide as her jaw-dropped not even a single word escape from her mouth.

"Oi Hanji,I know I'm not a romantic type of guy but with this shit we are living and the Titans swaggering around like a VIP and those fat faggots of Sina trying to kill us with hunger,this is the least that I could do.I know I sounded like a lunatic kid,but will you marry me?" I said as I kneel down to her with tears streaming down to her face.

"Levi...can I have a tissue?My uniform is soaked already" she said wiping the tears with her jacket

"Whatever just don't say no or I'll fucking feed you to the Titans" I replied as I inserted the ring on her fingers and the crowd went wild but something is missing....

"But I didn't answer just yet" she said,finished drying up her eyes

"Tch" I said as I kissed her as the brats went shouting like bitches on the club

"So when is the wedding?" Baldie ask (Connie)

"What are the foods?" brown haired girl ask which I assume as Sasha,drooling like a baby

"Hold your horses" I said as they all hold Jean



"Eren,what are we going to do?" Mikasa ask

"Captain Levi just proposed to her as I heard from the other room" Armin informed

"I dont want to be selfish,maybe we can let them live the way they wanted but we must keep an eye" I said seriously,I don't want to lose another love one.

"Should we go and congratulate them?" Asked by Armin

"Well,I do think it's a good idea that we show off afterall they be suspicious about us right now,we must kept them from batting an eye to us" Mikasa suggested

"Let's get going"

After a few minutes we arrive at where the source of the party is...

"Hanji-san" I call out

She turn around and headed to my direction

"What is it Eren?" she ask,now she sounded like Jean

"We just want to congratulate the two of you" I said in stern low voice as I turn around to go Armin and Mikasa's whereabout

"Don't you want to stay longer?" she ask,voice down but enough for me to hear as Armin approached me

"Eren,passing time wont hurt" he whispered

"I need to train and get stronger so that I will be able to fight for our freedom" I said,head hung down

"Eren" Hanji-san call

"Oi you're finally here you shitty brats" Captain said as he approach us,I can already see the sweat forming on Armin's forehead while Mikasa kept her face stoic like Corporal

"Why don't you sit and have a few drinks or eat" he added as he pin-point Sasha and Connie grabbing every food within their reach

"Sorry but I gotta train captain" I replied denying his offer

"Do the shit tomorrow" he said as he spun around to talk to Commander Erwin

Hanji-san drag us to the table and made us eat as our batchmates also sit accross us

"Mikasa where have you been? I have never saw you walking on the corridors or on the training grounds these past days" Jean tried to start a conversation with Mikasa

"I've been with Eren" she replied causing Jean to roll his eyes so hard that he almost saw his brain,if only he had one. Our conversation was interrupted as Danchou made an announcement

"Soldiers! I actually am planning to retake the wall maria as soon as posible,I know that few soldiers were aware of this matter but having Squad Leader Hanji and Lance Corporal Levi engaged,I'm afraid I have to posponed the expedition within the breached wall." he announce as he salute and of course all of us did also. Great,we still have time to plan ahead.

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