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********************************** CHAPTER THREE *********************************


The days pass by and I still hadn't talk to Petra,she's probably upset with me so I decided to go to the city of wall Sina to buy her sweets as a gift.I went downstairs to exit the building when I pass Hanji's room.I stop for a while then I heard a whimper,I open the door and found her sulking on the corner with her knees on her face as she face the floor.

"Oi Kuso Megane" I said trying to start a conversation

"What do you want Levi?" she ask not even looking at me.I know somethings wrong because she calls me by my real name when she is sad,angry or trying to be serious.I could hear her voice twitch at the mid of the sentence.

"What is wrong Hanji?" I question her as I bend to the same level as her.

"Its nothing" she said,once again not looking at me

"Oi,dont lie Hanji" I said with my cold voice,I seriously was trying to be gentle but it always turn out to be cold and emotionless.

"Stop asking me like you care" she said as I see a tear fell on the floor.

"I'm always okay even when I'm not,that's what the world wants me to be" she continued,I have enough this crap,now she sounded like the cinnamon boy,Arlert.

"Is your brain become crap again?" I said as I raise an eyebrow even if she could see it.

"Levi,I always want to spend my time alone,if you want you may excuse yourself" now she's being polite.Tch.What the hell is wrong with you four eyes.I exited her door just like she wish and headed outside to finish my postponed for a minute agenda.I rode off to Sina to buy sweets for Petra or maybe I can buy sweets for Hanji too.

After few minutes of riding I already arrive on my destination where people make circle talking about how short I am,I wanna punch some faces today but I didnt.As soon as I buy things I needed I drove back to the headquarters.I went to Petra's room to pay her avisit and to drop out the sweets.


I laughed like a mad man,I look like a titan shit,I always but but this time its worse than normal.This morning I feel like crying and this afternoon I feel like laughing,I may be crazy that's why I'm still NBSB.My throat becomes dry from crying and laughing and I realise that I dont have water on my room so I decided to went to the kitchen down stairs.I pass each room of Levi's squad until my eyes lock on Petra's slightly open door.My eyes widen in shock as I saw Petra kissing Levi as Levi kiss her back,it feels like I wanna end my life already.I take a step back as the wooden floor creak.I fasten my pace as I heard Levi curse a word.I pass Petra's room and almost reaching the end of the hall way when..

"Oi shitty glasses" Levi called

"Yes,shorty?" I said as I fake a smile as I turn my head to him,he just give me a nod as soon as turn my head to the path I am walking,a single tear fell down my cheeks.I thought Levi is my close and trusted friend of mine but he kept a secret from me,and he didnt notice the smiles I'm faking and my heart's not breaking.

I finally got into the kitchen and I see Nanaba cooking,I ask her for a mug of water as I let it slid down to my throat.I feel relieve for a moment started to leave when....

"Hanji!" Nanaba called

"What is it Nanaba?" I ask as I turn to her

"Is something bothering you?"

"No." I respond but this girl is unstoppable

"Something's up Hanji,spill the beans" she said as she flick her tongue

"Its nothing Nanaba"

"Speak" she commanded

"Its about..." I started as I begin to go back and take a sit

"about?" her eyebrows are raising


"what about him?" she ask confuse

I didn't repond instead I gave her a look

"You mean?!"

"Yeah,you got it" I said as I rolled my eyes

"Since when?"

"A couple of months ago?I dunno" I replied because even myself dont know when or how it started

"What's the big deal about him?" she ask

"You know,he and Petra are already a thing" I look down as soon as I finish my sentence as I choke out the words

"he what?!"

"Are you a deaf or what?" does she even listening when I am talking?

"Its just..I'm confirming whether I did heard it right" she said,once again taking a deep breath

"What's your plan?" she continue

"Nothing,I should shrug this feelings off like I did in the past" being too kind sometimes hurt the most,when you have to sacrifice your own happiness for others not once but a couple of hundred times,maybe for them I dont have mass nor occupy space so I DONT MATTER.I shot a sad glare at Nanaba as I exited the kitchen off to my bedroom.

I sat on my bed as I think about the feelings that should be put aside,I have to focus and I have to let go.

"The saddest part of love is having someone in your heart but you cant have them in your arms"


Sorry for the long wait my dear readers!I broke my iPad so I am on a temporary hiatus and wasnt able to write down my story until its fixed again.I promise to make it up to you as soon as it is fix,love Yukiko Hamano.

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