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************** CHAPTER 19


"Levi,ease" Erwin said elbowing me

"Shut up you fucking eyebrows,I'm so nervous that I might shit in my pants right here" I cursed

"Take it easy or you'll get a heart attack before you will even see your wife" he teased

"Easy for you to say because you have never been in my shit called 'wedding' " I replied

"It's not my fault that you ask Hanji to become your bride" he laughed

"Just fucking get out of here " I cursed rolling my eyes

"You'll a best-man if I do that " he blurted

"tch" I replied as the organ begins to play.This is fucking it.

The huge door opens revealing my soon-to-be wife. She's smiling from ear-to-ear underneath her veil as she walk to the aisle. As her steps are getting closer my heart beats faster. The children are throwing petals to the floor which I stare at because it's a mess--a good mess just like my wife. I waited for her to take her final step and outreach her hand for me as I tangled our arms and lead her up to the altar to face Pastor Nick. He made an eye contact to me then to Hanji. He cleared his throat then started the ceremony.

"We are here to witness a special moment where our Humanity's Strongest Soldier and our veteran Squad Leader will be one...(AN: then blah blah I don't how wedding works..Lol)" he started then continue on his words of wisdom. (AN: lets just poceed to the kissing scene)

"You may now kiss the bride" he said as we ,I and Hanji looked at each other and she warpped her arms around my neck as we both leaned in and captured each other's lips savoiring every second. Kiss taste better when you know no one have the right to stop both you from doing it or so. A minute after we parted our lips as we are both gasing for air and the crowd applause.

We left the ballroom as our comrades fall--not because they are eaten by a titan but because they are too drunk to even lift their heads.All of them were already on the floor when we turn our heels and headed to our new room.

"I must be dreaming" Hanji said outloud

"What do you mean?" I ask trying to clarify what she had stated

"You know,after all that we've been through.Right we are here sitting on our own bed,staying at our own house not in the headquarters and now we're already married" she stated looking at me smiling-- a sincere one,I dont exactly know when is the last time I saw that kind of smile coming from her.


Levi sat in my side as he reach for my face for my face.

"We'll gonna have a normal life after we slain all those filthy titans and our children will see the walls no more" he assured as his face is getting closer and closer then our lips meet.It was a passionate kiss that turned into another level.

*That's why we have that thing called I M A G I N A T I O N ,use that and just imagine the next scenes,I aint writing that for yeah,you sweet little perverts*

The morning came and the house is all mess.People vrywhere,definitely in every corner of the ballroom,kitchen,dining room and living room,Levi wont be pleased.The first one to woke up was Moblit.

"Good morning squad leader" he greeted trying to keep his eyes open,currently having trouble walking.

"Good morning" I greeted back

" Our house is a mess,I wonder what Levi's gonna do when he find out" I said to myself

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE?!" speak of the devil,Levi came out of the room and shouted.That's Levi for you.

"Levi calm your tits" I said stopping his rampage early in the morning

"Shut up four eyes,I dont even have a tit to begin with" I juat chuckled at his reply,he sure knows when to pull out the gun.

After 3 hours all of us are sitting on the floor except for Levi (because he said it's still filthy).

"Are you sure we're gonna play truth or dare?" Sasha asked

"It will be my first time playing such game,specifically with you guys" Erwin said.I clapped my hands and said

"Let's play truth or dare!! Let's spin the bottle first to know who should play first" we spin the bottle and it landed on Connie.

"Sasha,truth or dare?" Connie ask

"Dare,it better not be some sort of freaky thingy" she answered

"Sit on Jean's lap for 13 minutes" he said while smirking

"Why me?" ask Jean.Sasha sat on Jean's lap and for the first time,I saw Sasha blushing not caused by food.I didn't know she has fetish not only for food but also for horses.We spun the bottle again and it landed on Eren,now it's Sasha's time to ask Eren

" truth or dare?" ask Sasha

"Dare" Eren answered not even a single hint of regret can be spotted.

"I dare you to kiss with Mikasa!" Sasha announced making everyone gasp except or Jean because he is angry as fuck.

"I bet Eren can't do that,just let me do it" Jean said feeling confident over himself

"What did you say horse face? Kissing Mikasa is fucking EASY!" Eren yelled and went to Mikasa to peck her lips which turned the girl into 50 shades of red. I just laugh to whatever that they are doing,they sure have grown up.Let them enjoy what in it is today because no one knows what comes in tomorrow.


PLEASE READ BLOOD for AGI!! It's my first published Filipino story.Thank you!!

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