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********************CHAPTER 9********************

                    LEVI's POV

          Hopefully that brat Jaeger was on the prison already for the meantime that should teach him a lesson.Why does the hallway so silent,not that I mind the silent but its really unusual.I am currently heading to Hanji's room but there's no one in the hallway,I heard noises from the inside of her room,tch she must be awake already or those shitty brats visit her and made those noises.I twisted the door knob but its locked,damnit.
"WHO EVER INSIDE OF THIS ROOM DONT LEAN ON THE FUCKING DOOR!" I yell as I kick the door fly open.Petra's frozen in her tracks as she was about to kill the younger recruits who I assume to be Sasha Braus and Connie Springer,using Hanji's 3 Dimensional Manuever Gear.
"Petra what is this all about?" I ask her,now my eyes are full of anger.Yhe kids get out of her way and headed on my back trembling in fear.
"Heichou.." she started but the kids cut her off
"Corporal,all this time Eren was telling the truth,she did really mean harm on squad leader" Sasha stated as her eyes water but its normal she always cry over silly things but the way her lips tremble is not usual
"She tried to kill Hanji-san using the pillow and we past by and gossip but the door opened wildly,she tried to bribe but we rejected her offer and we got in this situation" Connie explained getting back to his tracks
"'re coming with me" I said turning my heels and heading back with the brats on my side and Petra trailing behind silently.

We headed straight to the jail as we saw Jaeger and his friends
"Heichou!" he yell inside the cell
"Dont shout brat my ear drums might bleed" I said annoyingly because that brat is really annoying
"set him free" I ordered the guards no open the cell,there's no way I'm gonna touch that filthy metal.They eyed me questioningly but I didnt mind them
"Replace Eren with Petra" I commanded
"Heichou,why?" Eren ask
"Stop the heichou thing brat you should be glad thay you are free and free from cleaning duty for two months" I stated,their eyes widen
"why does it only has to be Eren to be free from cleaning duties?" Jean ask
"Tch." I responded

No words,they follow me as I went back to the head quarters.
"oi brats why are you following me?" I ask them,but no one answered they just go to their resignated rooms.I am heading to shitty glasses' room to guard her.

"Oi four eyes,wake up" I said and took a sit beside her touching her hand,I dont know I just feel like it.Her fingers moved a little,its a good sign she's waking up soon.She slowly opened her eyes and she looked at me
"Levi?Is that you?" she ask probably unable to see me
"Who else would be stupid enough to visit you during noon time Shitty Glasses" I said and she just laughed,I look down to our hands,my hand is still on hers.I feel my face heated up I just hope her eyesight is very bad that she didnt see me blush.
"Levi,is anything wrong?" she ask but I still didnt take my hand off
"tch.I just thought you're gonna sleep forever" I said coldly,no matter how hard I think about gentle words it still been spoken harshly,good thing Hanji understands my vocabulary.
"Take a rest Four eyes,you still havent regain your energy yet"I said preparing to leave but she hold my hand
"Levi can you stay here just this time please,I really have this long bad dream that I dont remember,atleast you here,makes me feel secure while I slept.It feels weird that I feel someone is choking me my sleep and it seems real" she said with her thinking face,could she be aware that Petra tried to kill her?
"Only this time Hanji" I said
"I'm surprised"
"Why?" I ask
"you call me Hanji,I didnt know you knew my surname,I thought you only knew the nicknames" she stated teasingly
"Sure thing shitty glasses" I repond and I begin to close my eyes and drifted into a deep slumber together with her.

                       EREN's POV

          It's so dark,I cant see anything or anyone."Mikasa?Armin?Where are you guys?" I walk until I saw a dim light shouting my comrades' names."Heichou?Where are you?" I whispered as the light blinded me.There I saw a familiar memory,accept the woman is different.
"Eren,run save yourself" she commanded,I was confused.She is being held to the group by a large pieces of wall debris,this is it the familiar memory is when my mother died but now I am witnessing how my new mother will die on the same scenario and here I am,standing like an idiot,dumbfounded.I snap it out and begin to lift the fallen debris
"Eren,please run" she begged
"No Hanji,mom,I wont let you die" I search anyone for help but I saw everyone was dead.Mikasa was decapitated,Jean was bitten in half,Sasha was hanging with her ODMG armless,Connie was lying there with only his head,commander Erwin were beaten and killed by boulders,Squad Leader Mike was being eaten by Titans limb by limb and there was Armin,sulking in the corner cowering in fear.I took a glance on our surrounding,and there is female titan fighting the Jaw Titan,isnt Ymir the Jaw Titan?but this time it was different,that means...Ymir was already dead.
"Save Armin,Eren.I have already accepted my fate" she said but I still lifted the debris and there I saw some blood on her legs
"Mom,are you?" I ask but she answered me while crying
"My baby is already gone" she cried even more,my tremble as I fall onto my knees.This war brought so much,it has to end.Corporal,I need to find Levi heichou.I advert my gaze and trying to find our midget captain but there he is fighting both Titans and humans by his own.You cant see if there is any hope in his eyes,right now he is nothing more than a Titan and human killing machine.I have to stand up and fight and bit myself and shift into a Titan when...

"Wake up,Eren" I opened my eyes and greeted by Mikasa's face,I wipe my face because its wet.Tears?Am I crying during my sleep?I remembered the same scenario when I was young where I cried during my sleep when we are picking firewoods.I wipe my tears away
"Eren you were crying in your sleep again and screaming about war" she stated which snap me from my sleepiness and run towards Mom's room.I barge in and was surprise that she and heichou were sleeping but not too long.
"Oi what are you doing here brat?" heichou ask opening his eyes and Mom was waking up,rubbing her eyes trying to shrug the sleepiness away.
"Eren what's wrong?" she ask and I hugged her
"Mom,are you pregnant?" I said
"What?How can I be pregnant?" she answered with another question
"I'm just making sure my dreams wont come true" I said
"what dream Jaeger?" heichou ask
"everyone died on my dream..." I started and continue til I already said every detail to them they assured me that nothing could go wrong.

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