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************CHAPTER 15


Commander Erwin summoned me on his office I wonder what is it about,all day it seems like Eren is avoiding someone,someone that is really close I wonder who.I knock at Commander Erwin's office thrice in case he havent heard my first knock.

"Name and business" he shouted from the inside of the chamber

"This is Mikasa Ackerman Sir,I heard you have summoned me" I replied,enough for him to hear from the other side of the door

"You may come in" he said and I opened the door seeing him sitting on his chair with one hand on the table while is cutted arm hang around his chair.

"Why did you summoned me sir?" I ask

"Do you think you can fight Titans until the last drop of your blood?" he started asking questions

"I am devoting myself to humanity sir" I answered

"Are you willing to die for freedom?" he ask

"It's my job to protect Eren" I answered

"Eren is not the only human alive Mikasa" he stated

"But I promise his mother that I'll protect him at any cost" I said

"Do you think you deserve to be a soldier if you just wanted to babysit Jaeger?" he ask again

"Why are you asking this questions Sir?" it's my time to return the questioning

"I want to know if my soldiers for the Great Fight of Titans and Humans" he answered

"What do you mean sir?" I ask because I feel that something is up with him

"I want you guys to train as hard as you can because I want to rush the reclaimation of Wall Maria especially the Shiganshina District" he declared which leave me in a utter shock.

"We're reclaiming it sir?" I ask making sure that I heard it right

"You heard me,not now but soon" he said

"You may excuse" he ordered as I bid my goodbye and left his quarter.

Right after I exited the chamber,Armin greeted me on the hallway together with Eren.

"Mikasa,what did Erwin danchou said?" Armin asked

"I don't want to keep a secret from you guys so I will tell you.Commander Erwin wants us to be ready for the reclaimation of Shiganshina" I said with a straight face eventhough my limbs are shaking inside.

"Finally!!After years of waiting!" Eren yelled,anger showing on his face which is not new to us.

"Eren keep your voice down" Armin whispered

"Did Heichou and Hanji buntaichou know about this?" Armin asked

"I dont know maybe not" I answered which lead Eren to become uneasy

"Eren,something wrong?" I ask but its pretty obvious

He left without words with my question unanswered


I was looking at the Levi squad table time by time,I can see the old times,where Petra,Oluo,Eld and Gunther were sitting facing each other,but those were only memories now.It's just sad to think about it,the old good times,they are one of the major lost of Scouting Legion these past .Just on time,Levi arrived on the empty table.

"Buntaichou,why do you kept on looking at Heichou?" unexpectedly,Moblit said a word that is not about 'dont go there buntaichou' 'buntaichou stop' 'buntaichou its dangerous' and other forms of 'buntaichou'

"What is it Moblit?" I ask him eventhough I heard him just right

"Nothing" he said as I rose up from my sit and went to Levi.

"What do you want kuso megane?" he ask while drinking his usual cup of black tea

"Is that how you treat your girlfriend?" I raised my eyebrow as a teasing gesture


"Do you want to go to Sina today?" I ask

"What would we do in that piece of shit land?" he ask with his stoic face not looking at me

"Dont you want to spend time with me?" I pouted

"Fine" he said but his face is disagreeing with him

"Levi,you dont have to force yourself to come with me if you really dont want to go,I can go on my own" I said walking out,leaving his table.I rush my way to the door when...

"Oi four eyes!" he called

I turn around but I was shocked when he smack his lips to mine in front of my squad.

"It's not that I dont want to come with you but I just to change my clothes and remove my harness" he said

"Is that so?" is all I can say because I ran out of words,I really thought he doesnt want to spend time with me just like how he spend time with Petra...I know she's dead but feelings dont die,it stays...but it changes.What you love now maybe the hate of your life tomorrow.

After he change his clothes,we went to Sina to watch something entertaining just like Circus.I actually admire whoever the man behind this.

"Sometimes I want to try being an actor on the stage" I said

"Dont dare,its not for you" he replied

"Why did you say so?" I ask

"You belong in the Survey Corps not in a Circus" he simply said as the actors bow down,the show ended.

"Where do you want to go next?" he ask

"Actually I'm hungry,lets grab something since it's already night." I propose as we went to a-not-so-fancy restaurant.We sit on the table as the chef himself approach us,looks like he doesnt have any waiter here.

"What do you want to order Corporal Levi?" the chef ask,looks like they know each other.

"I'll have my usual" he answered

"And you Mrs.Ackerman?" he ask looking at me which lead me to look at my back to whoever he is talking.

"Me?Actually I'm a miss." I said trying to hide my embarrassment

He leaned in to Levi whispering something...

Author Yukiko's Note!!!!

I really love you guys!! PLEASE READ MY COLLAB STORY WITH @natsuki011 entitled When Ms.Inosente meets Mr.Fuckboy(Soulmate).And please support my upcoming book with the title of BLOOD FOR AGI which I will release next month or later this month.My LeviHan books will have fast updates due to the fact that I have to finish this two ongoing book before writing another one.And Also my non fanfiction story BLOOD FOR AGI will be on Filipino language but for those who want to read it in English,I will make a page for me and co writer(aspiring cosplayers) and I will upload there the manga chapters.Please stay tune for more updates and announcements.

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