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A/N : This story changes point of views. I'll do a little ~ when it does.


Adrien playfully rolled his eyes. "Sure..." He shot his own trash in the garbage can, just making it.

"You know... You should join the girls basketball team." He turned to face her.

"Haha. You're funny." She rolled her eyes.

"Well why not? You're pretty good." He smirked.

"I'm not the sporty type. I'd rather stay home and design..." She stood up. "Speaking of home, I'll race you back."

He stood with her. "Go!"

They both took off towards Mari's house.

"Keep up fatty!" Mari ran faster.

Adrien chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes.

They arrived and Adrien was panting slightly.

"How are you so fast again?"

"I work out. Don't you?" She raised a brow and unlocked the door.

"Yes. I do." They stepped inside.

"Says the one who's panting."

Mari went to check on Alya and Nino. "Hm. I think they left." She turned to Adrien.

Mari's phone beeped saying she got a text. She checked it and of course it was Alya. Perfect timing.

"Have fun 😉" Was what she had sent.

Mari rolled her eyes.

"Who was it and what did it say?" Adrien had decided to get nosy.

"It said 'have fun', winky face." Mari winked.

He shoved his hands into his pockets. "Well what does she think we're going to do?"

Mari walked towards him. "We're going to play an epic game of..."

Adrien blushed at how close she was.

She put a hand on his chest. "Mario Kart." She grinned. "Come on up." She headed upstairs to her room.

He followed her up to her room. "You know I'm not going to win right?" It was sort of impossible to beat Marinette at any video game.

"Yep!" She sat down on one of the chairs at her desk, hooking the controls to the console and set the game up.

He sat down on the other chair.

She handed him a controller. "Let's play."

Mari chose Princess Peach. Adrien chose Yoshi.

She selected a track and pressed start. "May the best player win fatty."

He rolled his eyes. "I stand no chance..." He muttered.

After the four rounds, Mari came in first, Adrien coming in third.

"Not bad fatty. Care to go again?" She wiggled her brows.

"Sure. Why not."

She chose another course and they played again.

Mari, yet again, came in first, but Adrien came in sixth.

"What happened fatty? Did you give up?" She leaned back in her chair.

He shook his head. "No... Just got distracted..."

"Psh. What? How'd you get distracted? Is Princess Peach too beautiful for you?" Mari wiggled her brows.

"Sure... Princess Peach..." Adrien rolled his eyes.

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