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A/N : This story changes point of views. I'll do a little ~ when it does.


"Brownies are fine." Adrien smiled, letting out a soft laugh.

Mari smiled. "Last one to the kitchen is a rotten egg." She got off of Adrien and darted out of the room.

He chuckled, quickly getting up and running after her.


Adrien's house was so big.

Mari had to ask Nathalie where the kitchen was. "Um. Excuse me. Nathalie? Where's a good spot in the kitchen to hide from Adrien?"

Nathalie looked up, raising an eyebrow at her. "Oh um... I'm not sure, I'd just go in and look around."

She gestured to the kitchen, giving Mari a funny look before making her way to Gabriel's room.

Mari blushed and wandered into the kitchen, looking around the big room to find a spot to hide.


Adrien shoved his hands in his pockets, slowing his pace down.

He knew he wouldn't catch up, so he didn't bother to drain his energy.


Mari put her hands on her hips.

There was this big empty cupboard she found, so she climbed in and waited for Adrien.


Adrien hummed, walking in and looking around. "Princess..?"

Mari made a little crack in the door so she could see him.

She made a tiny meow sound. "Mew..."

His eyebrows scrunched together, looking around and letting out a soft laugh. "Princess, where are you?"

She held her hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing out loud. "Mew..." She meowed again.

He raised an eyebrow and sat on the edge of the counter. "Adorable..."

She giggled quietly. "You know you love me, kitty." She whispered.

His back was to her.

She crept out of the cupboard ever so quietly.

She jumped onto the counter and pounced onto his back.

He jumped, a small noise escaping him. "Jeez..." He mumbled, his breathing heavy and his heart beating quickly. "You scared me..." He whined playfully.

She giggled, hugging him from behind. "That was the whole point." She grinned and nuzzled her face into his back.

He hummed, letting out a soft laugh as he calmed down. "I'm so going to get you back..."

Her eyes widened and she hit his head. "Don't you dare..."

He pouted playfully. "It's only fair..." He said in a babyish voice, smiling innocently.

"No, it's not." She hit his head again.

"Yes, it is..." He chuckled, leaning back into her a little and humming softly.

"No..." She hugged him tighter.

He playfully rolled his eyes. "Fine..." He mumbled. "Fine, I won't do anything."

"I can't trust you on that." She giggled and hopped down from the counter.

He smiled softly, leaning forward against his knees. "Why not? I always keep my promises..."

She rummaged through his kitchen to find the ingredients for the brownies.

She raised brow. "Yeah, you always assume things too."

"Like what?" He chuckled, swinging his legs a little.

She turned to face him. "You thought I didn't like you." She crossed her arms.

His smile fell a little. "That's not all my fault, not having friends all of my life kind of makes you doubt a lot of things like that..."

"Exactly. You don't take the time to find out if people like you or not." She turned away from him and started to make the brownies.

He leaned his head in his hand, looking away and sighing gently. "Well I'm sorry, I'm not the best at this..." He mumbled.

She turned to him and smiled gently. "You have an amazing girlfriend Adrien. You're probably THE best at this."

He glanced over, playfully rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I guess so." He smiled softly.

"Psh." Mari rolled her eyes.

She walked over to him and stood in between his legs, giving him a hug. "Don't be such a stick in the mud..."

She rubbed his back with one hand, and with the other, she threw some flour at his head.

He smiled, hugging her back and resting his head on her shoulder.

He pulled away and shook his head, feeling her throw floor. "Hey! You meanie."

She laughed. "You're a weanie." She smirked and threw some more flour at him.

She had finished making the brownies before she gave him a hug, so they were already cooking.

Adrien hummed, bringing his hand up to his head to ruffle out the flour. "The best weanie though." He smirked slightly.

She rolled her eyes. "I'll make Alya come get your weanie." She crossed her arms and smirked.

He raised an eyebrow at her. "But would you really?" He chuckled, his legs crossing on instinct.

She giggled. "If absolutely necessary, yes."

He playfully pouted. "Nooo, you're a meanie..."

"And how am I a meanie exactly?" She walked closer to him.

He hummed. "You just are..." He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.

She put her hands on his knees. "If you have no reason, then I'm not."

He smiled softly, putting his hands on top of hers. "Fine, how about... A pretty meanie?" He giggled.

She leaned closer to him. "Oh? Is my beauty a threat to you?" She smirked.

He hummed. "Yeah, it's just too much." He joked, smiling warmly and kissing her nose.

She giggled and rest her forehead against his.

He let his eyes fall closed, softly rubbing circles onto the back of her hand with his thumb.

She closed her eyes, sighing and smiling softly.

He smiled warmly. "I love you..." He mumbled, moving to hold her hand, locking their fingers together.

She giggled. "I love you too, cat..."

He smiled, soon hearing the beep from the oven.

He opened his eyes slightly.

Mari opened her eyes. "Aha! Food!"

She pulled away from Adrien and opened the oven to take the brownies out.

He chuckled, leaning back against the counter, his hands pressed down flat.

"Mmm." She sniffed the magnificent smell of the brownies, setting them down on the stove so they could cool.

She walked over to Adrien and hopped next to him on the counter.



A/N: Stay tuned~

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