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A/N : This story changes point of views. I'll do a little ~ when it does.


Adrien smiled, looking around. "Dang, you really went all out this time..."

"Nino's parties are the best. This is how he throws a party." Alya smirked, walking over to Nino who was DJing.

Adrien nodded, still smiling. "You should throw parties more often then..."

"Yeah! You should, Nino!" Marinette cupped her hands so Nino could hear her over the music.

Nino smiled, shrugging a little, but thanking her anyway.

Nino changed the song to Slow Down by Selena Gomez.

Adrien grinned, taking Marinette's hand to dance. "I love this song!"

"No way! Me too!" She grinned back.

He chuckled. "I guess we both have great taste in music."

"You bet... Now that I have captured your attention..." She smirked.

"I want to steal you for a rhythm intervention..." He smiled, singing along with her.

"Mr T you say I'm ready for inspection." They danced around.

"Sh-sh-show me how you make a first impression..." He sang in time, his voice a little quiet due to the loudness of the music and the other people who had arrived.

She smiled, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck. "Oh, oh..."

He placed his hands on her hips, blushing a little. "Can we take it nice and slow, slow?"

"Break it down and drop it low, low..." She dropped it low a little bit.

"'Cause I just want to party all night in the neon lights 'til you can let me go." He smirked slightly, looking down at her since she was so short anyway.

She looked up at him. "I just want to feel your body right next to mine..." She moved closer to him.

"All night long. Baby, slow down the song..." He smiled, moving his arms around her to pull her closer.

"And when it's coming closer to the end hit rewind..." She could feel his hot breath on her face.

"All night long. Baby, slow down the song..." He repeated, kissing her nose and giggling a little.

She giggled and smiled. He was so adorable. "I love you..." She whisper yelled. "If you want me I'm accepting applications..."

"I love you too..." He smiled, it soon going back to a smirk at the next lines. "So long as we k-keep this record on rotation, you know I'm good with mouth to mouth resuscitation..."

She smirked. "Breathe me in, breathe me out, so amazing... Are you now?" She raised her brows, leaning in a little bit.

"Oh, oh. Can we take it nice and slow, slow..." He nodded a little, smiling. "Mhm, always..."

She started to laugh. "Haha. Always? Whaaaattt."

"I'm always okay with kissing you." He smirked, blushing a little.

"Really, huh? That's good to hear..." She stood on her tip toes.

He hummed. "Is it now..?" He asked, brushing his lips across hers.

"If you take it nice and slow..." She smirked, pressing her lips against his.

He kissed back, his eyes falling closed.

She smiled, letting her eyes close as well.

He pulled away slightly, smiling softly. His face still close to hers.

"Like the view?" She chuckled softly.

He blushed a little, nodding. "Definitely..."

She blushed slightly. "Thanks..."

"Anytime." He giggled, the song soon ending and the next coming on.

"Oh, I love this song!" Marinette pulled away and started to dance.

He chuckled at her, joining in.

It was Alone Together by Fall Out Boy.

"I don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul..." Marinette danced and sang at the top of her lungs, swishing the skirt she wore.

"I don't know where I'm going, but I don't think I'm coming home..." He laughed, not singing as loud as her, but still dancing just as crazily.

"And I said, I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead..." She smiled, dancing around Adrien.

He shook his head a little at her, turning to follow as she moved around him. "This is the road to ruin and we're starting at the end..."

She made hand gestures with the words of the song. "Say, yeah. Let's be alone together..." She grabbed his forearms.

He smirked at her, an eyebrow slightly raised. He knew it was the lyrics of the song, but he was a boy... A teenage boy. "We could stay young forever. Scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs, lungs..."

"Say, yeah. Let's be alone together..." She embraced him in a hug.

He smiled softly, hugging back. "We can stay young forever. We'll stay young, young, young, young, young..." He gently sang the words.

Suddenly it seemed like everything around them was moving in slow motion. The song, lights, the people dancing. Everything. Marinette looked up at Adrien.

He was in a world of their own, not paying much attention to anything, but himself, herself, and the music. He smiled softly, pulling her close, still dancing.

She got lost in the sound of the song, closing her eyes and immersing her thoughts about herself and Adrien. It felt as though they were the only people in the room, slowly dancing to the beat.

He wrapped his arms fully around her, leaning his head on hers, humming to the song.

She hugged him back, nuzzling her face into his chest.

He smiled warmly, kissing her temple. "I really love you, you know that right?"

"Yep, because I really love you too." She giggled.

He blushed a little, humming. "Good, otherwise we'd have a problem..." He chuckled.

"Don't worry, kitty. We won't ever have a problem." She looked up at him and smiled warmly.

He nodded, sighing in content. "That's always nice to hear." He chuckled a little, looking back down at her.

She smiled bigger.

Suddenly everything felt off.

He rested his forehead against her. "You okay..?"

"Something doesn't feel right..."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?"



A/N: The story is almost over!!

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