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A/N : This story changes point of views. I'll do a little ~ when it does.


Chat's gaze softened, moving to kneel in front of her. "Oh, m'lady, it's going to be okay, we'll go and see Master Fu if anything else happens. Okay?"

Ladybug nodded, not meeting his gaze. "Am I making all of this up?" She laughed. "The akuma might be a fake."

He shook his head. "I believe you, whether it's fake or not, but it's best to take that chance then to let the possible akuma get stronger."

"You're right." She met his gaze. "The akuma erases memories so the akuma or someone who hurt the akuma must've forgotten or remembered someone and was hurt by it."

He nodded. "So let's look around, gather as much information as we can."

She nodded, slowly standing up.

He smiled softly, glancing around. "Come on..."

She held out her hand. "Let's take a walk..." A small smile appeared on her face.

He let out a soft laugh, taking a hold of her hand and locking their fingers together.

They started to take a stroll through the city, looking for any signs of an akuma.

He hummed a soft tune that was stuck in his head, swinging their arms a little as they walk.

Ladybug was lost in thought. "Chat!" She swung her head around to look at him.

He looked over at her, jumping a little. "What?"

"What if... What if the akuma is making my dreams..." She let out a whisper.

He tilted his head slightly, thinking for a second. "There's the possibility..."

"Because the akuma is making it seem like I'm going crazy. There was the light that hurt Tikki. I'm having these crazy dreams that seem like something an akuma would do." Her face softened. "There's only one way to find out."

"And that one way is..?" He raised an eyebrow at her, hoping she wouldn't do something stupid.

"To find the akuma and stop it. What did you think?" She let go of his hand and crossed her arms.

"That you were going to do something stupid..." He spoke quietly. "Like, go after it without me or something dangerous..."

"What would you think that, cat? You know I'd never do anything dangerous without you." She smiled softly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He nodded softly. "Yeah, I know now..."

"What do you mean you know now. Didn't you know that before?" She tilted her head, worry in her eyes.

He shrugged. "I don't know what goes on in your mind. You could do anything..."

"Chat?" She took her hand off of him. "Why are you acting like this? Don't you trust me? I'd never lie to you." Her eyes glassed over with tears.

Why was the akuma doing this to them and at this moment! Now was not the time for Chat to forget.

He shook his head, his eyebrows scrunching together. "No, goodness no. Of course I trust you. I'm just saying you'd want to protect me and I don't know how far you'd go to do that..."

"I'll go as far as I need to. I won't let either of us get hurt, Chaton."

"Good, keep yourself safe as well..." He smiled softly, lifting her hand up to place a gentle kiss on the back of it.

She smiled. "Let's go find that akuma." She interlocked their fingers.

He nodded softly, swinging their hands as they walked around.

Ladybug's eyes were searching for any signs of an akuma. She saw something tentacle like slither around a corner.

He hummed. "You see anything..?"

"Yeah..." She dragged him around the corner.

A man was walking down the street. He had a cape made out of tentacles and he was wearing a band across his forehead.

"Huh..?" Chat titled his head slightly in confusion, an eyebrow raised. "What the..."

"Found the akuma." Ladybug whispered.

Chat nodded softly. "You sure it's him..?"

She turned to him. "Who'd have a cape made of real tentacles?"

He laughed quietly, shrugging. "Fair enough."

She walked towards the octopus man. "Has the akuma finally decided to come out and play?" She swung her yoyo.

Chat followed behind her, reaching to his belt to pull out his baton, getting ready in case she needed help.

She was going to need help.

Octopus man turned around, a grin placed on his face. "I see the cat is out of the bag..."

Chat hissed slightly, walking up next to her. "You're going to need help..." He mumbled, glancing at her. "No offense..."

"None taken. What do you want Octopus man?"

Chat smiled softly at her before turning to the akuma.

"Your miraculous..." The akuma spoke mockingly. "As if you haven't heard it before." He rolled his eyes at them.

She crossed her arms. "I meant, why are you harming others? What do you get in return for our miraculous?"

The akuma chuckled, placing his hand on his stomach. "Oh you little bug! Do you not know anything?"

"I know more than you think, L'Encreur." She glared at the man.

The akuma hummed, becoming cocky. "Oh? Then what's my weapon?"

"I'm not sure yet. I know you make memories disappear and you hurt kwami's. You take away happiness." She raised a brow.

He hummed. "Precisely, I guess the little bug is smarter than she looks." He grinned. "But how would you feel if POOF I made the little cat here forget all about you..?" He teased.

"Then I'd be very sad." She was studying him. His powers had to do with brains and memories so the akuma must be in the headband he wore. The ink in the tentacles was his weapon.

"That's good to know..." The akuma smirked. "What if I were to do it now..?"

Chat shook his head. "It wouldn't work..."

The bug turned to the cat, dropping her arms. "What do you mean?"

"It wouldn't work because I wouldn't be able to forget you..." He mumbled, blushing heavily.



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