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A/N : This story changes point of views. I'll do a little ~ when it does.


"I won't go breaking your heart..." Adrien chuckled, gazing back into Marinette's bluebell eyes.

The ocean meeting fields.

Diamonds meeting emeralds.

Marinette leaned in. "Kiss the girl..." She whispered.

"Gladly..." He smiled, placing his lips on hers.

She smiled and melted into the kiss.

Alya and Nino stood there wide eyed.

Adrien hummed, pulling away slightly and blushing a light pink.

"I love you, Eric..." She giggled, her face also turning pink.

"I love you too princess..." He smiled.

A cough was heard coming from behind them.

Adrien jumped a little, looking over at Alya and Nino, his blush deepening.

"Ahh!" Mari jumped. "When did you guys get here?" Her face turned red.

Adrien face palmed. "You're an idiot..." He mumbled. "We're at their place..."

"Ohh. Their place..." Marinette wiggled her brows.

Adrien chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes. "Yes, their place, I'm guessing."

They looked over at them.

"My house is around here somewhere you know." Alya crossed her arms, a slight blush on her cheeks.

Adrien smirked. "You sure..?" He teased, looking between them.

"Yeah, positive..." Nino mumbled.

Adrien hummed. "Mhm, whatever you say..." He chuckled.

"Well when did you guys happen?" Nino gestured to them.

"Not that long ago actually..." Adrien glanced at Mari, smiling softly.

"Yep. It happened yesterday." Mari stood proud. "Thanks Alya." She winked at her best friend.

Adrien looked between the two girls, raising an eyebrow. "Care to explain..."

Marinette turned to him. "Alya told me good luck remember? If she hadn't then I wouldn't have made us play Mario Kart and then we wouldn't have done anything else we did."

Adrien hummed, nodding his head slowly. "Ah, I see, I'll have to thank Sebastian as well then." He chuckled.

"Yeah, you probably should..." Marinette giggled.

He smiled. "Anyway, next song." He let out a soft laugh, moving towards the boom box.

"Which one?" She raised a brow and crossed her arms.

"Which one do you want?" He looked back at them, walking backwards, but being careful as to where he went.

"You can choose, fatty."

He nodded, turning around and changing the song. "You see how mean she is to me..?" He chuckled.

Marinette rolled her eyes. "I'm not mean, you bum."

"You are too..." He smiled at her, turning on Panic! At The Disco.

"Am not."

House of Memories began to play.

He smiled. "Alright fine, whatever you say."

"Psh." She rolled her eyes. "In your house of memories..."

He chuckled. "Funny..." He playfully rolled his eyes, making his way back over to them.

"What's funny?"

"Just a thought, doesn't matter." He smiled softly.

"Mhm. What is it?"

"It doesn't matter, nosey..."

She hit his head. "I hate you..."

He pouted. "Nooo, you love me..."

"Nope. Now sing the song weanie." She turned from him.

"If you're a lover, you should know..." He started singing, smiling softly.

"That lonely moments just get lonelier, the longer you're in love, then if you were alone..." She murmered.

"Memories turn into daydreams. Become a taboo. I don't want to be afraid..." He sang, the others joining in and dancing again, but a lot calmer than before.

"The deeper that I go. It takes my breath away..." She smiled softly.

"Soft hearts, electric souls. Heart to heart and eyes to eyes..." He sang in time, twirling her around and dancing softly.

She looked at him. "Is this taboo..?" She almost spoke the words.

"Baby we built this house, on memories. Take my picture now, shake it till you see it..." He hummed to the tune.

"And when your fantasies become your legacy. Promise me a place..." She smiled.

"In your house of memories..." He smiled back.

He pulled her close before lightly kissing her nose.

She giggled. "Silly cat..." She whispered so Alya and Nino wouldn't hear.

"But I'm still your cat..." He whispered back.

He hummed, smiling gently.

She leaned her head on his chest. "That you are..."

He wrapped his arms around her, swaying softly.

She hugged him back.

He smiled gently, kissing the top of her head and singing the rest of the lyrics.

She listened to him sing. "You're a good singer, fatty."

He blushed. "Thanks, princess..."

She smiled. "Anytime, cat..."

He hummed softly, the song soon coming to an end.

She looked up at him. "What other talents do you have that I don't know about?" She tilted her head and smirked.

He raised an eyebrow down at her. "You know pretty much everything..."

"Well, I didn't know you could sing." She raised an eyebrow.

"Well why you two are arguing, I'm going to play another song, and since you two are together now, I can play it without Mari trying to kill me." Alya smirked and went to play another song.

Specifically, Everytime We Touch by Cascada.

Adrien watched her walk over to the source of the music, tilting his head. "Oh? And what may that be..?"

Alya didn't respond, but just pressed play, music filling the air around the house.

Hearing the lyrics, Adrien blushed, playfully glaring at Alya. "Really..?"

"ALYA NO!" Marinette ran over to Alya and tackled her. "No no nononono! Not this song!!" She shouted.

Adrien looked at them confused and glanced over at Nino who just simply shrugged. "What's so bad about this song..?"

"A long not so long time ago..." Marinette sat up and glared at Alya. "When Alya first found out that I liked you she would always play this song and say, Oh! Just think. You and Adrien. and all of this other stuff. She finally stopped because I'd end up holding something in my hand as a weapon and she didn't want to die, but I guess since that we're together it's TOTALLY okay to play this song." Marinette chuckled and rolled her eyes.

Adrien shook his head a little. He playfully rolled his eyes and held his hand out to her to pull her up. "I swear I'm the only normal person here..." He mumbled.



A/N: Soooooo sorry for the super duper late update!! 😪 I've been busy and didn't feel the urge to update.

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