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A/N : This story changes point of views. I'll do a little ~ when it does.


Adrien smiled, leaning his head on Mari's shoulder. "You're warm..." He mumbled, cuddling up to her.

Mari giggled and lay her head on Adrien's.

He hummed, sighing happily and wrapping his arms around her.

She chuckled and hugged him back. "Silly cat..."

"Hmm, but I'm your silly cat..." He mumbled, relaxing into her touch.

"Yes, you are..." She ruffled his hair, smiling.

He purred softly, blushing a little, still not used to purring so freely.

She giggled. "Your purring is cute cat..."

He smiled. "Thank you..." He hummed, nuzzling into her.

"Haha, you're welcome." She chuckled.

He let his eyes fall closed, sighing in content.

She smiled, slowly ruffling his hair.

He hummed, purring softly and leaning into her touch.

She smiled. "Want a brownie?"

"Hm? Yeah." He giggled, opening his eyes.

She shook her head and hopped down from the counter. "Aww. We're you sleeping?" She chuckled.

"I was about to, yeah..." He smiled softly, leaning against his legs.

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Want to take a nap after we have a brownie?"

He nodded. "If that's okay..." He chuckled, rubbing his eyes a little and jumping off the counter.

She handed him a brownie. "It's okay with me chaton."

He gladly took it, taking a bite and humming softly. "Thanks princess..."

"Welcome fatty." She smirked.

He playfully rolled his eyes. "Are we still on that?" He chuckled.

"You know I love your fat bum."

He shook his head, giving her a playful look. "Whatever..."

She smiled warmly. "Want to take a nap now?" She tilted her head.

"Do I get to cuddle with you?" He raised an eyebrow, giving her a small smile.

She tapped his nose. ""Of course kitty, who else?"

She smiled and held his arm, leaning onto his shoulder as they walked to his room.

He hummed, using his free hand to run his fingers through his hair as he opened the door for her, shutting it behind them.

She looked up at him. "You still have flour in your hair." She giggled. "Here. Come lay down and I'll get it out."

He nodded, making his way over to his bed and lying back, spreading his arms out like a starfish. He hummed, closing his eyes.

She crawled over to his head and carefully lifted it onto her lap.

She gently got the rest of the flour out, but kept playing with his hair.

He purred, leaning into her touch and relaxing, his breathing steady and his chest rising and falling slightly.

She smiled at her sleeping kitten.

She leaned over him and planted a kiss on his nose. "I love you, cat..."

She gently moved so that she was laying sideways, his head still in her lap and she soon fell asleep.

He hummed, smiling softly in his sleep as he moved toward her warmth.

She smiled softly...

Adrien was being taken from her.

Tears streamed down his face.

Mari screamed for him, but the men pulling them apart didn't do anything but keep them separated.

No one seemed to hear their cries.

"Adrien!" She yelled. "I love you! Never forget that!"

She cried some more.

"I won't! As long as you remember that I love you too!" He had yelled back to her.

They were both a mess of tears.

Adrien had been forced into a black limo.

The car drove off and the men left Mari alone.

She dropped to the ground and sobbed...

Mari woke up.

She was frightened.

Why does this keep happening? She thought.

She cried silently as she looked over at Adrien who was sleeping peacefully.

She reached over and ruffled his hair, wanting him to purr so that she could calm down.

He hummed, leaning into her touch and purring louder than usual, him being asleep, he couldn't control it.

He smiled softly, cuddling up against the source of heat, unaware of her tears.

She smiled and softly ruffled his hair.

She wiped away her tears and stared up at the ceiling.

She remembered that he had wanted to go out and hang with Alya and Nino. It was still early in the day.

She sat up and poked his stomach. "Kitty..."

He mumbled something unaudible, opening his eyes slightly and groaning a little, not used to the light. "Yeah..?"

"Did you want to go hang out with Nino and Alya?" She rubbed his arm.

He hummed, smiling softly. "I said we could, yeah..."

"Want to call Nino?" She continued to gently rub his arm.

He looked up at her. "Yeah, sure..." He smiled, sitting up a little.

"Alright." She crossed her legs and waited for Adrien to call Nino.

Adrien leaned over to his bedside table go grab his phone from where Gorilla had placed it, along with his other stuff.

He called Nino and put it on loud speaker.

Mari scoot over to sit next to Adrien, waiting for Nino to pick up.

Adrien hummed, wrapping his arm around her. "I swear he never picks up." He chuckled, shaking his head a little.

"Well, we'll make him." She giggled, holding his arm that was wrapped around her.

"How?" He raised an eyebrow at her, locking their fingers together.

"We'll spam call him." She smirked and kissed his cheek.

He smiled. "I like your thinking..." He let out a soft laugh, cuddling up to her a little.

She smiled warmly and rest her head on his shoulder. "I like my thinking too..." She giggled.

He hummed, ringing Nino again.

Nino soon picked up.

"Hey dude!" Adrien smiled, holding the phone closer to them.

"Hey A, what do you need?"

"DO YOU WANT TO PARTY?!" Mari yelled into the phone.

Adrien jumped a little, moving his head away and hearing a small scream from the other side of the phone.

"Jeez Louise Mari!" Nino yelled.

"Who's Mari?" She laughed. "Haha just kidding. Love you too Nino."

Adrien shook his head a little, laughing at them. "You two are crazy..."



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