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A/N : This story changes point of views. I'll do a little ~ when it does.


Ladybug smiled. "That's good to hear, cat." She turned back to L'Encreur, she'd talk to Chat later.

"Well let's see if that's true..." L'Encreur raised his tentacles and grabbed the both of them. He jumped to the top of a building. "Ready to lose your cat?" An evil smirk danced on his face.

"Try me..." Chat Noir chuckled, a little unsure, but more sure that he would remember. Even if he didn't he would find a way to and even if he didn't he'd be able to fall in love with her all over again.

L'Encreur was about to shoot ink out of his tentacles.

"Chat! You have to purr!" Ladybug shouted from her side of the man. "Purr! The vibrations against the knives will mess up his thinking!" She didn't know if he could purr without a hair ruffle or scratch under the chin.

He nodded, focusing on his breathing and looking over at her. "I can try..?" He chuckled, tilting his head a little and remembering when they first met, a low purr coming from his throat.

"Remember when I ruffled your hair. Scratched your chin. Remember, kitty!" She cried out to him.

L'Encreur was about to shoot ink.

He waved her off, controlling it just by picturing when they first met, his purr getting a little louder.

"Remember!" Her voice was quieter no matter how loud she shouted.

L'Encreur shot ink at Chat, but something incredible happened.

He smiled, a small white light forming around him as the ink hit him. It disappeared, leaving behind an okay Chat. "I'm fine, m'lady..." He chuckled.

A tear rolled down her cheek. "Kitty, you did it. I need you to do it again. As loud as you can. Raise the knives and knock L'Encreur down." She was happy.

He looked over at her, an eyebrow raised. "What do you think I am? A purring factory? That's as loud as I can go."

She raised a brow in return. "Does it look like I can do anything? My arms and legs are contained by octopus face here. And I said as loud as you can. Not louder."

He hummed, shaking his head a little. "Fine..." He huffed, beginning to purr again.

"Stupid cat." She focused on him.

He glanced over at her confused, before shaking his head and concentrating.


L'Encreur was about to shoot Ladybug with ink.

Ladybug thought of the times he purred. She thought and remembered.

Chat hummed, looking over at her as he purred as loud as he could.

The knives started to vibrate. They messed with L'Encreur's thoughts. The ink went out of control and shot a building making it vanish. She squirmed out of his hold that he had on her with his tentacles. She jumped up and grabbed his headband.

Chat smiled softly, letting out a breath of relief. "Good..." He mumbled to himself, blocking any attacks that went their way.

She broke the headband. A little black and purple butterfly flew out of it. "No more evil doing for you akuma." She snatched it up in her yoyo, de-evilising it. "Bye bye, little butterfly." Everything went back to normal. She didn't use her lucky charm.

The octopus man fell on the building. He turned back into a civilian.

Chat made his way over to her, holding out his fist. "Pound it..." He smiled softly, tilting his head slightly at her.

She looked at his fist then back up at him. She stepped towards him and quickly grabbed him in a hug. "Pound it..." She laughed softly. "You did it, kitty."

He froze up a little at the sudden contact, but very quickly relaxed and hugged her back. "WE did it, m'lady..."

"I can't purr, so technically you did it." She hugged him tighter.

He let out a soft laugh, playfully rolling his eyes. "Perks of being a cat I guess..."

She pulled away. "So what do you want to do today, kitty?"

He shrugged a little, making his way back to her place with her. "Whatever I guess..." He said as they took their time to walk along the roofs.

"Want to go to a party?" She took his hand in hers.

He looked over at her. "Yeah, we can."

She smiled widely. "Great! Let's go!" She went and jumped off the building.

He smiled softly, running after her and jumping off, landing not far from her. "Where to?"

"Can Nino throw a sick party?" She turned to him, a small smile on her face.

He shrugged. "Depends on his mood I guess."

"Only one way to find out." She took out her phone and called Nino.

He nodded a little, making his way closer to her and pressing the loud speaker button while hugging her from behind, his head on her shoulder.

She wrapped her free arm around his.

Nino picked up, but didn't say anything. He was probably waiting for her to scream. "Hey, Nino." She said with a cheerful voice.

Nino sighed in slight relief. "Hey, Mari..." Nino chuckled, causing Chat to shake his head a little and playfully roll his eyes.

"Are you in a good mood to throw a party?"

Nino hummed. "Yeah, sure. Give me a few hours and I'll text you."

"Yay! Thanks, Nino!" She hung up, turning around to face her kitty.

He smiled softly, kissing her nose. "Well, there's your party." He giggled.

She wrapped her arms around his waist. "Yep. Now all we need to do is get ready then find out what to do for a couple hours."

He hummed. "Outfits are sorted. I can get my designer to get you something if you want and we can just relax..?"

She leaned against his chest. "That sounds good. Where do you want to go?"

He shrugged a little. "I'm fine with wherever my princess wants to go..."

"Want to go play fooseball?"

"Yeah, sure." He smiled, pulling away slightly. "Let's go..."



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