Chapter 9- Piper

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Chapter 9


     Piper slept soundly in her cabin. Even Drew didn’t bug her. She was weak from being electrocuted, and she was so tired she slept without dreams.

     But the prophecy was haunting her. She was going missing in Rome and there was nothing she could about it. And Jason was beating himself up for it.

     The dream Piper had was crystal clear in her head. Porphyrion was guarding a misty image. He smiled. Stop, Piper Mclean. You’ll never survive what I have in store for you.

     She was running. Jason was with her. The fire was behind them, leaving Piper trying to gasp for air. She heard Annabeth crying out. No, no! What did I do? Why did I do this?

     The faint cries of Leo could barely be heard. Why did I agree to this? Is it because I feel so alone?

     Even though Piper knew she was running as fast as she could, everything came out in slow motion. Her jeans were ripped and covered in soot. She must have lost her shoes because she was barefoot. Her snowboarding jacket had the sleeves rolled up. Her shirt had one sleeve ripped underneath her jacket. She saw her own face. Her eyes were changing color in the firelight, and her face was terrified. Her braids kept getting in her face, and she looked like she was blinking back tears behind the soot.

     Jason looked no better. His purple shirt was in tatters, revealing his tan skin. He had no shoes as well. His jeans were ripped at the knees. His blond hair was tangled and had sprinkles of gray. He kept looking at Piper like she was about to vanish.

     Suddenly, the ground under Piper gave way. She was falling, falling, falling… The blackness overtook her. Her eyes closed as she sank under the surface, barely breathing.


     “We just got you back and you’re leaving again!”

     Piper smiled at Lacy, her half-sister. Lacy had blond pigtails and braces. She frowned and looked sad.

     “I only left for a few days,” Piper reminded her half-sister. “This time I’m leaving for a while.”

     Lacy had been one of the only ones nice to Piper when she joined Cabin Ten. Along with Mitchell, they befriended Piper easily.

     “But Drew will be in charge,” Lacy whispered, disgust coloring her voice.

     “Oh, hush up,” Piper teased, packing the rest of her things. “I told Chiron about it.”

     Lacy’s eyes lit up. “Wow, thanks Piper.”

     “No problem,” Piper replied, swinging her bag over her shoulder. “I’m going to miss you. Wish me luck.”

     Bye!” Lacy cried, waving. Mitchell said bye as well, and Piper was on her way.

     She went to the Argo II with no one else. She put everything else in her room before slipping on her snowboarding jacket. She played the charm bracelet on her wrist. She was so nervous, she touched her bead. She only had one, but she still felt old.

     She felt like her life was already done. She accepted the prophecy. She already knew she was probably going to die. And she embraced that.

     She gripped the bead, squeezing her eyes shut. She sat there for what seemed like an eternity, but Jason snapped her from her trance.

     A hand touched Piper’s shoulder. “Piper, are you with me?”

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