Chapter 47- Percy

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Chapter 47


     “No, don’t leave me, Percy. You can stay for a little while longer.” Annabeth had a sly smile on her face like she was challenging Percy to disagree with her.

     They were on Annabeth’s bed. They just had a long discussion about life and death because what had happened at the Doors of Death. Annabeth’s cheeks were flushed, yet pale at the same time. She had her arms locked around Percy. She traced her finger along his jaw and exhaled, her breath smelling like peppermint.

     “I’ll stay for a while more,” Percy agreed. She flashed her bright teeth in the dark and kissed him again.

     All his joints hurt from the battle. And his heart felt heavy. He had seen Annabeth die and then come back to life. But all that really matter is that she was with him now, her arms wrapped around him, her lips on his.

     She pulled away, her soft gray eyes big and beautiful. Her toes were cold under the big fleece blanket, Percy noticed. She had been getting cold ever since she had died and come back to life.

     “Do you need socks?” he asked her quietly.

     “No, I’m fine.”

     He was already throwing her two different socks- one purple, one black. She huffed and slipped them on. She turned her head away so he couldn’t see her relieved expression.

     He sat down. She pulled the fleece blanket after her and sat down, her toes just reaching the ground from her high bed. Some drafting paper was crumbled on her desk and tossed aside carelessly.

     Annabeth is never messy, Percy thought. Should I ask her about it?

     “I’ve been thinking,” Annabeth mumbled. “What would happen if we weren’t a part of this quest?”

     Percy closed his eyes and thought for a moment. “We would be at camp, stuffing our face with strawberries. We would have probably never would have met Jason, Piper, Leo, Hazel, and Frank. We wouldn’t be in danger.”

     Annabeth was quiet. “True,” she said. “But I like our new friends.”

     He nodded in response. “I like them, too, Beth.” She made a face. “But I like you most. And I always will.”

     She smiled. “Thank you, Perce. After all of this…” And then her smile faded. It just… vanished. She cocked her head. “Iris message,” she whispered faintly. She stood up and opened the door, walking into the dark hall. Percy followed.

     Hazel was standing in front of an Iris message. Her eyes were puffy, and tears streaked her face. “Nico, what are you saying?” she asked.

     In the mist, Nico’s face was there, his eyes bloodshot. “I-I’m in trouble with Thanatos because I brought Annabeth and Piper back to life. I have to do something awful or they’ll be reclaimed, along with me. I’m not proud of this.”

     “What do you have to do?” Hazel asked frantically.

     Nico looked up. “I have to kill someone.”

     “What?” Hazel asked. “Who do you have to kill? Nico, tell me.”

     “I have to kill Thalia, Hazel.” Nico looked up sadly. “And if I can’t do it, I have to reclaim Annabeth, Piper… and you.”

     “You can’t do this! Why is it Thalia out of everyone?” Hazel nearly shrieked.

     “She cheated death, Hazel. When Zeus turned her into a pine tree, she was supposed to die. So now I have to kill her.” Nico looked upset.

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