Chapter 48- Frank

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Chapter 48


     When Frank woke up the next morning, he instantly knew something was wrong. There was something in the air that seemed… different. It was strange, almost like a sixth sense. What had happened last night? Nico got brainwashed… Hazel broke down… Nico was left with Piper… but what else? Frank was missing something.

     He decided to check out the infirmary. Maybe something was up.

     As he pushed open the door, he knew something was up. First up, Nico was not there. Then Piper was there, in the straightjacket, her feet tied together, duct tape over her mouth. She was freaking out, trying to get free. When she saw Frank, she made distressed squeaks behind the duct tape.

     “Piper, what happened?” he asked. He bent down next to her. “This might hurt.” He pulled off the duct tape, fast and firm.

     She gasped out, “Nico escaped and locked me up! I got no answers from him, I swear I tried! His mind is so protected.”

     “It’s okay.” Frank looked at her wide eyes that were filled with fear. “When did he do this to you?”

     “Like ten minutes after you guys left.” Piper wiggled around in the straightjacket. “Get me free. I’m really uncomfortable.”

     With one swift movement, Frank freed her. She easily snapped the bonds off her feet with her hands and stretched.

     “You didn’t get anything?” Frank asked quietly.

     Her face darkened. “I didn’t get anything. He kept saying our end was near. I’m really scared, Frank. What if Nico was telling the truth?”

     “He probably wasn’t.” Frank stood.

     “I-I think he was.” She wrapped her slender arms around herself, like she was giving herself a comforting hug. She blinked. “Nico comforted me when I thought there was no more hope. So I need him to be good.”

     “He’s just lost, Piper.” Frank looked over at her to see bags under her eyes. “Hey, did you sleep at all last night?”

     “No,” she admitted sheepishly. “I was trying to get free. I guess I’m not Houdini.” She fell on the couch and crashed immediately.

     Leo came out next, with a cup of coffee. “Morning,” he mumbled. “I have to make… to make repairs on the ship before we go to Greece. It’ll take a while.”

     “The sooner we get out, the better,” Frank said.

     “I know.” Leo poured himself another cup of coffee. “I may have to replace the engine though…”

     “How will you get parts like that?” Frank asked.

     “I don’t know. Maybe in town or something,” Leo said uneasily. He looked outside at the meadow. “There has to be some kind of mechanic shop.”

     “There is,” Piper said sleepily from the couch. “I saw one.”

     “Hey, Beauty Queen, shouldn’t you be with Nico?” Leo asked. “I mean, he’s mental and needs a babysitter.”

     “He… he’s gone,” Piper whispered. “He escaped.”

     “How did he?” Leo asked, blinking. He set his coffee down.

     “He put me in the straightjacket, tied me up, and threw me in the corner.” Piper’s eyes flashed with anger. “He really thinks Gaea is the way to go.”

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