Chapter 24- What Goes Around, Comes Around

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It doesn't matter if a million people tell you what you can't do, or if ten million tell you no. If you get one yes from God, that's all you need.
-Tyler Perry


"I'm getting dressed now to head over there," I told my Mom over the phone. I was supposed to be going to my Uncle Mike's house to meet my Uncle J over there because I'm riding with them to the hospital.

My Dad is in a hospital room for the remainder of the night, and then tomorrow he'll be switched to a better hospital in D.C. But until then we get to be with him.

I feel like I've aged so much since all of this has happened. I haven't cried because I'm trying to be strong for my Mom. She's taking this harder than anyone, and it's worse because she's pregnant so her hormones all over the place.

"Okay text me when y'all leave. I love you, and tell your Uncle to drive safe."

"I will, I love you too."

I slid my phone in my back pocket and walked in my closet to grab my shoes and jacket so that I could go. A knock on my door caused me to look up from what I was doing and freeze.

"Hey... you got a second?"

"Isaiah," I breathed before slowly standing up. He had a shy smile on his face as he walked into my room and opened up his arms. Without any hesitation, I wrapped myself around him and hugged him tight. "How are you here?"

"I came with Jermaine and Antonio, they dropped me off so I could see you before I leave."

"Before you leave to go where? And where are they now?"

"I'm right here!" I heard him yell from outside of my door. "Just making sure y'all ain't trynna be grown."

I rolled my eyes and walked towards my room door to see him leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face.

"Uncle J, is this necessary?"

"Would your Dad not do this if he was here?" he asked causing me to laugh.


"Nah, I'm just messing with y'all. I'll be downstairs if you need anything. Just yell if you need me to come kill him."

I looked back at Isaiah to see he had both hands shoved in his pockets, and he had a soft smile on his face. He looked much better from the last time I saw him. He looked happy.

"How have you been with everything?" he asked following me to sit down on the bean bags next to the window in my room. I shrugged.

"Things could be better, but I'm fine. What about you? Where have you been?"

"Your.. Papa helped me find my Mother. So that's where I've been, with her," he admitted and my eyes widened.

"Really? What is she like?" I asked and he smiled instantly.

"She's... everything I could ever ask for and more. I have a little brother, and a step dad. I have a family now. She takes really good care of me," he informed me causing me to smile.

"I'm happy to hear that, really, you deserve it."

"Thank you. She cried the first few days and refused to let me out of her sight until I was all healed up. Even now she's waiting for me to come back home, I'm leaving tonight."

"Leaving? Where does she stay?" I asked frowning and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Miami Beach," and my eyes widened.

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