Chapter 26- What Goes Around, Comes Around

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You may encounter many defeats but you must not be defeated.
-Maya Angelou


After so long, I finally looked into Blaze's golden eyes, only for him not to recognize me.

That hurt so bad.

"He's been here for a week, and no one realized he had memory loss?"

"He wasn't talking, there was no way we could've known. I apologize, but it's only temporary," the doctor tried to reason with us.


"Looking at his history of head injuries, it's not a surprise this has happened. He's taken way too many hits to the head, he's at the point where one more blow would kill him. But what he has right now, is what we call post traumatic amnesia.. meaning he doesn't want to remember.

Post traumatic amnesia is temporary memory loss to help a person cope with the traumatic event that caused the injury. It's helping him cope by temporarily forgetting what happened, and everything before that."

"So, let me get this straight. He doesn't remember anything right now, because he's choosing not to?" I questioned and he nodded.

"What he went through was very traumatizing, it's a surprise he's even alive. This is going to take a lot of patience, you all just need to be there for him while he gets through this. When he gets his memory back, everything is going to hit him all at once. He's going to need people there for him."

"Of course we're going to be there for him," Daniella spoke up, saying what all of us were thinking.

"You all being here seems to already have him talking more, so just keep doing what you're doing."

After the talk with the doctor, I left to go get some air and let all the information I received soak in. I can't allow myself to get worked up over this, I have to remain calm and in happy spirits for my health, and for my babies health.

As I was walking outside, this man didn't seem to be paying attention to where he was walking and bumped right into me, nearly knocking me to the floor.

"Watch where the fuck you're going," I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and saw that it was Mike snapping at the man who bumped into me.

"Mike, I'm fine. It's fine," I assured him as I tried pulling him away.

"I fucking hate disrespectful ass people man, I swear."

We both were standing outside leaning against the wall when I thought of something.

"Do you have the truck keys on you?" I asked causing him to look down at me and raise his brow.

"Yes, why?"

"Can I see them? I think I just want to ride around by myself for a little, I have a lot on my mind."

"No," he replied, shocking me.


"I didn't stutter. You not about to drive around DC by yourself, but what you can do is go back upstairs to Blaze, who clearly needs you right now."

"He doesn't even know who I am," I mumbled looking down and fiddling with my wedding ring. I was trying my hardest not to cry because I know this was probably the last thing Mike wanted to be dealing with.

"Everything he going through right now is only temporary, Mook. He's a fighter, Blaze gon' get through this."

I heard more footsteps come our way, and I looked up to see everyone walking out of the building.

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