Chapter 4

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Recap: "Nice to meet you Violet." Embry said his voice very smooth, not too deep, but defiantly not high-pitched which was not working well for me. Everything about him was attractive. I was defiantly in trouble. And he knew it as well.

I've been in awkward situations before. I've been stuck working with mean popular girls who expect you to get the assignment right. And it's not like in movies were if you embarrass them the popular guy kisses you and it's all good. No the popular girl hates you and taunts you for life.

But this was awkward. Eating with Serene's friends. They weren't all staring. Patience smiled at me before going to her food. Desiree watched me for a little bit before Embry gave her this look making her look away. She didn't look pleased, but she looked away. Then there were the glares from Victor and the steely grey gaze of him that could freeze someone in place who wasn't used to mean looks. Embry was a whole different story. I've never liked anyone before, I always kept my head in my books and made sure to get my school work done.

I never had time to think of boys and now men as attractive and now I was learning how attractive they could be. Embry had very attractive features. He had a sharp jawline for one and practically flawless white maybe porcelain color. Then his cheek length maroon colored hair which was really pretty. A dark ginger color almost as it did look natural in a way. He also had very pretty eyes that had this twinkle in them. The burnt amber with more red towards the pupil and a gold color along with the red in it.

And it didn't help that he was watching back. I was in trouble for sure. Embry distracted the steely glares from Victor. I don't know what I did to him for him not to like me, but he just didn't like me for some reason. However Embry sure did keep my mind off of him. I kept on looking back at him so he kept on smiling at me each time I did. And those smiles were seductive as well and if my face wasn't bright rosy red by now I'd be shocked. He was really attractive. That I could not deny how attractive Embry was.

I was pulling off pieces of the pizza and eating it. Embry had a bar of chocolate and a glass bottle, like one of those old Coca Cola bottles except it was full of red liquid. Thick red liquid it seemed to be. Possibly fruit punch, but I wasn't going to ask. It seemed to be rude if I just up and asked what Embry was drinking. So I simply went back to pulling apart my pizza while everyone talked. Desiree had gone to talking to Patience who was staring at her drink angrily like she wanted to smash it.

The pizza I had chosen was very good. It was a cheesy one with this sauce in it so it was very good. It wasn't a pizza sauce either, all I knew was that it was really good. I silently ate the pizza while the group of Serene's friends talked about their day and all their classes. Serene was telling Seth about the Clydesdale she was going to be working with. So it turns out they were dating or were very close. He had kissed her and held her hand so I guessed they were dating.

Desiree and Embry I had yet to figure out, except that the two were making-out when I came now ignoring each other. That's all I had gotten and I had a feeling Desiree was bisexual as well. But I wasn't going to ask Desiree that as it was rude and inappropriate. Patience was talking to Desiree about her classes while she peeled the label off of the drink. I watched as Seth kissed Serene on the cheek his dirty blonde hair nearly brown tickling her cheeks causing her to smile as the two went back to talking about their classes. Victor glared at me, but took his phone out.

A newer edition of the iPhone, probably expensive. The first phone I had was a government issues flip phone. I worked a little at a café and saved up some to buy a used iPhone 4. My phone was old and had a crack in it, but it worked. Victor kept his gaze on his iPhone while Serene continued talking about the animal behavior class. This college seemed to be good so far. I was eating some of my pizza when Serene decided to note on the animal I was going to be working with, which wasn't a horse.

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