Chapter 32

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Recap: "I'll be in my room if you two need me." Was all Victor said before leaving Embry and I alone. "Hungry?" Embry asked. "Very." I added and Embry smiled as we leaned back together.

The wolf in me, my wolf seemed to influence a lot of my hunger. Hunger before I shifted seemed tiny to the current hunger that I experienced as my wolf vied for food, meat most of the time. She was irritated when I chose the cheese pizza and not the pepperoni pizza despite the fact that I didn't like pepperoni pizza.

But after threatening no meat for a day she gave in and let me have my cheese pizza. And Embry was sure to make three big juicy inside out burger, it was so good. And she enjoyed it as well. Embry had no problem giving me all the food that I desired which I enjoyed. Never before had I eaten so much before. And for the first time in awhile I didn't feel all that guilty about eating all of that delicious food offered. Embry didn't have any problems with my increased appetite since the change.

If anything he simply smiled at me. The wolf on the other hand, she was more than happy to eat anything offered to her. I was sitting on the couch studying over some of the service dog material for Onyx who was sitting next to me. Embry was in the kitchen making pizza. "Extra cheesy right?" Embry asked coming out. "Yeah can you put some hamburger on there as well?" I asked with a smile at him. "Yes." Embry said before disappearing back into the kitchen and I stretched myself out a little before getting up and leading Onyx down.

"Ok buds we're going to learn takedowns. Your going to learn to jump on me and take me down." I told Onyx with a smile on my face. He simply tilted his head as I patted my shoulders. Onyx was anything but small. He was a big boy weighing around 130 and still gaining from his life at a shelter. And his heavy body that weighed about mine a little bit smaller since I finally started gaining weight and his heavy weight crashed into me. His paws went into my shoulder blade hitting the pressure points I had taught him.

I simply expected him to jump up, but nope he took me down a lot sooner than I expected with his training. We went down onto the pillows behind me and he sat down on my chest and looked at me tilting his head to the side. "Good boy." I told him reaching over and giving him a cookie before pushing him off and dusting myself off before putting the pillows back into their place as I stretched some before Embry came out eating some cheese. "Pizza's done." Embry said and I happily followed him in and accepted some pizza.

The cheesy hamburger coated pizza was to die for and the crust and dough was very good and a bit sweet. Which enhanced the flavor. "Want to know my secret ingredient?" Embry asked with a bit of a cheeky smile on his face. "Mm extra sauce or cheese?" I asked. Embry shook his head. "What is it?" I asked Embry. "I replaced the salt with sugar, that's why it's a bit sweet, good right?" Embry asked and I nodded. "My culinary class raved about it, but your the only one who knows the secret ingredient now." Embry said with a grin on his pale face.

"That makes me feel special." I told him and Embry kissed my cheek. "You are special." Embry said before eating his pizza and putting the dish away. "Come meet me in my bedroom." Embry said with a bit of a smirk. I shook my head at his playful banter before washing my plate and letting Onyx out into the backyard to go use the bathroom and then back in as he decided to lay downstairs and I followed Embry up and into his room. He was laying on his back with a bit of a smirk on his face.

Embry motioned me over and I got up on the bed. "You know we had sex like a day ago right?" I asked him and Embry grabbed my chin. "Sex is good for you." Embry said getting up and kissing me before putting his legs over. "Is it now?" I asked him and Embry nodded. "It is, increases libido, improves female bladder control." "I don't need bladder control." "Lowers heart attack risk, also eases pain. But sex is good for you." Embry said as he trailed his finger down my sweater before taking it off as I watched him quietly.

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