Chapter 7

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Recap: "How about we let Violet pick." Serene said and Patience looked at me. Then she put the remote right in my hand. "Pick something to do with vampires, preferably True Blood." Patience said and I bit my lip once more. Then I went to looking for something to watch.

"How is this even a vampire show? It's literally about people who are criminals who took some American family hostage." Patience asked looking at me. "I'm with Patience, she said vampire show, not an outlaw show based in Texas and Mexico." Serene said.

"It is a vampire show, they just don't appear much until later and you'll see that it is a vampire show. They just have to get strip club." I responded as Onyx kicked on my foot in his sleep. "And you said True Blood was dirty. This has a strip club." Patience said. "What are the vampires Mexican?" Serene asked. "And Aztec." I responded. This was one of the few shows I had ever watched and only watched it when I came down here. But I had watched the movie back where I came from as it was one of the few movies that was owned.

"The title does sound vampire like Serene just wait." Seth said coming in. "From Dusk till Dawn." Serene said looking at the T.V. screen. "I honestly want to punch that idiot Chinese kid." Serene said looking at the screen making me smile some. We had just started the second episode. "If you want you can let Onyx in the backyard if he has to go to the bathroom." Serene said and I nodded before getting up and going to the backyard and letting Onyx out. I decided to go out with him. Onyx went running through the yard.

He went to the fence, lifted his leg before trotting off his tail curled high in the air. I looked around before taking a seat on the concrete and bringing my knees to me. Onyx continued to trot around the yard before he took note to a squirrel in the yard. He went still. His entire body and he slowly placed one paw in front of the other. His amber colored eyes were focused on the squirrel. Onyx blended into the night as he slowly crept forward avoiding anything that could alert the squirrel to his presence.

The door opened and the squirrel looked up as Embry stepped up. Onyx came charging and the squirrel went charging to the fence. However before it could scurry up Onyx caught it by it's tail and pinned it down before snapping it's neck and then prancing around with the squirrel hanging limp from his mouth. "The mac and cheese is done." Embry said and I stood up and dusted off my pants. "Do you like extra cheesy mac and cheese?" Embry asked and I nodded. "Good, I miscalculated so it's extra cheesy." Embry said and I nodded. "But other than that it's good." Embry said.

I nodded. I actually preferred mac and cheese that was extra cheesy, it tended to be very good. Onyx looked over and dropped the squirrel before racing inside after us. Embry led me into the kitchen where there was a huge pot, stuffed to the brim with very cheesy homemade mac and cheese. "Dinner is done!" Embry called out as he got out bowls. He filled up two bowls and handed one to me. Victor was in the kitchen on his phone. His steely gaze looked at me as Embry brought me to the table to sit down.

The moment I sat down Victor got up and loaded his bowl with mac and cheese then disappeared into the living room. "I don't think he likes me." I told Embry who glanced up. "Victor doesn't like anyone. Don't feel offended." Embry said as he got up to get us some forks. Embry came with our forks and set mine down in front of me as he sat besides me. The rest of them came in to get their food and then go back. There may be no vampires in the show just yet, but you could tell they like it.

"So does that show really have vampires?" Embry asked. "They're not called vampires, they're called Culebra's. They are snakelike." I told Embry who nodded as Onyx came up and laid underneath the chair I was sitting in. Picking up the fork I got a nice amount of mac and cheese before eating it. "Do you like it?" Embry asked looking at me with this happy look on his face. "It's good. . . very cheesy." I responded offering a small smile making Embry smile. "Good." Embry said as he went to eating his food.

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