Chapter 30

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Recap: The jaws of an angry wolf hellbent on spilling their blood. Or the fangs of a possessive vampire. Let Amos come and he would not like it. No one was taking me away or sending me into a spiral of fear and anxiety. Not today, not ever.

My life was well set. Never once in my life did I expect to be saying that, but here I was proclaiming that my life was doing well. I had a service dog in training, a boyfriend, a roof to stay under and college.

Sure I had the knowledge of knowing that some psycho werewolf was out there looking for me, but then there was the false security. He would not like what was coming to him if he came. That was my security knowing that I could protect myself. Feeling the wolf lurking in my mind was what gave me hope knowing that she had no plans to let anything hurt me. If they did she would want blood and would keep me safe as possible and that thought made me feel safe. Knowing that she would protect me with all of her power.

The next time I went to college she made her first official appearance. And it was just as frightening as the night of my shift. Patience, she was a bit uneasy around me when I walked by to go get my strawberry milk and I had a feeling why. I had a feeling that I might of attacked her that night which is why she was so uneasy. "Patience." I said and she turned to me. "Huh?" Patience asked. "About the night, I'm sorry if I tried to attack you." I said and Patience nodded at that. "It's fine." Patience said.

"I mean I heard Embry talk about what happened." Patience said and I nodded. "Werewolves---- I mean moon-shifters it all seems crazy. Well not to them, they knew about werewolves existing before going extinct." Patience said. "And you didn't?" I asked and she nodded at that. "I'm a fledgling, I don't know all that much and they don't really tell me things like that." Patience said. "I'm sorry." I said and Patience shrugged. "It's fine, but it looks like we're in the same spot." Patience said and I tilted my head to the side in confusion unaware of what Patience was talking about.

"We're both new to the supernatural world. . . and turned of course. I'm a new vampire, and your a new moon-shifter." Patience said and I smiled just a bit at that. "See you around Violet." Patience said with a smile on her face and I returned it and for the first time I felt like I might of found someone to understand what I was going through besides Raye of course. Sure Embry was there for me, but he was born a vampire. He grew up as a vampire, but Patience didn't. And I sure didn't grow up as a moon-shifter.

So I felt like I had something in common with Patience. Just as she turned around she jumped back as Michael and Jessica appeared. "Oh look it's Patience, and the skinny one." Jessica said taking an insult at my figure. Skinny. Sure I was skinny, but I had gained weight since I left my parents whom had starved me. But I was still gaining weight and looking better by each day. And this bitch, she had the nerve to call me skinny. Most girls hated being called fat, but my childhood made me hate the word skinny as I was called it constantly.

And not as much as a complement and more of as an insult. To pick on me and it worked quite well. I wanted to gain weight so badly, but you required food to do that and I didn't get food a lot, I had to slowly put back on the weight as well. Speeding the weight on could cause' bad things to happen and I refused to let that happen. But now this vampire bitch had the nerves to call me blonde and no less try to pick on Patience. She was a bitch for sure.

And at that moment I felt her rise up in anger. The insult she felt and now she was irritated. Not in rage, but irritated. Now to pray that Jessica didn't piss her off anymore. "Go away." Patience said and Jessica smiled. "Oh we just wanted to talk, you still upset about Michael, oh your still alive." Jessica said as Patience began looking for a way to get out. You could tell she was beginning to panic and I felt very bad for her. They had us trapped which irritated me as well as my wolf began to rise more and more.

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