Chapter 34

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Recap: "Patience likes to give Victor a run for a money on a daily basis, trust me you'll get used to it." Embry said before smiling at me. And I nodded happy at the thought of getting used to being with them.

Time flew fast since I had come to Winterose. So many things had happened. I was attacked by a wolf, I got a boyfriend, I discovered vampires, I lost my virginity. . . I lost my humanity and gained a wolf inside of me. I changed for the better above all else.

When coming to Winterose I knew it would change my life. After all it was the reason I came here. For a fresh start, a start away from my abusive parents. A place I could focus on myself and thrive and push aside my abusive parents. And my aunt helped with her funding of college in the dog training course I was taking. Or animal behavior to be technical. Being in Winterose changed my life so much, in ways I never thought it would. I mean vampires? I never thought it would be real, but here I am sleeping with one. . . in love with one.

I got my very own loyal canine companion; Onyx. He was a blessing for sure and my service dog in training. Today was a big day once more. As much as I loved staying with Embry, I'm pretty sure being there was getting on Victor's nerves. Along with him having to deal with Patience who was hellbent on making his life miserable. And I know being there didn't help him. Embry said to ignore it, but I felt like I was intruding by being there. I defiantly would miss the nights spent with Embry.

Underneath the blankets blushes on our faces as we had sex whenever they weren't there. Being near Embry was a sizzling pot of romance. When it came to sex he was like a teen minus the fact of he knew what he was doing. Man did Embry know what he was doing. But I'd still come visit him. . . and maybe he'd visit me as well. I finally decided to take up Serene's offer of being their roommate. I still didn't feel safe at my apartment. Embry had college the day we decided to do the move so Patience and Serene agreed to help.

Embry was a bit sad to have me go there, but pleased upon realizing it was just with the girls. And now we were at my apartment packing up everything I deemed important. Serene came with many boxes but was very disappointed upon realizing the lack of things I owned. Even with my aunts funding I didn't want to spend her money. And my parents never bought me anything so I had very few personal belongings. Most of the things that I had were from Embry and Serene was still shocked over that as we packed.

"The dresser will be staying, it was here when I came and I'm sure the landlord would appreciate it to be here when I leave." I said setting Onyx's thing in his box. Onyx was laying down in the almost empty apartment. "Are you sure this is all you have?" Serene asked looking at the few boxes as I stood there. I nodded. "Besides the clothes Embry bought me, this is all I came with. My parents didn't buy me anything special, I mean the most special thing would be my ancient laptop." I said looking at the six year old ASUS.

I had that by chance. Having made just enough and buying it before my dad could get the money to blow on booze or drugs. And I had to keep it hidden. The laptop was defiantly not ideal, but I needed one for college. "And I have some shampoo and conditioner." I said before running to the bathroom to grab it. The apartment had never been more empty and it was weird. . . but refreshing in a way as it meant a new start. "We cleared out the guest bedroom for you." Patience said with a smile on her face as she stood there.

Patience was quite happy today. . . and a bit more glowing. Probably had to do with Serene slipping the artificial blood into her food without Patience knowing. Patience had her blonde hair, the light blonde with pink streaks in a braid today. A pair of designer white skinny jeans, a light pink blouse and a ruffled white leather coat and light grey flats. Patience always worked off this innocent angel like look. "Thank you, this means a lot, I felt like I was overstaying my welcome with Embry." I said and Serene shook her head.

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