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Story requested by TheHiccstridLover33

Summery: Astrid has been kidnapped by Krogen. Will the gang find her? I'm not saying anything else it would ruin the story otherwise.

Astrid didn't know how she had got in this situation. Oh wait yes she did. The real question was, How could she let this happen?


It had just turned dark on the edge since it was night.

Hiccup was working on some plans, the twins were who knows where, Fishlegs was on Berk visiting his family, Snotlout was feeding Hookfang and Astrid was training.

Target after target was smashed by her axe. She was angry. Why? Because the dress she wanted for her wedding to Hiccup next year was already bought by someone else. Of course no one except her knew this, with the exception of Heather because she had gone with Astrid to Dress Shop.

She kept throwing her axe for as long as she could and didn't notice anyone coming up behind her. It was Krogen and his flyers. They came up behind her and tired her up and gagged her. Unknowing Barf and Belch saw the kidnapping happen.

Flashback over:

She didn't know how long she'd been kidnapped and she didn't care as long as they didn't get any information from her. No matter how many times they beat her up she wouldn't give in.

Meanwhile on the edge:

" It's been an entire week and we still can't find her!" Hiccup growled. He was really worried about his Astrid and wanted to find her and fast. " Barf!" Ruffnut yelled." Belch!" Tuffnut also said. " WHATS GOTTEN INTO YOU?!" They both asked. " Ok, I'm going to ask, what is wrong with Barf and Belch?" Hiccup asked. " We don't know! They've been like this all week!" Ruffnut said.

" Wait all week? Hiccup what if it's possible Barf and Belch saw Astrid get kidnapped?" Fishlegs asked. " Actually you're on to something there Fish." Hiccup replied thoughtfully. " The only person who could have taken her is Krogen." Snotlout said nonchalantly.

" As much as I hate to admit it, Snotlout's right." Fishlegs said. " Come on! We're going to the hunters ship!" Hiccup said with determination. ( hehe)

Later because this author is lazy because she feels sick.......

" Well, it looks like your friends have come for you." Krogen said. " Come on!" He yelled as he dragged her to her feet and pull her by her hair. " Hiccup, give me the dragon eye lens and you can have your precious Astrid back!" Krogen said. " When Krogen dragged Astrid into the light the gang gasped and Hiccup started growing furious. Krogen was holding her like Viggo had during Operation: Shellfire and it was making Hiccup Angry.

" FINE!" He yelled as he threw the lens. " TAKE IT BUT LET ASTRID GO!" Hiccup yelled furiously. " Very well." Krogen said as he caught the dragon eye lens. He let go of Astrid and Hiccup immediately ran to her. "Come on gang let's get back to the edge" Hiccup ordered. He picked Astrid up and put her in front of him on Toothless.


Astrid woke up from some rest and after getting her wounds treated Hiccup came in. " How are you feeling?" He asked. " As well as I can be I suppose. " she replied. " Hiccup we have to go back for the dragon eye! Krogen and Johann can't find the king of dragons without it!" She continued. " NO!" He yelled. She jumped. " You are not leaving this spot until you're fully recovered." He said sternly.

" Hiccup I can take care of myself!" She argued. " NO AND THATS FINAL!" He commanded. " WHY ARE YOU SO AGAINST THIS?!" She replied. " BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ASTRID HOFFERSON! YOURE MINE!" He declared. She gasped. " You really mean that?" She asked. " of course I do Milady. I've loved you since the moment I met you when we were only 3." He said.

" 15 years? You've loved me for 15 years?" She asked. " Well crushing until we were 15 then I got to know the real you and fell harder then ever before." He said. " I love you too Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third." She replied.

They sealed that declaration with a kiss.