Hiccstrid Sancuary V2

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Summery: This is another version of Hiccstrid Sanctuary. I felt like the last one wasn't really good. The beginning is the same though. Warning slight AU where Stoick doesn't die. No one dies just severely injured.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN HTTYD! Ps my longest one shot to date.


Astrid was bored. Stoick and Gobber went in there over an hour ago and they still weren't back with Hiccup. That's when she decided she was going in there herself. Hiccup, his father, his mother and his godfather were laughing and having dinner. Astrid peeked around the corner and gasped quietly. That mysterious woman looked like a older female version of Hiccup. Meanwhile Hiccup felt there was something missing but he didn't know what. ( ITS ASTRID YOU MORON!) " I think we did good with this one Val." Stoick chuckled. That's when it came to Astrid. That woman was Hiccup's mother. Astrid thought to herself' They look like a perfect family. One I'm not a part of." She thought sadly. You see she's been feeling insecure again. Over the last month Hiccup has been spending more time exploring than with her. She feels like she's not good enough for him. She's just a poor village girl and he's the Royal heir to the throne of Berk.

Astrid ran out of the sanctuary quietly and collapsed on her knees to tears outside of the sanctuary. The dragons tried to comfort her but it was useless. ( Ok I know she's OOC a lot but you also gotta remember she's not the majorly aggressive girl she once was) Gobber wanted to give the reunited family privacy so he went outside and that's when he found Astrid. " Lass?" Gobber asked. " Oh hey Gobber." Astrid said wiping her tears. " What's wrong?" He asked. " I'm happy for him, I am but-" Astrid was interrupted by a voice. " Leave us Gobber." Hiccup commanded. Gobber slicked away scared for what was to happen. " You need to stop being so selfish Astrid." Hiccup told her. " Me selfish?! Who's the one always running away from his problems?!" Astrid screamed.

" That's enough!" He yelled. She stared at him. " No. no you told me you always told me that we should be truthful with each other! I loved you! And I love you still but this is not the Hiccup I fell in love with!"She yelled. " Then here's the truth, stop being selfish!" He yelled. When he looked up he saw her flinching away from him. Confused he looked at himself to find his hand raised. " Astrid, I-" He didn't get to finish as she ran away from him. ( Me and all the huntresses of Artemis: For the sake of the ship we won't kill you!)


" Hiccup!" Astrid screamed as Toothless was about to shoot at him. Hiccup looked at her confused until she jumped in front of him and went unconscious. His eyes widened in horror. " Astrid!" He screamed. He felt for a heartbeat and to his relief there was one. " We need to get her inside and heal her!" Hiccup yelled. Hours past and Hiccup was consumed with guilt, grief, and love for Astrid. " I don't know how she still loves you." Ruff said. He looked up. " You'd think you'd learned your lesson during the scourge of Odin incident or the time you took her for granted. But you haven't. Is this a wake up call for you that you could lose her and that you should have spent more time with her instead of rejecting her Date suggestions in favor of running away from your problems?" Ruff asked. " More than you know Ruff." Hiccup said sadly.

Valka came out of another part of the sanctuary and looked at her son. " We've done all we could now it's up to her if she wants to wake up." Valka said. Hiccup got up instantly and ran to Astrid's side. He held her cold hand and kissed it. " My lady, my love, my life, my Valkyrie." He said. " Please wake up for me please! I'm so sorry! You weren't being selfish. I was. If I lose you I can't live-I can't live knowing I'll never be with you, the love of my life. My life is incomplete without you in it please don't leave me Astrid!" He cried in despair. ( Now I feel bad for him.....) " I will spend the rest of my entire life trying to prove my absolute undying love for you if you wake up. I can't stop loving you and I won't stop loving you even the day I die. Because you are my other half of my heart." He said. " Hiccup..." She whispered as she opened her eyes weakly. " Astrid!" He cried happily. He kissed her with all the love he had for her in that kiss. " I'm so sorry about our fight please don't quit us Astrid! Berk loves you! I love you. " He said with so much love.

" I love you too. Did you mean every word you said while I was unconscious?" She said softly. " You heard?" He asked. " I could still hear you even if I was unconscious." She replied. " Of course I meant every word I said. If I lost you I would follow you to Valhalla because without you I'm nothing." He said. Hiccup got an idea. " Are you ok enough to stand?" He asked. " I guess so why?" She asked. He didn't answer he pulled her up on her feet helped her dance with him.

( Song =Italics. It's " For the Dancing and the Dreaming" it's the slow version)

Hiccup: I'll fly on savage sky's with near a fear of falling
And gladly ride the sky's of life if you will marry me?
No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey if you will promise me your heart-

Astrid: And love me for eternity. My dearest one my darling dear your mighty words astound me. I no need of mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me.

Hiccup: I'll bring you rings of gold I'd even sing you poetry and I would keep you from all harm if you stay beside me!

Astrid: I have no use of ring of gold I care not for your poetry I only want your hand to hold. I only want you near me!

Hiccup and Astrid: To love to kiss to sweetly hold for the dancing and the dreaming through all life sorrows and delights I'll keep your love inside me I'll fly on savage sky's with no fear of falling and gladly ride the sky's of life-

Hiccup: If you will marry me?

" Are you asking?" She said teasingly. He didn't answer her he just got down on one knee holding one of her hands. " I am." He said seriously. " Yes, yes of course!" She jumped into his arms as best as she could in her condition. He held her steady and kissed her head.

The end.