New Look

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Summery: What was Hiccup's reaction to Astrids new look? Post httyd 2 but pre httyd 3. A revised version of " Obsession" I guess.


Astrid was feeling insecure. Earlier in the week the Chiefs that had daughters came to Berk with said daughters and Astrid noticed how pretty all of them were. It also didn't help that the daughters of the chiefs bullied Astrid who ended up having a panic attack from PTSD. PTSD from what? When her cousin bullied the crap out of her as a child. Tonight there was a feast in the Great Hall and suddenly she realized those girls could possibly take Hiccup away from her.

" Astrid Hofferson, I believe you need a new outfit." Astrid said to herself in her vanity mirror as she lifted her tear filled face up. She then looked down at herself, got up and got a knife out of her dresser. She threw off her fur accessories and started cutting the furege off her accessories. Then she took off her red shirt and cut 95% of it off and turned it into a vest, then she put on a skirt with a lot less fur, took a blue version of her red shirt and cut the top where it maybe showed some cleavage I guess, lastly she undid her braid and then braided only some of it leaving the rest of it down.

Meanwhile in the Great Hall, Hiccup was talking to Fishlegs and Snotlout while the twins arm wrestled and Valka was dancing with Gobber funnily. Suddenly everyone stopped and gasped in amazement at a vision of beauty. Sure enough it was Astrid's beauty. Hiccup, confused why his people were gasping turned his head to see Astrid strutting past him smirking. " Well, Hello milady!" He said as he ran after her. Unfortunately for him he could never get her alone that night.

The next day however he requested her to see him in his office at the forge. He patted for her to sit on his lap. She did. " Explain to me why you feel the need to torture me? " He asked as he kissed her neck and it wasn't until he kissed her just above her chest that she gasped and pushed him away. " Hiccup!"

"What did you do that for?!" She demanded. " You don't realize how gorgeous you are do you, milady?"He smirked. She stared at him like he grew another head. He titled her head to look at him "Just remember you're mine." He said as he pulled her closer to him.

She didn't like how possessive he was being. It was kinda scary. Luckily for her, Gobber chose that moment to interrupt which gave her the perfect opportunity to run.

Later that night she was home putting dishes away when she heard a knock at the door. Answering the door, she saw Hiccup standing there with a white rose which meant " True love and purity". " Astrid I'm sorry for how I acted today. You're just so beautiful I couldn't help it-" he started getting flustered which made her giggle. "Thank you and I forgive you. " She hugged him.

He kissed her hand gently like he was afraid of creeping her out again. " May I kiss you?" He asked nervously. " You may." She nodded. Again he kissed her gently. " I'm sorry, so sorry! I never meant to hurt you." He kissed her head. " Shh it's ok I forgive you." And as she tried to reassure him for the rest of the night they fell asleep on her couch until morning came.

The End.